"I miss you so much noona."



Days went by quickly, ever since that night. I haven't talked to Y/n in over two weeks because we were so busy. Noona went back to work while the rest of us tried to figure out her dad's plans, Yoongi was noona's bodyguard for now as I secretly watched Tao to make sure he wasn't doing anything.

I sighed and laid down on my bed, wishing noona was here. "I miss you noona," I said into my pillow as tears started to fall.

"I miss you too Kookie-ah." I felt arms around my waist, and a person laying beside me. I quickly turned around to face them, "Noona!" I shouted as I hugged her.

"Geez, didn't know you missed me that much." She chuckled as I just stayed in her embrace.

"I missed you so much noona," I mumbled into her chest, her hands caressed my head as I hugged her tighter.

"Me too, I missed you so much that I thought I would die." Her fingers roamed my back, trying to stop my hiccups.

"Way to ruin the moment." She laughs, making me laugh as well.

"Sorry, it's just that sometimes when I cry I start to hiccup." I sheepishly say, still hiccuping.

She let me go and looked into my eyes, scaring me. "W-What's wrong noona?" I nervously asked.

She suddenly cupped my cheeks, kissing me passionately as my hiccups finally stopped.

"I didn't think that would work." She smiled as I blushed, flustered.

"Awwwe, is my baby blushing?" She squeezes my cheeks, making me turn red.

"Yah! I'm not a baby." I pouted, looking at her with baby eyes. She nudged me, and chuckled.

"Yeah, you're right." She says cutely as I smiled. Wondering how I got so lucky with her.

"Because you're my baby." She kissed me again.
