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๐‘‡๐ป๐ธ sound of a light breeze rustling the forest tree leaves was the only sound she heard as she walked through the maze of wood, branches and leaves. It was bright out and only midday, so it wasn't like she was lost. In fact, she knew where she was. She used to play in this part of the woods growing up, with Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Tyler and Matt. She suddenly heard a noise behind her, disrupting her peaceful walk through the bright collection of trees in the Mystic Falls woods. She quick turned around and saw a man, watching her with a small smile on his face.

"Adelaide," he whispered her name, which sent shivers down her spine, as she looked at him curiously.

"Who are you?" She asked, but her voice wasn't demeaning and hard, but more soft and curious.

"You'll find out soon enough, love." She could tell whoever the man was, was British from his very strong and very hot accent he spoken in. The man had short light sandy brown hair which was in small curls and waves, and he had gorgeous bright sea blue eyes with a small hint of green in them, which drew her in. He was the definition of hot.

"What does that mean? Who are you?" She kept asking but all he did was smile softly at her as the scenery and the man faded away.

She woke with a start, sitting up at lightning speed from her spot on the bed in the room the Salvatore brothers had given her. She threw the covers off herself and started to get ready fro the day, seen as though today her and Elena would have to sign the papers so the deed to the Salvatore Boarding House would be in their names. And she had about twenty minutes until the man who was handling the paper work would be here. She quickly put on a pair of Adidas sports leggings which were black with the white Adidas logo at the bottom and she paired it with a simple white crop top and her black leather jacket and black boots which had chunky high heels on them.

"Please sign here and here." The solicitor told Elena and Adelaide as they all sat at a table with the papers in front of them.

"Okay." The twins both nodded and each began to sign one paper each with the signatures. Adelaide signed one piece of paper while Elena signed the other.

"So this place is all yours? They just gave it to you?" Bonnie sat opposite them.

"For now." Adelaide shrugged as she and Elena swapped papers and wrote their signatures down again.

"As sole owners, we're the only ones who can invite a certain type of person in here. If you know what I mean." Elena hinted as she didn't want to say vampire in front of the solicitor who was very much human. Bonnie looked wide eyed towards Adelaide and Elena mouthed to Bonnie 'she knows.'

"Your own personal safe house?" Bonnie said, looking at the two, mainly Elena.

"That's the idea." Elena told her.

"Wouldn't wanna clean it." Bonnie joked and the three girls let out a small laugh each. However, Adelaide was still trying her hardest to ignore Elena the best she could. Elena broke the the twin code.

After all the paper's had been felt with, Elena and Adelaide Gilbert were official the owners of the Salvatore Boarding House.

"Thank you, Mr. Henry." Adelaide thanked the old man, as they opened the front door for him and watched as he left. The twins began to walk away from the door expecting Damon and Stefan to follow but Elena stopped, causing Adelaide to also stop.

"I'm sorry. I completely forgot. Stefan. Would you like to come inside our house?" Elena said in a flirty voice. Adelaide scoffed. Technically it was still the brothers house.

"I would love to." Stefan grinned and walked past the door, having now being invited in. "Thank you."

"What are we, 12?" Damon said sarcastically as no one invited him in.

"One of us is." Elena pointed out.

"Agreed." Adelaide snickered at Damon.

"If I let you in, do you promise to obey the owner of this house?" Elena asked.

"No." Damon scoffed.

"Seriously, Damon. My way. You promised. I call the shots. No lies, no secret agendas. Remember?" Elena kept telling him but Adelaide had had enough. It was still Damon's house and if he didn't want to follow Elena's rules in his own house then he didn't have to. She was partly getting annoyed at Elena because she was being quite a hypocrite.

"Come in, Damon. I invite you in or whatever," Adelaide said, stepping aside to let the now smirking vampire in.

"And that is why Adelaide has and always will be my favourite Gilbert." He said glaring at Elena slightly, before turning and giving Adelaide a thankful look.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Adelaide scoffed playfully, pushing him away from her.

"Thanks." Elena said to Bonnie who brought her, her jacket.

"Wait, where are you going?" Stefan stopped the three girls, asking.

