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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ๐ด๐น๐‘‡๐ธ๐‘… Adelaide hadn't returned any of Elena or Stefan's calls or text messages, the brunette doppelgรคnger had become worried. She had been trying to keep the Supernatural away from Adelaide's knowledge, not wanting to get her sister involved. It was bad enough that her younger brother was involved. But it had been hard, so she had decided to distance herself and make everyone else distance themselves too. But, only now was Elena starting to realise that maybe that wasn't the best idea. She knew that Adelaide was bound to find out someway at sometime. But she didn't expect it to be like this. God, she wasn't even sure Adelaide believed vampires were real she might have just thought they were all crazy or she was going crazy herself. All Elena knew was that she had to find her sister before having to go to this Lockwood thing Jenna had told her she needed to go too. So, she sent Damon and Stefan to try and help find Adelaide. She asked them to follow her scent, more so Damon because he was stronger at using his vampire senses than Stefan, and Adelaide was one of the few people Damon surprisingly cared about.ย 

Half an hour later, Damon found Adelaide's car wrecked and inside was the bleeding, unconscious Gilbert with shattered glass covering her - a few odd pieces stuck in her hand and forehead. Instead of taking her to the hospital like any normal person would do, Damon and bit into his wrist and shoved it to her mouth, letting his blood slide down her throat, he picked the glass from her hands and forehead so the cut's would heal as well. She started to heal, but didn't wake up. He called his brother to inform him where he was and that he was with Adelaide, and then he called Elena to tell her that he would be taking her sister to the Salvatore Boarding House. He carefully picked the girl up, using his vampire speed to get to the Salvatore house.

Adelaide woke up about an hour later with a migraine. She sat up and arched her back to stretch, rubbing her forehead with her hand. She opened her eyes to see that she was in the Salvatore Boarding House, and was laid on a couch. Her mind was a bit fuzzy but she tried to remember everything the best she could. She had been at home, painting, when she had heard voices coming from downstairs. She had tried to investigate, being the nosy and curious person she is, and saw not only Elena and John but Stefan and Isobel were there as well. A bunch of confusing things had been mentioned. Something about someone called Klaus trying to find Elena. Something about needing a safe house. She let out a panicked gasp when she remembered what they had also been talking about. John had mentioned the word vampires and didn't seem like he was joking. All she remembered after that was being in the car and losing control. She reached her hand up to her forehead trying to run her finger over any cuts she had felt before falling unconscious. The cut that was supposed to be on her forehead was gone, she didn't feel a thing. She checked her body for any scratches from the glass but found none. She was completely healed. Had the crash ever even happened? If not why was she here?ย 

"Well, look who's finally awake." A voice came from behind her. It was female. And sounded a lot like Elena's. Her head whipped around and there she saw Elena watching her, with an alcoholic drink in.

"Elena?" Adelaide's voice was croaky as it was dry and felt like sandpaper.
"Wrong. Guess again." The girl smirked. And that was when Adelaide knew that it couldn't have been Elena, but who else could it have been. It looked exactly like her sister. And her voice sounded the same as well. She shrugged, not knowing who she was.

"You don't know." The girls face fell and a look of realisation spread across it, before it turned back to a smirk.

"Know what?" Adelaide asked, standing up and standing in a defensive position.ย 

"Everything. There is so much that you don't know that has been right under your nose." The girl smirked at her.

"Like how vampires are real?" The Gilbert asked, knowing she sounded insane.

"Oh, honey. You're looking right at one." Adelaide felt fear run though her body.

"Stay away from me," she began to back away but then she felt and heard a gust of wind and her back hit something. Or well, someone. She quickly turned and saw the girl who looked exactly like Elena right in from of her.

"How?" She asked, trailing off.

"Like I said, I'm a vampire." The girl told her, "I'm surprised you don't know anything. Haven't the Salvatore brothers roped you into all this mess, like they did with Elena?" The girl walked away, to fill her drink back up. "I'm Katherine by the way."

"Why are you here? Where's Stefan or Damon? Or Elena?" her voice was rushed and panicked. She rubbed her neck and took a few steps away from the wall, but kept her distance from Katherine.ย 

"I don't know. Damon came here and placed you on the couch. All he told me was to make sure you were okay and safe." Katherine said, turning back to face Adelaide. "And you are, so..." Katherine gestured towards her.

"So...?" Adelaide was confused.

"Aren't you going to go?" Katherine asked her.

"No." Adelaide shrugged, "I don't want to talk to Elena right now. I'm going to wait for Damon. I want some answers."

