Mission 18- Jail Break

Update- Added drawing.

X years ago... (ch.3)

        Her head was pounding as she regains consciousness on the cold concrete. She can hear gun shots. She hears that Bat cry out, "Shadow, gun!". Hecat in a anger filled rage pulls herself up. She stumbles over to the other members of the Racine. She trips and falls into the mud, the smell of gas filled her noise. She gets up again and braces a rifle on the hood of a SUV. Looking through the sites she gets her crosse hairs on the blacking hedgehog. She takes a deep breath preparing herself... Her eyes fill with shock, however when she sees what's in his hand.  "EVERYONE GET THE HELL BACK!!" Hecat orders over the guns firing.

       The crack and boom of their vehicle erupted into flames. Hecat is thrown backwards in the blast. She howls and cries in pain as she rolls her face around in the ground.

Present time- ish...

        The dark hedgehog struggles against his restraints, as he thrashes around in the chair, while his captors sprayed him down with a fire hose. The freezing water chilled him to the bone. As he gasps for air and shivers after the pounding from the water pressure. 

       "Now, Agent Hedgehog." His Racine interrogator asked. "Who is the mole called, "Kid"?.. How much has he given GUN?" 

        They have been interrogating him for what had to been days now. He had only arrived in the region for 3 days, late October, when they done a smash and grab at his motel room. Pricks gassed him out, he should be angry by that, but they done it with such precision and accuracy he was impressed. Shadow *coughs* up some water. Shadow glares at the interrogator with a monstrous gleam that makes his captor flinch in intimidation. Causing him to be hosed down more.

     ~   Shadow squints his eyes to the blinding lights around him, keeping him awake. He needs to hold on. He needs to hold out, until its time. He's started a mental clock now. Knowing roughly how long they will stay on one method to break him, first day was Waterboarding. Next was physical beatings, Noise sensitivity abuse. Now they're trying exhaustion. 

    ~   He feels around the cuffs that are holding him. He's sore from not being able to move freely. '24 hours a day. 16 hours interrogators, on rotation. The one with Mange said he couldn't be here Wednesday, because of his daughter's Quinceanera, which is why he didn't show up today. Which is why I got the green horn.' Shadow thinks to himself.

        "Welcome back, Agent Hedgehog." A Racine member taunted, as he entered through the only way out. "Care to tell us, who you are today? and what you were here for?" The Racine member stabs him with a Taser-baton. Shadow cries out in pain as bolts of chaos energy shoot out from him into the panels on the floor. Today they were trying electrocution.

        The Racine member finally pulls the blood-soaked baton out from him. He takes in sharp breaths. 'That would make today... DAM! I missed the dinner at Vanillas, Rouge is going to kill me.' The Racine member walks around in circles around him, twirling the baton. He grunts and chokes out some sounds. "Ch-ine." The dark hedgehog said with his face down.

        The Racine member gins triumphantly. "That is more like it. So, who are you?" Shadow grunts and gurgles, only speaking in a low whisper. "What was that?" The Racine member lean down Infront of him. His hot breath breathed against his ear. *CHOMP!!RIIIIIP?!?!?!* 

        The Racine SCREAMS out in pain as he fell back on his side, one hand holding the blood on the side of his head. Shadow has blood around his mouth as he spits out the interrogators ear. Two guards outside the locked door quickly opened it, to the sound of their comrade crying out in pain and fear. They stop and stare at the site, as Shadow stared them down from his chair, while the other rolled around in his own blood. They just stood there as the glowing eyes of a chained predator stared them down.

        "Get him the hell out of there." A womans voice barked. The two quickly got him out. Three others covered in hoods walked in, they were heavily armed compared to the others. The owner of that voice walked in wearing a uniform for the Eggman Empire, only she had her face covered. Behind her was another female hooding figure, only she wore a blue jumpsuit. "It's been a long time, hasn't it?" The woman said, as she walked around the hedgehog.

        "Am I supposed to know who you are?" Shadow asked stubbornly. "Sorry to tell you, but you didn't leave an impression on me."

        The woman laughs historically. "Not really, but I know you." She leans in behind him and whispers in his ear, "SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG". He is unsurprised that they at least knew his name, he has been here for weeks at least. "Yes, we know who you are, BUT I know you by different name." She stands in front of him for him to see, "And you definitely an impression on me, MR. MINK." She pulls off her hood to reveal her scared face.