"To school." Adelaide said as if it was obvious.

"No, no. We didn't create a safe house for you to leave it." Damon said, walking closer to them.

"Yeah, guys, Klaus is out there." Stefan agreed with Damon. Shocker, right?

"We know that. Right. But where? No one knows." Elena responded. "Look, we really appreciate what you guys are doing. We'll be able to sleep at night knowing that we'll be safe here but we're not gonna be prisoners." Elena explained to them.

"Wait, you guys are suggesting we skip school so we're safe? You guys would be the coolest guardians ever." Adelaide laughed. "But I'm a straight A student, I do not want to drop any of my grades." she shrugged, knowing she had to go to school whether she wanted to or not.

"Your way, Elena." Damon mocked, tilting his head to the side while scrunching his eyes up.

"Don't worry, I'm ready. If he shows his face, I can take him." Bonnie spoke up, giving the Salvatore's a knowing look without the Gilbert twins seeing it.

"The way I see it, next to Bonnie is the safest place that we can be." Adelaide now knew why Elena was in danger but that didn't mean Elena should hide in the Salvatore Boarding House for the rest of her life.

"Come on." Elena said and Bonnie and her sister followed her out of the door to Bonnie's car.

"Wait, I'm coming." Stefan said and began to follow them, as Adelaide let out an eye roll.

"Hello, class." Mr. Saltzman, also know to the Gilbert twins as Alaric or just Ric, said as he walk into their History class. They were all already seated in their usual seats and Elena had just finished showing Bonnie and Adelaide a poster of the 60s decade dance which was on tonight, and by showing them she basically waved it in front of their faces. Adelaide had ended up snatching it off her and screwing it into a ball before throwing it at her sisters head, annoyed and still pissed at her, just before Ric entered the class room.

"What are we learning today?" He asked them as he flipped throw a book, standing behind his desk and she frowned. Why would he be asking what they had been learning?

"With the decade dance, we've been covering the '60s all week." Dana, at the front of the class, spoke up.

"Right. The '60s." Ric nodded, turning to the black board, and Adelaide couldn't help but notice that his gaze seemed to linger on Elena before turning to her and his eyes widened slightly. "The, uh, ahem The '60s I wish there was something good I could say about the '60s, but... They kind of sucked." He informed them.

"Except for the Beatles. They made it bearable. Uh, what else was there? The Cuban missile thing, the, uh... We walked on the moon. There was Watergate." Adelaide was so confused. Why was Ric acting so strange?

"Watergate was the '70s, Ric." She decided to speak up, correcting him. "I mean, Mr. Saltzman." She corrected the use of his name, realising that she wasn't allowed to call him Ric when at school as the class looked at her strangely.

"Right." He nodded, "It kind of mushes together up here, the '60s, '70s. Thank you, Adelaide." He sent her a warm smile and she felt a little awkward under his gaze, but then he turned back around to face the black chalk board.

It was now lunch and Elena had been following Adelaide around trying to get her sister to forgive her, but the older Gilbert twin was just ignoring her annoying sister, that was until she saw Jeremy and Bonnie in a heated argument in whisper voices.

"Hey, Jer." She greeted her brother as she walked up to them. Her voice didn't suggest that she was on good terms with her brother at the moment, because he had lied and kept secrets from her too, and he wasn't about to be let off because that wouldn't be fair to Elena, but she wanted to know if he was okay in the house on his own. "How you doing? Are you okay at the house alone with John?" She asked him.

"It's not ideal." Jeremy responded.

"You haven't heard from Jenna?" Elena butted in, causing Adelaide to turn and glare at her. Would she not just go away?

"It looks like she's staying on campus." Jeremy told them, in a pissed off voice before he stood up, "Look, I'm, uh I'm late for class." He told them and stormed off, not giving Bonnie a second glance.

"What's going on?" Adelaide asked Bonnie, sitting down at the lunch table.

"I told him he had to dress up - and he got all uptight." Adelaide could see through Bonnie's like but she paid it no attention and waved it off.

"Hey, Elena, Adelaide, there you are." Dana then came up to their table, in an excited voice.

