It's Undeniable Now

A/N- This is just a small cute well i hope its cute :3


Levi trailed his fingers over Eren's skin gently, admiring how his caramel tan was even all over his perfectly shaped body. He was relieved that Eren had forgiven him for earlier, but he still wanted to hit himself for it. He had completely forgotten about Eren's feeling and treated him like he was just there for sex when that wasn't what Levi wanted at all. Sighing softly, he kissed the sleeping boys shoulder, pulling him closer and nuzzling himself in his warmth. He jumped when his phone rang and he grumbled, knowing from the ringtone, exactly who it was. Eren woke up, groggily rubbing his eyes and cuddling into Levi, looking up at him. Levi wrapped his arm around Eren and gently traced lines on his upper arm while he answered the phone.

"What do you want?" He grumbled, kissing Eren's head. The brunette smiled softly, nuzzling his jaw.

"Judging by the hoarseness of your voice, I'm guessing you had fun last night?" Hanji asked, giggling down the phone. Levi was about to yell at her but then he felt Eren's soft kisses on his chest and he relaxed tenfold. "Anyway, are you or Eren coming in to work today?" She asked. Eren looked up with interest. He definitely wasn't going in but Levi be quite honest Eren hoped Levi stayed off with him.

"I can't come in," Levi replied flatly. Eren tried to conceal his smile, but Levi caught it and kissed him quickly, leaving the other blushing brightly.

"And why not?" she hummed, and both men could tell she had a massive smile on her face.

"Because I'm spending the day with my Pup, he needs all my attention today," Levi smirked slightly at Hanji's confused silence and hung up the phone. He looked up to see Eren suddenly straddling his hips.

"Would this Pup by any chance, be allowed a good morning kiss?" he purred. Levi raised an eyebrow but sat up and moved to kiss him, stopping just before their lips touched.

"Pups don't purr," He smirked again, pulling his hips flush against his own.

"Just kiss me you dork." He smiled and wrapped his arms around Levi's neck, kissing him softly as he felt Levi's arms slip around his waist. After a long and eventually heated kiss the two stared into each others eyes. "Anything else you want to treat me to?" he asked softly, running his hands over Levi's chest.

Levi hummed and lifted Eren swiftly, making the younger male squeak and grip onto Levi tightly. "A bath for my sweet treat," he whispered, making Eren go limp in his arms. Levi chuckled, somewhat pleased with the effect he had on him. They were both still naked and Levi couldn't put Eren down because his legs were still shaky and weak. He started running the bath, filling it with sweet scented bubbles.

Once it was full, Levi lowered them both down into the water. Eren sighed and curled up some on his lap. "This feels amazing Levi..." he breathed and kissed his chest, snuggling up to him. Levi hummed and gently started Eren, being soft and gentle and being careful with him.Eren stretched out slightly and nuzzled into Levi.

He wouldn't say it out loud, not yet anyway, but he was pretty sure the feelings he had for Levi were more than just a crush. He could tell by the way he adored every part of Levi, how he wanted him to be smiling and happy because he always looked his best with a smile. How he felt he wouldn't survive if he didn't hear his voice at least once every day and how nothing else seemed to matter when he was with this man. It was undeniable now. Undeniable, unavoidable and quite frankly a new feeling for Eren. He was in love with his boss. He was in love with Levi Ackerman.