        "Hecat?!?" Shadow said surprised. He stares at her chard and scared face, that covered half her face. Her skin mashed and misshaped as it rippled across her jaw line. She runs a hand over her scared face, "A constant reminder, to insure I never mess up a mission."

        "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll save face, eventually." He taunts her, with a grin. Hecat, angerly, grips back his quills, forcing his head up as she peered down at his red eyes. "Are you mocking me, to my face?" He couldn't help but crack a smile, "Which one?" She punches him across the jaw, as blood formed at his lip.

        "Lieutenant!" Hecat ordered, putting her hood back on. The other woman who came in with her, the one wearing the blue jumpsuit. "Over see Agent, Shadow's execution is done properly. I want this night to go well." The Lieutenant salutes her leader as did the other three. 

       Shadow sits there, his breathing becoming heavy, as he tries to forcefully break the restraints. He glares up when he hears their rifles chambering. His red eyes gleaming full of anger. The Lieutenant stands behind them. The Racine member standing in the middle of the two others smiles at him, "Time to die, Fu-*!" 

         Suddenly the Lieutenant snaps that Racine member's neck, killing him. The other two are in shock as fear takes over. She flicks her wrists and blue blades shoot out from her rings. She bats the rifle away with her wrist as the other blade slices his throat, blood spuing out as she tucks behind its body. Rounds fire off from both guns as the bullets bounce off the walls. One hits one of the pannals just enough for him to kick his leg free. Shadow then sweeps his leg, tripping the remaining Racine member. The Racine looks up in fear as the Lieutenant drives her knee into the arm holding the weapon as her blade perces his chest into his heart. He gags as he takes his finnal breaths.

        "We need to move, NOW." The Lieutenant tells him. She pulls back the hood to reveal her face. The Racine Lieutenant was a brown chipmunk with messy red (Auburn) hair. Her blue eyes were filled with worry and determination. She hurriedly releases him form his restraints. "Get up slowly." She tells him. 

        The hedgehog wobbles around to re-find his balance. "Who- *huff*. Who exactly are you?" He asked, gripping the chair, as he picks up one of the rifles.

        "I'm your contact, "kid". We need to hurry, I'm afraid with GUN searching for you the Racine has moved up their timetable." She looks outside for any other guards, when she's sure they move.

        "Hold on. What do you mean they moved their timetable?" Shadow asked, sneaking around a corner he sneaks up on two guards and bashes their helmets together. "And where have they been keeping me?" Kid, leads them to down a hallway to a room, to hide for a moment. "The Racine plans to launch a Ballistic missile filled with Biological agene, into a populated area."

       Shadow processes what he's been told. Right now it didn't matter how they got their hands on the weapons to do this, it only matter that they stop the launch. "We need to get to a communications station, to alert GUN. They need to be ready in case we're not able to stop it in time." Kid nods. "Follow me." She leads him to a set of heavy doors, "The com-room is right across this corridor. We should be able to cross it unnoticed. -" The door opens to a army of Racine solders, having a party. The two groups are stunned for a moment, until the Racine members started shooting at them. 

        Shadow pulls "kid" back, as he locks the door, beating the lock off. A alarm goes off throughout the base as flashing red lights aluminate the hallways. "So much for being unnoticed." He says.


        Hecat rushes through her soldiers. "Can't you idiots do anything right?! What is the cause of the alarm?" A Racine solider pulls up the reports of their men, along with security footage. "I-it appears the prisoner has escape. A-a-and the Lieutenant is helping him.-*Aaakk!*"

        Hecat pulls the member out of the way so she could see the screen of the two fighting the Racine. Shadow. "Prepare the warhead.

~        Shadow punches and claws his way through their attackers, as they funnel their way to them. He looks over to see how "kid" is doing. Even though she is out matched with some of the bigger Racine, she's surprisingly skilled in close combat. "Kid" and Shadow get surrounded in the corridor as they fight. "How many are there?!?" He barked.

        "A lot!" Kid tells him as they have their backs to each other. She stabs and slices with her Ring Blades getting some breathing room. "After this, you want to get a drink?" She asked as she took out a row with a pulse gun, sending them back uncounscious in a blue wave.