"Okay. This is gonna sound freaky but this totally hot guy just asked me to ask you if you're both going to the dance tonight." She told them and they both frowned in confusion.

"Tell him Elena has a boyfriend." Bonnie snapped at the girl in disbelief.

"You could at least meet him. He'll be at the dance tonight. Look for him. His name is Klaus." Dana told them and they all looked at her shocked and opened mouthed.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" Adelaide asked, knowing they all needed to hear it again to confirm it.

"His name's Klaus." She said before adding, "I know the name's stupid, but I swear he's hot."

"Where is he? Is he here?" Bonnie asked, looking murderous slightly, as she began to look around the lunch room which was too crowded and full.

"I don't know." Dana told them.

"She's been compelled." Bonnie took note.

"But he wants to know if you'll save him the last dance Adelaide. How cute is that?" Dana turned to the oldest Gilbert twin, making her even more confused.

The Gilbert twins and Bonnie had reported to Damon and Stefan immediately and they five of them were currently all stood in the Salvatore Boarding House, discussing what the plan.

"So we go to the dance and find him." Damon explained as if it were that simple.

"Really? How are we gonna do that? We don't even know what he looks like." Stefan pointed out.

"Something tells me he's not gonna be 16 and pimply." Damon sassed back to his younger brother.

"He could be anywhere at any time. He compelled somebody at school. This is not as safe as you guys thought, huh?" Stefan jabbered on, turning to face the Gilbert twins and Bonnie. A knock then was heard and a second later Alaric came into the entrance to the Salvatore Boarding house, which they were all stood in.

"There you are." Damon said, as everyone's attention went to Alaric. Who Adelaide swears, had been acting different all day.

"Sorry I'm late." Alaric apologised, as he closed the door.

"Hey, I need you to put me down as a chaperone at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move." Damon told the History teacher who nodded, sending Adelaide a quick glance, which only she saw and raised an eyebrow to as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Okay, so we find him and then what? Hmm? What's our plan of attack?" Elena brought up.

"Me. I'm the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can kill him." Bonnie said with a lot of confidence, too much confidence.

"That's not gonna be that easy." Alaric started to fake chuckle a bit, as if he was in an awkward position, "I mean, he is the biggest, baddest vampire around." He does have a point.

"Alaric has a point." Damon pointed out to the rest of them, and as soon as he said his last word he rushed towards Bonnie but the witch acted quickly and used her magic to throw Damon back, who groaned in pain from being flung across the room.

"Well, I was impressed." Adelaide joked sending Damon a smirk, which he glared at in response.

"It doesn't matter if he's an Original. I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can kill him, Elena, Adelaide. I know I can." Elena sent Bonnie a small smile as a boost to her confidence but Adelaide just looked down. She had a feeling something would go bad tonight.

"Your relatives were such pack rats." Adelaide commented as she, Elena and Stefan stood in one of the rooms in the Salvatore Boarding house and the two Gilbert twins were going through old boxes of clothes people actually wore in the 60s.

"Okay, so, what do you think? Twiggy or sexy hippy?" She heard Elena ask her boyfriend and turned around to see her sister holding two dresses up.

"Ooh." Stefan said as he thought it was a hard decision to make. He didn't decided on one though and instead brought up a conversation relating to tonight and Klaus. "You know it's not too late to back out, right?" He aimed it at both the twins.

"And what, miss out on all the fun?" Adelaide joked, sending him a teasing smile.

"Hey." Adelaide heard Stefan say softly and assumed he was talking with Elena, as she went back to rummaging through the boxes.

"All this time I spent worrying about Klaus and I think I convinced myself that he's not real. But he is. And tonight we will put an end to him." She heard her sister say sadly, and looked down at the dress in her hands. It was the perfect dress. She ran her fingers over the material, trying to not listen in on Stefan and Elena but she couldn't help it.

"I love you." Elena said to Stefan.

"I want you to tell me that when the night's over." Stefan replied and Adelaide internally gagged but she also felt happy for her sister, even though she was still angry at the younger twin.

"Any time tonight." A voice said from the door way and they all turned to see Damon. And it was only Adelaide who noticed the shine of jealously in the raven haired vampires eyes, and she smiled softly at him as she passed him to go to a bathroom to get changed.

