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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ๐ด๐ท๐ธ๐ฟ๐ด๐ผ๐ท๐ธ woke up beside her brother the morning after the funeral. She was curled into his side as they both laid onto top the covers. They had each broken down last night, crying over the death of their aunt and John. They had each other though, which made it more bearable. Elena had distanced herself in her own room, wanting to be alone while the other two didn't want to be alone. She sighed softly at her brother before getting off the bed and making her way to her own room to get ready. She threw on a pair of black leggings, a grey crop top and her black leather jacket before slipping her white sneakers on. It was comfy and simple but looked like she had put a small amount of effort in. She didn't want to mope around wearing baggy jumpers and leggings for weeks.

She threw her hair into a pony tail, before applying a small amount of makeup to cover up her extremely red cheeks and bags under her eyes. She sighed, looking at her self in the mirror as she brushed her teeth. Passing Jeremy's room she feared that she would break down after walking past Jenna's. She bit her lip as she stopped to stare inside. The bed was made and definitely hadn't been slept in for the past two nights, while Jenna may seem like a person who would have a messy room, it was actually very well kept and clean. She didn't have any clothes all over the room, or anything in odd places. Not being able to take any more of it, Adelaide began to descend the stairs, deciding to make herself and Jeremy some blueberry pancakes and some waffles as she knew Elena had already left. Later on was the Movie in the Square and Elena was making them all go. They were playing Gone With the Wind, and Jeremy was far from pleased with the movie choice. People were either dressed in their own clothes or dresses from the era the movie was set in as people littered the lawn just outside of the Grill.

"You brought me to see a girl movie." Jeremy complained as he and Adelaide walked along side Elena, who was carrying the blanket for them to sit on.

"We had to get out of the house, Jer." Elena told their brother, sighing. "This is our three-hour distraction from reality."

"Is that what we're doing? Pretending like our lives aren't screwed?" He sassed back, turning to face Elena as the three stopped on an empty section of grass.

"We need to do this, okay?" Elena didn't leave him any room for arguing.

"I agree with Elena." Adelaide spoke up, "But I also agree with Jeremy that this film is a girly movie." Adelaide smiled at her brother while he nodded enthusiastic that she had at least agreed about the movie choice. Elena rolled her eyes at the two but were glad they were able to manage smiles without forcing them.

"You are a girl Ads," Elena reminded her sister, chucking the blanket out before straightening it.

"And that's supposed to mean I love girly films?" Adelaide retorted.

"Breathe, eat, sleep, wake up, and do it all over again until one day, it's just not as hard anymore." Elena then went on to stay as she frowned slightly.

"Hey, there you guys are." Adelaide looked up to see her favourite blonde bounce her way over to them. Caroline was carrying two picnic baskets and Adelaide was definitely excited to see what food she had brought, even though she had had a stack of pancakes only a few hours ago.

"Who's hungry?" Caroline sang as she placed the baskets down onto the blanket.

"Me." Adelaide immediately put her hand up.

"You had a pile of pancakes this morning and a large bag of crisps on the way here. How can you be so hungry?" Jeremy teased his sister who rolled her eyes in response.

"The question is how does she stay so skinny when all she does is eat and she's lazy." Elena smirked at her.
"What is it? Bully Adelaide day?" The girl huffed while the other three laughed. This was what they needed. A distraction and time to hang out with each other - and it was working, taking their minds off recent events.

"Are we really doing this?" Jeremy sighed, not wanting to be there.

"Yes, we are really doing this." Caroline stood straight as she kept her voice happy and cheerful but stern as she looked at Jeremy. "We are going to take a page from Scarlett. We made it through the war. I know you guys went through hell, my mom knows I am a vampire, so basically it's like Atlanta has burned. And yet, in spite of everything, we persevere." She threw her first into the air as she sat on her knees on the blanket, wearing a wide grin which Adelaide always thought lit Caroline's face up.

"All right." Jeremy sighed as he finally gave in and sat down. "What are we eating?" He asked.

"Something good." Caroline said as she began to take all the food she had brought out of the picnic baskets. Adelaide gave her brother a side hug, sending him a smile which he returned softly.

"Hey," Stefan walked up towards them a little while later.

"Het," Elena greeted her boyfriend back, happy. The movie had yet to start but they had gotten there early so they could find a good spot. "Look who couldn't resist an epic romance." Elena teased him.

"Will you come take a walk with me? You two Ads?" Adelaide shared a confused look with Elena before she shrugged and stood up, dusting her leggings off.

"You're breaking the rules, you know." Elena told Stefan as he pulled her up. "Movie night's supposed to be a distraction." Elena and Stefan held hands while Adelaide hooked her arm with Stefan's as they walked away from the group. "Tomorrow we can return to our regularly scheduled drama."

"I know I wish this could wait, but it can't." Adelaide frowned at Stefan's tone. This was serious. He stopped, causing the two girls to also stop as they turned to face him.

"Listen, um, the other night when Damon was helping Tyler," Adelaide remembered that night, "something happened. Tyler was starting to transform-" Stefan tried to find the right words. "And Damon was bitten." Adelaide felt her eyes go wide. She stumbled back a bit as she gasped.

"What?" The word fell from her lips.

"Is it... is he gonna..." Elena trailed off, not being able to think straight after being given the news. Both the girls knew what it meant when a vampire was bitten by a werewolf.

"Yeah." Stefan whispered, nodding his head.

"Oh, my God. And he came to the house this morning and... and tried to apologise. I practically slammed the door in his face." Elena explained as her face fell.

"He told me not to tell you, especially Adelaide, but I figured if you wanted to talk to him, I... I wouldn't wait." Adelaide tried her hardest not to cry. He had promised her he would never leave her.

"He promised." She whispered, while Stefan sent her a sympathetic glance, knowing what Damon and promised the girl.

"It's not over." Stefan denied quickly, cutting his girlfriend off. "There might be a cure, but I have to find Klaus to get it." Adelaide already knew what she was going to do. She was going with Stefan whether he liked it or not.

"No. He's gonna kill you." Elena instantly shook her head.

"No, he had the chance to kill me, but he didn't." Stefan disagreed.

"Besides, I'm going with him." Adelaide told her sister.

"What? No way, Adelaide. You are not putting yourself in that kind of danger." Elena ordered her sister.

"A, you don't control me. And B, Klaus seems to like me," she wasn't sure the word 'like' was the right word but it's what she said at the time.

"Elena... I think Adelaide's right. I think she should come with me." They both turned to the younger Salvatore, both shocked.

"What?" Elena frowned.

"Wait, really?" Adelaide said at the same time as her sister, her voice going an octave higher.

"Whatever Damon's done, whatever has led him here, I'm the one that made him become a vampire in the first place, so if there's a chance for a cure, I owe it to him to find it." Stefan explained to his girlfriend, ignoring both hers and Adelaide's surprised looks. "And Adelaide... Klaus seems to not want to her hurt. I think she'll be safe coming with me." He took a small glance towards Adelaide as Elena brought him in for a hug.

"Go talk to him. Just tell him that there's still hope." Stefan offered to his girlfriend who nodded.ย 

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I know it's short, but I like to split chapters up when I think the scene has ended nicely and or on a cliff hanger. And I actually can't believe how much I've written these past few days. I don't know why I ever stopped writing this story for a long time.ย 

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