        "You can't be serious?" Shadow asked, as he snaps a arm and uses the body as a bat. The two exhausted fighters stand, surrounded by unconscious and dead Racine solders. "Hey, I plan on living after this." She jokes with a smile.

        They fight their way to a control center. Shadow used a piece of a Racine robe to stop a gash he got along the way. "Kid" is also beat up with a black eye already forming. To say they have been fighting a uphill battle would be a understatement. "You ready?" She asked him, holding up a high-powered stun gun. He nods his head, griping the fire axe that he's been using. They open the door with "Kid" first to stun anyone inside with Shadow charging in to finish. However, no one was there. 

         Kid goes for the panels trying to get a signal out. "Sh*T! They fried the controlees. The see a timer that started its count down, they already knowing what its to. The two, start trying to figure out a way to stop the missile. "Kid" rips open a panel and starts trying to reroute some kind of control to her communicator. 

        Shadow runs through the controls searching for any kind of shut off. That's when an idea, or more like a memory, came. "You said this Hanger is from the first great War, correct?" He starts typing on the controls. 

        "Yes, why?" She asked, trying every code she knew trying to stop the launch. She sees his smile. "They were designed on a Deadman's system, similar to a ESD design. If we can knock out the power source this whole place will go into lockdown." She looks amazed at the news. "There is just one problem, when it goes in lockdown nothing will be able to get out, meaning we need to be on the outside or else we'll be trapped in when the missile goes off."

       "I got an idea, move." She tells him, as she plugs something into the main wiring. Shadow fallows her down a shaft where she pulls out a greegree, and ziplines herself to the main floor. Shadow lands next to her as he grinded the rails. "How big is this place?!" Shadow asked, thinking that if they were underground why did they have to go DOWN to be on the main floor? 

        "I don't know, its just how it was made." She tells him, "In here." They cross a large hallway when another swarm of Racine spots them. They take cover as they are being shot at. "Kid" pulls out her communicator and types in something, suddenly a hatch shut cutting them off from the Racine. He smiles in approval of her being prepared. "Come on we're almost to the trucks." 

~short time~

      ~ Shadow is now hosing down a area with gas, from the truck "kid" took them to. The plan is to set off a large explosions near one of the sensors along with destroying the armory. Since the truck couldn't get to the Armory, he had to run hoses to it, with puddles of gas flooding the way. *"You better hurry, they're almost through."* She radios him. 

        "Get the truck going, I'll meet up with you. Just don't stop, plow through whatever you need to just get out." He radios back. He lets go of the hose as he feels it being pulled. He pulls out a Flash bang and tosses it up once, before arming it and chucking it into the armory. In a light of red and gold he takes off running for the exit. The flash bang explodes setting the whole room into flames as weapons and explosives go off!

         Racine members could feel the shock from the explosions. Members that were at the missile launch freeze up as their controls lock up. They frantically try to regain control as the base begins going into Lockdown. Doors all over the base sealing shut. Shadow runs past Racine members as they fire at him. One got a good shot and hit his thigh. He had to quickly tuck and roll under one of the closing doors as one Racine member tries to grab him, it pinches his arm off in a smashing, popping motion.

          "Kid" RAMS the truck through a set of doors pushing into the main hanger, where there are supplies and Racine members shooting at them. She jerks the wheel to try and miss the shots. Shadow races up and tackles a set that was firing at her. He begins laying covering fire as he shoots back with a duel wield of simi-autos.

(All of this would look better than it sounds. :) )

        "Hop on!" She calls. Shadow jumps on the truck as she plows through the army of Racine. The hanger doors began closing as they tracked gas behind them. He looks at the watch, "We're not going to make it!" He pulls her to his side. "What are you doing?!?!" He gages the distance, "A hell Marry. CHAOS, CONTROL!" A flash of green energy surrounded them as they disappear. The gas truck hits a concrete barrier and flips on its side, the trail of fire catches it causing the pressure to build as it exploded! Fire spreads out Racine members trying to escape, while others were trapped, ingulfed in the fire. The missile launches, but its cuppings kept in place as it burns through its engines. The ignition's burns through sending fire throughout the lower sections of the base, tunnels being consumed with flames that disintegrated everything and everyone. The hanger doors lock as a blast pushes fire and metal through it, sealing with a loud clank! Locking everyone inside to their deaths as the fire consumed the inside.

