"Roles have been reversed."


He was assigned a mission to kill her, knowing him he thought he would get it done in a matter of seconds—but that's where he was wrong.

The brunette male walked into the ballroom, his footsteps echoing the room as he wandered around looking for his victim.

The mayor's daughter, Choi Y/n, who was only 21 years old. His head tilted upwards as he glanced at the marble staircase, waiting for his next victim to show up.

As soon as he looked away—the sounds of clapping could be heard. He was oddly amused by the number of people cheering for her. He stood there silently, wondering how they would react when they found her dead.

A small smirk formed on his lips as he chuckled to himself while looking back up.

There she was, in a silky red dress that revealed her shoulders, and hugged her curves tightly. He studied her subtle movements as she greeted the guest, smiling and shaking their hands.

A grin crept onto his lips when he saw how vulnerable and fragile she looked. Jungkook quietly waited until the end of the event to make his move.

Once he saw his chance, he glanced at their surroundings and roughly pushed her into a room, making sure to close the door.

Before he could come to his senses, unexpectedly a loud shout echoed throughout the room as he grunts in pain. He found himself straddled by the female, both of her legs beside him.

A smirk plasters her lips as she traps the unknown guy in between her knees, the tear on her dress allowing her to do so.

A sharp object presses onto the male's neck as her finger teasingly plays with his black suit tie.

Slowly she leans in, the knife on her hold pressing is neck as she whispers beside his ear.

"Roles have been reversed."

A deep chuckle escapes his mouth, his leg shifted upwards as his left foot was planted on the ground.

Confused, she sits up, meeting his hooded eyes. Finding herself uncomfortable from his scary laugh, she unknowingly loosens her grip on the knife.

"Not quite sweets."

Almost instantly, she finds her back colliding with the cold floor with him on top of her. With the knife she was once holding was held against her skin.

"Now I've got you exactly where I wanted."


Thank you guys for reading this, please make sure to vote and comments. Also a big thanks to LaikaTaehyung for giving me this book idea.