"Okay, well. I'm going to go. Bye now." And then she was gone, leaving Adelaide alone in the Salvatore Boarding house, where she was going to wait for someone who can give her the answers she wants.

About an hour later, after looking around the Salvatore House she heard a loud thud come from the entrance. She walked from the living room to where the door was and saw Damon. And John's dead looking body on the floor.

"Oh my god, John." She rushed to check on him but Damon held her back.

"He's going to be fine." He told her. She fought to get out of his arms and pushed him away.

"You. You're involved with this. I want answers. And I want them now." Adelaide pointed her finger at him. He just rolled his eyes and ignored her, walking past the Gilbert and started to head upstairs. She followed him though.

"Damon, I want some answers. No. I need answers. So if you would please listen..." she was cut off as a door slammed shut in her face. She groaned and banged on the door, "you can't ignore me forever Damon."

"Yes, I can. I'm immortal. Remember. Or have you forgot seen as though you only found out a few hours ago." Damon's reply came from inside the what seemed to be a bathroom, with the sound of a running tap also hearable.

"Why and how would I be able to forget what has just happened?!" she didn't get an answer, "well, you can't stay in there forever." She said, crossing her arms over her chest, while speaking to the door.

"Watch me." He responded and she scoffed. She then barely heard Damon's phone ringing.

"Stefan? How'd I beat you and Elena home?" Damon's voice sounded through the door. Adelaide didn't know what was said on the other end of the phone but it didn't seem to be good because the next thing she knew Damon was throwing something around and she heard a lot of clattering before he was repeating "no, no, no," in a pissed voice. And then there was more smashing and clattering.

"Damon? What's going on?" Adelaide asked, worried, with her hands on the door. She didn't get a reply but not a moment later the door was bust open and she stumbled backwards. Damon came rushing out of the door, and down the stairs. She gained her balance quickly and followed him.

"Where are you going?" She asked when she noticed him getting his jacket.

"You." He turned to point at her, "stay put."

"Woof." he rolled his eyes at her.

"Just stay here."

"No." She said and shook her head.

"Yes," Damon mocked her voice.

"I'm coming with you." She was stubborn.

"God, why do you have to be so stubborn. Look, if you stay here I'll give you answers after, okay?" He asked her and she took a moment to consider it.

"Fine," she grumbled and watched as Damon nodded and walked out of the door going god knows where.

Once again she had been left alone in the Salvatore Boarding House, and this time she was bored out of her mind. She sat on the couch, looking up at the clock which was perched on top of the old fashioned fireplace, smack bang centre. She watched the hands tick by as every second passed. She had no idea where her phone was and for some reason she couldn't find a TV in Stefan and Damon's house. Only one that looked like a large box with a grey screen but she couldn't work out how to use it for the life of her. There was no remote and had antennas coming from the top of it, pointing upwards. She guessed it was for the signal. Let out her three millionth sigh from that one hour she had been left alone, silence was her only response. John was still out cold, and it was slightly creeping her out. Damon had said he was fine but when she gone to check on him, he still looked lifeless and she couldn't find a pulse. She was sure John wasn't a vampire, but you never know. Anything could be possible at the moment.

She was bored but she didn't even think about leaving as an option because Damon had said he would give her answers if she stayed put. What was he even doing? He sounded pissed earlier. And where were Stefan and Elena?

After a while she got up from the couch and decided to find some food from the kitchen. Nearly all of the cupboards were empty.

"Who doesn't have any fucking food?" She asked, talking to no one in general.

"Vampires," a voice said from behind her. She quickly turned around and bumped her hip into the corner of the work top, hissing in pain. Damon stood in front of her with his signature smirk.

"Come on, you said you wanted answers." She nodded and followed him into the living room where she saw Elena and Stefan waiting for her.

"So..." she said in try and break the tension when she sat on the couch furthest from them all. She watched as Elena shared a look with both Stefan and Damon before turning to her, she was about to open her mouth but Damon spoke up first.

"We're vampires. Simple." He shrugged and pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on to make himself a drink of bourbon, which Katherine had drank earlier.

"No, that is not simple." She snapped, "How are vampire's real?" She told them.

"Well, we are. You want proof?" Damon asked her, putting his drink back down on the table and then he rushed at her with fast speed and had her pinned against the wall with his hand wrapped around her neck. She felt fear rise within her.

"Damon, let her go." She heard Elena's voice tell him and slowly he did so. Adelaide gasped for air as he dropped her to the ground, and she rubbed her now sorer neck.

"Now do you believe me?" Damon asked, she just glared at him.

"I didn't need any proof, you twat. The girl who looked like Elena was here earlier."ย 

"Addy..." Elena once again began but she cut her off.

