

A small pant escaped Erens lips and he looked up at Levi desperately, he just needed some friction that was all, but Levi was being stubborn and barely touching him.

"Dammit Levi. Please," He whined and threaded his hands into his hair, tugging lightly. What the brunette certainly didn't expect was a loud needy moan to erupt from the others throat. He smirked playfully and cherished the look on his bosses face before quickly sliding his hand down to grope the older man above him. All he got was a grunt in reply which left him pissed off.

Levi quickly pushed him to the ground when he tried to sit up in frustration. "nu uh stay down," He whispered, sending shivers through Eren's body. The raven haired male leant down and started kissing his neck roughly. He ran his hands down his body, flicking his perky nipples as his fingers passed them. Every touch, lick and kiss left Eren moaning for more, rutting up against him. To be honest Eren wouldn't mind flipping Levi over and fucking him right there and then but something in his mind told him to stay still and let himself be touched by a man that looked like he had been made by the gods. Levi made sure both him and Eren were free of clothing before he paused. Going in dry would hardly be comfortable for both of them...maybe Hanji... He quickly stood up and opened her second drawer, he took a few seconds to wonder why she had several bottles of lube in multiple different flavours -he didn't even realise there were different flavours- but he eventually shook his head and picked one at random and went back to sweet Eren who was lying with his legs oven and his cheeks flushed, watching Levi. He watched his squirt the cold liquid onto his hands, not even bothering to warm it up, and he shivered when he felt two slick cold and slender fingers slip easily inside of him. Eren threw back his head and fidgeted at the strange feeling. It made him fee; amazing but it was still hard to get used to.

"God, you're so tight..." Levi groaned. "wait...this isn't your first is it?" he looked down at the brunette with a raised eyebrow. Eren blushed madly and nodded, biting his lip. He let out a gasp when the feeling in his ass was gone. Levi was now wiping his hand and fixing his clothes.

"What?" He stammered and sat up, missing his touch.

"I'm not fucking a virgin in someone's office." He huffed. "At least try and make your first time memorable.

"Maybe getting fucked into the floor is memorable for me," He frowned but started pulling on his clothes.

"Just wait until we get home, I'll show you what memorable is," He smirked making Eren bite his lip.

How the pair managed to keep their hands off of each other while they cleared up Hanji's office, they will never know but the did it and left, as if they had never almost had sex on her floor. She seemed surprised, to say the least, but she noticed how Levi couldn't keep his eyes off of the way Eren's ass moved as he walked or how they now stood even closer to each other.

Eren and Levi both spent the day in a room full of people to try and ease the sexual tension. However, it only seemed to make things worse. Everyone else noticed the lingering touched between the two and how they kept checking their watches for the time like they couldn't wait to get home. Like they had something important that they just couldn't wait to do.

The announcement that he could go home was like heaven to Eren and he was about to turn to lift his things when he was stopped by Levi. "They are already in my car," he said flatly and dragged Eren out of the building to his car.

(heheehe I'm evil no smut just yet its like 2 am and i have school in the morning so i just decided to make some almost smut)
