"What do you mean who, don't play stupid with me Tao!"


  J E O N  J U N G K O O K

"Where is she!?" I shouted as I threw all my belongings on the ground. "S-She's not here, she l-left two hours earlier with a man." She says as my eyes widened. I grabbed my phone and called my hyung's.

After telling them what happened I sped off to Tao's house.


"Open the fucking door!" I punched the wooden door hard. "Hurry the fuck up!" I shouted in rage as the door finally opened.

"Woah there mister—" I grabbed his collar, "Where is she?!" I asked as he looked at me.


"What do you mean who, don't play stupid with me Tao!" I slammed him to the ground.

"I have no fucking idea what you're talking about!" He pushed me off of him harshly, "I-If you didn't then...." my eyes widened as I ran to my car.

"Fuck Y/n, where are you!" I slammed my hands on the steering wheel.

My phone rang and I instantly picked it up, "Come to the abandon factory in Busan, if you want her to live." A voice said and ended the call right after.

I started my car and rushed to Busan.