Adelaide had arrived at the party a little while ago, wearing her 60s dress and some high heels with knee high red socks, and she had her hair in a pony tail with a headband. She had her famous red lipstick on, and her make up was done to perfection. She had arrived with Elena and Stefan but as soon as the car was parked she was out of their sight for a good fifteen minutes. She had already consumed three alcoholic drinks someone had managed to smuggle in, and she was off on her way to find her sister and her brooding boyfriend. She spotted Elena and Stefan with Bonnie and Jeremy and headed over, stumbling slightly.ย 

"You guys ready to do this?" She heard Stefan ask the four around him and she walked over, standing next to Jeremy.

"Yep, let's bring this bastard to his awaiting grave." She said throwing her arm around Jeremy's neck, to which he responded by shrugging her arm off.

"Thanks for being here, everybody." Dana, one of the girls who helped organise the dance said as she walked onto the stage and the music stopped, so everyones attention was on her. This happened right as the five walked into the dance from being outside. "We have a special shout-out tonight." She carried on, " This is for Adelaide." Adelaide's eyes went wide, "From Klaus." And they went wider, if even possible at this point.

"That was a lame, cheap shot." Damon said as a song started to play, and was apparently dedicated to her. "He's just trying to bait us."

"We know everyone here." Adelaide said, gesturing to herself, Bonnie and Elena.

"Maybe he's not here. He just wants us to believe that he is." Stefan suggested.

"It's a party, people. Blend." Damon told them, "Let him come to us."

"Good idea." Bonnie said and started to drag Jeremy away.

"No, no, I really don't feel like dancing." Adelaide's younger brother started to complain.

"Too bad." Bonnie scoffed, not letting him go.

"There's Ric. I'll be back." Damon pointed out his friend, and as he walked away from Elena and Stefan, Adelaide decided that she would rather be with the raven haired vampire, and the vampire hunter who is acting rather weird and strange today, than her sister and Stefan.

"Special dedication, huh? This guy's a little twisted." Alaric said as Damon stood by his left and Adelaide by Alaric's right. She furrowed her eyebrows as she felt Ric's eyes on her.

"I'm not impressed." Damon scoffed.

"No?" Alaric asked, in a tone that suggested he thought it was quite impressive and he didn't understand why Damon didn't think it was impressive.

"I'm more confused than anything." Adelaide shrugged.

"Let me know if you see anything out of whack." Damon said before walking away to have a look around for Klaus. Adelaide threw her hands up in the air as she lost sight of Damon and was stuck with a weird acting Alaric.

"He just leaves me here." She scoffed, rolling her eyes and she heard Alaric let out a small chuckle.

"I take offence to that. You sound like you don't want to hang around me." She turned to Alaric as he spoke.

"Ha, ha, ha," she said sarcastically, "no offence, but you're my teacher. It's weird for me to be talking to you," she told him.

"So you would say no if I asked you to dance?" He asked her and she looked at him to see if he was joking. He was not.

"Whatever," she tolled her eyes and began to walk away but was pulled back as he grabbed her wrist, not tightly, but he spun her around so she was facing him.

"Ric, stop. This is weird." She said in a stern voice as he began to dance, by swaying softly. She laughed lightly, not being able to stop herself but quickly shut up as she noticed a few stares.

"Alaric, let go." She said, not as serious as before, but still serious.

"Whatever you say, love." He said before letting go of her wrist and walking away. She brought her wrist to her chest and held it in her other hand as she stared at the spot where Alaric had walked off in. Love? Since when did he call her that? Since when did he call anyone that? This night just kept getting stranger and stranger. But what Adelaide didn't know, was that it was about to get a whole lot more stranger.

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The makeup and hairstyle at the top is how I imagine it to look when she is at the party, and then there is the dress (which by they way, isn't what I was really going for, but the dresses I googled looked horrible and I couldn't find any that looked nice and weren't too short, other than the one I picked). I hope you liked the chapter, make sure to leave your thoughts in the comments, and don't be shy to pick out any spellings mistakes or typo's that my laptop has changed because it's really helpful actually.

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