"No. You do not get to call me that," she snapped at her, "how could you keep this from me?" She asked, her voice cracking. "I thought..." she lost her voice for a second, "I though sisters, twins, were supposed to tell each other everything. Especially something as big as this." She gestured to Stefan and Damon. "How long have you know?"

"A few weeks after I met Stefan." Elena answered truthfully, breaking in deeply and not able to look Adelaide in the eye.

"So, months then. You've known for that long?"

"Adelaide, I was only trying to -"

"No, don't you dare say you were trying to protect me. God, I can't believe this is happening." She groaned, running her hand through her hair, knowing she was messing it up but she didn't care. It was all too much to cope.

"How many others are there?" She asked.

"How many what?" Elena asked.

"Vampires, you idiot." Adelaide said, annoyance dripping from her words.

"We don't know." She shrugged, trying to stay calm and collected in front of her panicking sister.

"Well, tell me who you do know." Adelaide told them.

"Well, there's obviously Damon and Stefan and then Katherine. Caroline is a vampire too." Elena stated.

"And, Isobel." Damon pointed out, "you know... Elena's mother, and therefore, your mother."

"What?" She asked as all the oxygen from her body left, making it hard for her to breath. She was having a panic attack.

"Damon!" Elena hissed at him, "She didn't know."

"Opps. She was going to find out anyway." He said as if it were no deal.

"Adelaide." Elena rushed over to her sister who had turned very pale, "Are you okay?" Elena asked.

"Get off me," Adelaide yelled, wanting to get away from her sister. "How could you not even tell me... that, the woman who I saw only a few hours ago is my mother. Were you ever going to tell me? You didn't even have the decency to tell me that we - we're not even related to who I thought were out parents." The silence which followed was all she needed before she rushed out of the room. She didn't exit the house, as she didn't want a repeat of what had happened earlier. She ended up in a library, which she had seen earlier. She was alone with her thoughts and tears for around ten minutes before she heard someone enter the room behind her.

"Go away Elena." She said, not bothering to look behind her as she curled up on the couch in the library.

"Not Elena," Stefan's voice said. She turned to look at him. He was looking down at her with a sympathetic gaze which she turned away from.

"Hi," she whispered.

"Can I..." he gestured to the seat next to her and she nodded. He came and sat down beside her.

"I'll tell you all you need to know, but some of it you may not like." He said and she looked back up at him, shocked.

"Okay." She waited for him to start but before she did she said, "thank you."

"For what?"

"I don't know. It just seemed right. You're the only one who's actually taking this seriously and telling me what I want to know without making me feel like I've been living in a fake world my whole life." She shrugged and he smiled slightly at her.
"Well, get comfy. It's a long story." And he started from the beginning, telling her everything. To how he and Damon were turned and when. To what life was like with Katherine, and then to now, how Elena was being hunted down by an extremely old and evil vampire named Klaus. Everything. He told her everything.

Once he was done, she was silent and he waited for her to say something. Anything.

"I- I don't even have any words." She said and got up.ย 

"I know it's a lot to take in." He sympathised but didn't say anything else, which she was grateful for. "Come on." she didn't exactly want to see her sister but she followed his nevertheless.ย 

She walked back into the living room and saw Elena and Damon there, waiting.

"I'm still not going to forgive you," she told Elena, standing far away from her.ย 

"Let's not be too sure about that." Damon told her, and glanced at Elena.

"What does he mean?" Adelaide said glancing between Elena and Stefan. Stefan looked to the ground in guilt while Elena avoided her gaze.

"Well?" She asked, getting impatient.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" Damon asked Elena who hesitated but nodded in the end.

"Do what?" Adelaide asked as she saw Damon move closer to her. She backed up but her back hit the wall. "What are you doing?" She asked, fear slipping through her words. Not a second later Damon was standing in front of her, looking into her eyes.

"You are going to forget everything you have found out today. Everything about vampires, Isobel, Katherine, everything. You stayed at home all day, not feeling too well, and came here looking for Elena." Damon said as his eyes dilated.

"Errr... What the hell are doing?"ย 

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I love writing this book. I can't wait until Adelaide and Klaus meet.ย 

So, she had some sort of relationship vibes coming from Stefan and Damon but they are justs FRIEND'S - they are going to be like brothers to her, becasue this is just a Klaus love story.ย 

I love writing Damon and Adelaide interacting together. I feel like they'll be very sarcastic and sassy, like playfull snappy comments to each other.ย 

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter, leave your thoughts in the comments beasue I always like to read them to see what you guys think I could do better.

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