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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ๐ด little while later she spotted Damon taking over Stefan's job at dancing with Elena and she almost laughed at his idiotic dance moves. Her eyes flickered to where she saw Caroline and Matt, having just entered the dance. She stood at the side, watching people dance to the music as she lost herself in her thoughts. That was until Jeremy appeared at her side, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked her brother softly.

"Yeah," he wasn't very convincing.

"Are you sure?" She further asked, trying to get more information out of him.

"I said I'm fine, Ads." He didn't technically snap at her, but it did sound a little harsh.

"Okay. Where's Bonnie?" She asked him, seen as though she was his date. Damon had filled Adelaide in on what was going to happen tonight, with Bonnie trying to kill Klaus. But Damon hadn't told her that Bonnie would die from it, and the raven haired vampire was going to keep it that way. He was starting to care about Elena's sister - she was like an annoying, pain in the ass younger sister.

"What are they up to?" Elena came over and asked as she looked over to Damon and Bonnie dancing, which was where Jeremy and Adelaide were looking.

"Who knows?" Jeremy shrugged.

"Is there something going on, Jer? Are you okay?" Elena asked, seeming suspicious.

"Fine. I'm fine." He snapped at Elena before storming away. Adelaide stared after him, wondering why he was in such a mood.

"Hey, everything all right?" Stefan came up behind his girlfriend.

"I'm not sure." Elena told him, as she looked to where Jeremy had just left. Adelaide turned to share a confused look with Elena while Stefan volunteered to go see if Jeremy was okay.

Adelaide stood around the dance, off to the side, watching everyone smile and have no idea that the supernatural existed. She would have been like that if she hadn't off been so nosy. Elena had left her to go and find Stefan a little while ago and it was only when she heard her name being called that she turned around to see her said sister, walking towards her.

"Did you know?" Elena demanded as she stood in front of Adelaide.

"Did I know what?" Adelaide quizzed, confused.

"If Bonnie takes on Klaus, channeling all that energy's gonna kill her." Elena told her, her voice cracking slightly.

"What?" Now, Adelaide had always been a little closer to Caroline rather than Bonnie, seen as though Bonnie was Elena's best friend. But she still didn't want her friend to die, saving herself and Elena in the process. "No. She can't," she shook her head, trying to convince herself it wasn't true.

"Yeah, well Jeremy's just told Stefan, who told me." Elena nearly broke down crying.

"Let's go find Bon," Adelaide suggested and they went to find their witchy friend.

After seeking out Bonnie the two sisters eventually found her. Bonnie was stood watching Damon dancing with two girls, amused with his actions.

"We need to talk to you." Elena told Bonnie, standing next to her and whispering slightly. They lead Bonnie away to where not many people were.

"How could you not tell me?" Elena demanded, as she stormed off with Bonnie following, and Adelaide trailing behind.

"Us." Adelaide corrected, crossing her arms over her chest.ย 
"Because I knew how'd you react." Bonnie responded.

"No. No way, it's not an option." Elena denied while Adelaide agreed with her sister.

"It's our only option." Bonnie said, in a low voice.

"Then we'll find another way, okay?" Adelaide spoke up. "Bonnie, you're not dying to save our lives." Her voice was softer this time.

"I have the power to save you both. If I don't use it and something happens, that would kill me." Bonnie tried to explain but neither of the Gilbert sisters were having any of it.

"We can't let you." Elena tilted her head to the side, as tears gathered in her eyes.

"Just answer one question." Bonnie said, "If the situation was reversed would you do it for me?" The questions left both the girls speachless. Of course they would - if it meant saving Bonnie, or any of their friends. "So you know why I have to." They did know. But it still didn't mean they liked it and were okay with the plan.ย 

"No. No." Elena finally spoke up, still not agreeing to it. Adelaide wrapped her arms around herself, not wanting to cry herself.

"Adelaide, Elena." Alaric interrupted them, running towards the three girls.

"What is it?" Adelaide asked, confused.

"He has Jeremy." Alaric spoke up and Adelaide raised an eyebrow.

"What?" She almost couldn't manage to get the words out.

"Yeah, Klaus has Jeremy. Come on." Alaric lead them through a black door into the school, where they ended up in abandoned hallway. The music was barely heard as the door shut behind them and they rushed to find Jeremy.

"Okay, so where are you taking us?" Elena asked Ric, as they ran through the corridor, all three girls worrying their asses off for Jeremy.

"Just a little further." Alaric said, and Adelaide had a strange feeling about all of this.

"Wait... Something's not right." She stopped and spoke up, Elena and Bonnie also stopping.

"Where's Jeremy?" Bonnie demanded, but the response she got was not at all what the three girls were expecting. Alaric chuckled.

