"Please come back Jungkook."


C H O I Y / N

I glanced at the door constantly, waiting for Jungkook to show. I sighed and slumped onto the sofa. I closed my eyes slowly, until I heard a  loud thump by the door. I stood up and rushed to the door, hoping it was him.

"Please come back Jungkook."

I opened the door and saw a bloody, passed out  Jungkook on the ground. I gasped and shouted for the others. "Jungkook!" I cried as I held in my arms. I pulled him closer, and reached for his wrist.

He's breathing at least..

I grunted as I tried to lift him on my lap, I let my hands travel down his body, looking for wounds.

I shouted at I saw a deep cut on his stomach, he was bleeding a lot. I decided to take matters into my own hands, not wanting for the others.

I lifted his shirt up slightly, and I ripped my shirt at the bottom then I lightly wrapped it around his stomach, pushing down so he wouldn't lose too much blood.

"What happened?.." I mumbled underneath my breath.

I held down on his stomach, waiting for the others to get back home from the store.

Seconds passed, and turned into minutes. Leaving me breathless and tired from holding this bandage too long, I knew I would pass out from being too dehydrated and from overworking myself.

I took in a deep breath before closing my eyes slowly, I heard a car engine shut down nearby.

I opened my eyes and saw the others get out of the car, staring at me with wide eyes.

They rushed towards me as I gently let go of Jungkook's bandage and lifted his head up slowly. As soon as I stood up, I felt myself get dizzy.

"Jung—" I started speaking and took a step towards the door, falling into someone's arms.