        Shadow is lying face down in the rocks as blood trickles down his head. He wasn't sure what happened? Either when they rematerialized the shock wave pushed them, or... He hears someone walking towards him, as he grunts in pain as he turns himself around. There he sees, with eyes filled with Rage and Murder, Hecat gripping her side. "YOU. You ruined everything!" Before he could react, Hecat lunged on top of him. She wraps her claws around his throat, using her knees to keep his arms down. He struggled as he fought, but he was so weak right now. He could feel her claws digging into his throat as his vision faded. *BANG!* A shot echoed in the night. Hecat falls off him, and he takes several raspy breaths.

        He looks over to see a exit hole in Hecat's face. Her one remaining eye showed her final moments. He turns his head to the one who fired the shot, it was kid. She held the gun, shaking as she dropped it. She too was injured. They sit together in silence as GUN shows up in full support.

Days later- Hospital...

        Rouge and Knuckles show up at GUN's clinic. Rouge has calmed down a little now, since when she learned the truth of where Shadow was. Shadow is sitting in his bed, watching TV, when the two enter.

       "Hey, Shadow. How you doing?" Knuckles asked, him. He looks at the two. Rouge was carring a dark purple gift bag in one hand and holding his in the other. He turns his head twords the couple. They could now see more clearly the white goze wrapped around his throat. "So, has anyone else showed up?" Rouge asked.

        Shadow leans around and pulls out a dry erase board and began writing something. Because of his throat injury he's unable to talk at the moment. Shadow writes something, but gets initiated when his hand wipes off what he's writing. 'They gave a white board to a A LEFT HANDER!' He thinks to himself angerly.

        Rouge seeing his frustrations, she hands him the gift bag, "I thought you might need this." He opens the bag to find a notebook and some pins, the non smear kind. Shadow nods his head thanking her. He writes down, :"What do you know?"

        The bat crossed her arms as she glares at him. "Enough to know you lied to me. Also your a X late for Thanksgiving at Vanilla's." He looks away, ashamed. He writes down,: "Sorry." She calms her face as she sighs, "Don't be. I know how complicated our jobs can be, just don't keep things like this from me. You had us really scared." He nods his head understanding. She leans in and kisses his forehead, "Get better soon, Grump hog."

        Knuckles walks next to his girlfriend, as they leave. He keeps looking at her then away. She finnal asks him what's wrong. "Oh, nothing. Just wondering if you would taje just as good care of me?" She is frustrated by what he said. "Not this again, Knuckles. Can we just injoy a date without fighting?" Rouge bumps into someone.

        "Oh, I'm sorry." She looks up to meet a brown Chipmunk with a red hairdo. She wore a tub tank top with a motorcycle jacket and blue jeans. "Your alright. I just wish I COULD GET SOMEONE TO HELP."  She raised her voice to the workers. "What do you need help finding?" Rouge offers. "I'm trying to find this room number." She hands them a slip of paper with the number #G329, Wing G floor 3 Room#29. Knuckles looks at it, "We were just there. Just down the hall, a left and keep going until you find the number." The Chipmunk thanks them then walks away.

        Rouge watches her hourglass figure walked way, surprise and other mix of emotions plastered her face. 

       Shadow was looking out his window, using a IV stand as a brace. He hated being stuck here, even though he heals faster the loss of Chaos energy it making it take a little longer. Let alone he was running on a broken leg. "Was this what it was like for you?" He asks himself. Someone gently knocks at his door, before entering. 

      He turns around to see the Chipmunk, "Kid", wearing dark sunglasses. "Shouldn't you be resting?" She asked. He simply rolls his eyes as he sits back down on his bed. She pulls a chair up next to him and takes the shades off, revealing a massive black eye. He gives her a smirk as he motions at his face where her black eye. "Never mind that." She waves it off as she pulls out two bottles from each pocket, handing one to him. "Since you couldn't meet me for a drink, figured I could bring the drinks to you." 

       He takes a hard drink of the, hard drink. It burns his throat as he forces it down his still painful throat. He gurgles his throat getting it ready to speak, pointing at her. "nAme?" He asked in a gruff raspy voice.

        Her face shows, she only just realized she has never told him her real name. She smiles at him and extends her hand. "My names Sally. Princess Sally Acorn." He reaches for her hand, for a firm handshake. 