"I just had to get away from that dance." He said, and turned around to face them. "The '60s. Ugh. Not my decade." He scoffed. "Ha, ha. I mean, whose call was that, anyway? I much prefer the '20s. You know, the style, the parties, the jazz." He explained with a smirk on his face. Adelaide took a step back as his eyes flickered from Elena to Bonnie and then finally to her, where his eyes stayed for a few seconds longer than when he looked at the other two.

"Alaric. Are you on vervain?" Elena's question brought his attention back to her.

"Now, why would you ask me that question, Elena?" He asked, walking a few steps closer, sounding almost offended.

"He's being compelled." Elena told Bonnie and Adelaide, as Alaric smirked at them.

"Nope. Try again." He almost cheered, happily. He was definitely not Alaric.ย 

"What's going on?" Adelaide demand, narrowing her eyes at who she had thought was their history teacher.

"Okay, I'll give you a hint." Alaric scoffed. "I am not Alaric." He said, which didn't make any sense to any of the girls.

"What?" The small whisper left Adelaide's lips as she thought of what he could possibly mean. "Klaus." Realisation finally spread through to her brain just as the name came from her lips.

"Surprise." He cheered, smirking.

"Oh, no." a small gasp left Elena. This was not expected. And it would totally ruin any plans they had prepared.

"No, it's not possible." Elena shook her head.

"Just relax, Elena. I'm not here to hurt you. You're not on my hit list tonight. And I would never hurt darling Adelaide." Klaus told Elena, trying to use a soft voice, but failing. Adelaide stepped back as he turned to Bonnie. "But you are." His voice hardened as he stared at the witch. He charged at Bonnie but she flung her hand out and used her magic to shove him into a wall.

"Now, did I mention that I know a witch? You're gonna have to hit me a lot harder than that." He said, and came charging at her again. But Bonnie did as he said and used more of her magic, this time sending him all the way down the corridor and into the glass trophy case at the end. He let out a crazy laugh as he got up from the floor, and the sound of glass breaking was heard. Adelaide felt a small pain take over her body and she groaned slightly, and went to the wall to hold onto it and keep herself up.

"By all means, fire away. If you kill this body, I'll just get a new one." He told Bonnie, gesturing to Alaric's body, "Maybe Jeremy." He suggested, which sent a surge of anger to run through Adelaide's body. She stood up straighter as she glared at Klaus.

"Go." Bonnie demand and when the Gilbert girls didn't move she yelled, "Run. Run." She shoved Elena towards the door and Adelaide followed. Bonnie slammed the door shut behind them as they ran. Klaus didn't seem to be following them however.

"What happened?" Damon asked, worriedly, as they ran into him.

"Klaus is in Alaric's body." Adelaide explained.

"What?" Damon raised an eyebrow as he scoffed.

"He's possessing it or something." Elena rushed out her words, nearly choking on them.

"Go find Stefan. Now." He told the two Gilbert sisters and they ran off as Damon went to find Bonnie and Klaus.ย 

"Hey, are you okay?" Caroline asked them as they bumped into the blonde, looking around frantically for Elena's boyfriend.

"Um, yeah." Elena stuttered, as the twin sisters felt like they couldn't breath. "We're just - we're looking for Stefan." She told the blonde girl, who was joined by a confused but worried looking Matt.

"Seriously, what's wrong?" Coraline asked, in a high pitched voice.

"Uh, just - Just, um, stay with Matt, okay?" Adelaide told her best friend before her and Elena were off rushing to find Stefan again.

Once finding Stefan, they began to lead him to where they last saw Klaus but along the way they bumped into Damon.

"There you are." Damon said as he turned a corner, seeing both the Gilbert sisters and his brother, who did not know about the plan he and Bonnie had secretly planned.

"What are you doing? Where's Bonnie?" Elena asked him, quickly.

"She's doing what she has to do." Damon made it seem as if Bonnie was really going to die. Before anything could be said a blood curling scream left Adelaide's lips as she crouched down and held her hand in pain. It felt like someone had twisted her hand. It then felt like it had been twisted back into place and fixed but still hurt, then the same happened to her shoulder where another groan left her lips.

"Adelaide?!" Elena yelled, confused but worried as she rushed to her sister. "What's happening?"

"I'm fine. Get to Bonnie." She said through gritted teeth and stood back up, trying to ignore the pain.

"Where is she?" Stefan then asked his brother, after turning from Adelaide to Damon.

"Stefan, let her do this." Damon told his brother, not wanting Stefan to interfere because he wanted to be the hero.

