"I promise I won't do it again Noona."


J E O N  J U N G K O O K

I stood outside hyung's door nervously as I placed my hand on the doorknob, debating whether or not to go inside or go back to my room.

I took a deep breath and opened the door, there I saw a figure wrapped in blankets. I quietly chuckled as I tiptoed towards her.

Her body was wrapped in blankets while her face was on the edge of the bed, I gently lifted her head onto the pillow and smiled. I sat on the edge of the bed still admiring her sleeping figure, realizing what I came for I sighed and stood up. I walked towards the door until I heard a voice.

"Say what you wanna say." She said before yawning. "Weren't you just sleeping?" I asked, glancing at her. "I was until you moved my head." I chuckled at her cute glare.

"Sorry, I didn't want you to fall off." I said sheepishly, "More like fall for you." She said underneath her breath but I heard it and looked at her. "W-What?" I stuttered, trying to clarify what she said.

"Nothing!" She quickly said as she shook her head, I looked at her suspiciously before speaking up.

"I came here to apologize for my thoughtless actions, I didn't know that you really cared for me. I wasn't thinking clearly at the moment, and I promise I won't do it again.." she looked at me as she wanted me to say more.

"I promise I won't do it again noona." I said as she smiled, "Now that's more like it." I nudged her, making her chuckle along with me.

"Kookie-ah" she called me as I looked at her, nodding my head.

"I know you want to protect me but.." she looked into my eyes, "Sometimes in life, things don't go as planned. There will always be hardships and easy paths but life is never easy." I nodded, telling her to continue.

"If you want me to be happy then don't try to dig up my past, okay?" she says as I shook my head. "Why can't I know about Tao?" I asked as she sighed.

"Because he's dangerous." She says shortly.

"That means I should know about him, so I can protect you," I argue back.

"I said he's dangerous okay!" She shouts as I was shocked by her outburst. "Let's just drop this topic, hmm?" She asks as I just nodded, not wanting her to get even madder than before.