"Damn it, where is she?" Stefan yelled, loosing his patience. Elena, Adelaide and Stefan ran to where they last saw Klaus with Damon following them. They reached the hallway where the broken trophy case was and heard loud noises coming from the room beside it. They rushed to the doors and tried to get inside but just as they made it to them, Bonnie slammed them shut using her magic. Sparks where flying everywhere as she used all her magic to try and kill Klaus.

"Bonnie, no!" Elena yelled, breathing heavily as she began to bash her hand against the door window. Klaus was on the floor and Adelaide felt like she couldn't breath as Bonnie turned to give them both one last look as the vending machines all began to explode in the room.

"No!" Both twins let out screams as all the sparks stopped flying, and all the lights went off as their friend fell to the floor. Klaus had disappeared but they didn't care as they rushed over to their witchy friend.

"Bonnie, Bonnie. Bonnie, Bonnie, hey, hey." They kept repeating and he knelt down next to her at either sides, trying to get her to wake up, but knowing deep down she wouldn't. Adelaide didn't want to believe it.

"Stefan, she's not breathing." Adelaide cried as she checked for Bonnie's pulse but found none.

"Stefan. Stefan, I can't find her pulse, Stefan. Do something, please. Stefan, please." Elena kept begging as she sobbed and moved over to Adelaide to give her a side hug.

"Just give her blood, do something, please." Elena told him, crying.

"It's too late. I'm sorry." Stefan voiced, feeling like he wanted to cry too.

"No. No. No, no, no. Bonnie. Bonnie, please, no. No, no, no." neither of the girls wanted to believe it at all. They didn't, they couldn't. Bonnie was not supposed to die for them.ย 

"Stefan, get Adelaide and Elena out of here." Damon told his brother, standing behind them all. "I'll deal with the body."

"Deal with it?" Elena scoffed as she stood up to face Damon.

"The sheriff can't know about this. Last thing we need is a mysterious death." Damon tried to explain to them.

"This is Bonnie." Adelaide spoke up, wiping her eyes as she stood up, glaring at Damon for letting Bonnie go through with this.

"Get them home. Now. So I can clean this up." Adelaide glared at the raven haired vampire and stormed out of the room.

Adelaide had been waiting by the car for Stefan and Elena and once they arrived, with Stefan practically carrying Elena, they drove to the Salvatore Boarding House.

"Hey. Here, drink this." Stefan greeted them both softly as he handed them both a drink, they shook their heads however. Adelaide stayed quiet as she stared at the floor.

"I can't." She heard Elena sob.

"Yeah. Yeah, you can. Please drink this." He tried to persuade his girlfriend, placing the drink he made for Adelaide onto the coffee table.

"This is my fault." Elena tried to place the blame on her.

"No, no, no. No. Hey. This was Klaus. Listen to me. Klaus did this." Stefan tried to convince Elena that it wasn't her fault, while also glancing at Adelaide every now and then, like he was also telling her this. They then heard the door open. Adelaide knew it was Damon, without even looking up.

"What did you do with her?" Elena stood up, demanding.

"Will you please calm her down?" Damon told Stefan, not wanting to deal with Elena.

"Don't talk like I'm not standing right in front of you." Elena snapped at him.

"Please calm down." Damon pleaded.

"You knew. Didn't you? You knew that if she harnessed all that power, she would die, didn't you?" Elena cried.

"Yes. Yes, I knew." Before Damon could explain Elena let out a noise and slapped Damon across the face, making his head whip to the side from the impact. Adelaide looked up, feeling almost emotionless.

"You need to listen to me and prepare for what I'm about to say." Damon spoke up, trying to not get angry at Elena. "Bonnie had to die. Klaus using Alaric's body was a total surprise. She wasn't prepared for that. And he wasn't going to stop." His voice was soft, to say that Elena had just slapped him. "And we weren't gonna be able to stop him until he knew she was dead. He had to believe it." He waited a second before carrying on, "She cast a spell." Adelaide felt her eyes go wide from the news as Damon let it sink into all three of their brains. "Bonnie's okay." He finally said, and Elena stopped sobbing and Adelaide sat up straight, now paying full attention.

"Well, uh why don't you tell her yourself?" They heard Jeremy say as he turned to laptop around the face Bonnie. They were currently using video chat to make sure that Bonnie was actually alive and well.

"Bonnie." Adelaide felt a wave of happiness and relief spread through her.

"Adelaide, Elena. I'm so sorry." Bonnie started to apologise which was unnecessary.

"It's okay, it's okay. We just needed to see you for ourselves." Adelaide explained, feeling tears come to her eyes. Happy tears this time.

"There wasn't enough time for me to tell you." Bonnie tried to explain as she cried.

"It's okay, seriously. Damon explained it all." Elena shrugged, as the three girls had a heart felt conversation.ย 

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