Ch. 1- Undercover

            After a debriefing for a GUN mission for Team Dark. Agents Shadow the Hedgehog and Rouge the Bat are to attend an auction to retrieve something of interest for GUN. The two are getting ready for their cover ID's. Rouge is reading over her identity, making sure she gets the details right for her cover. "I just don't see why I can't paint my nails with what color I want?" Rouge complains. Her cover is Chela the Lasionycteris, an entrepreneur of fine Arts. In her cover ID states she prefers to paint her nails a greenish yellow, Rouge would prefer a blue tent to go with the Maroon dress she was going to wear. It was a slick Maroon, sleeveless one-piece dress, that had an open back so her wings could fit nicely in; along with a slit that went up to her calf.

          "I don't see why you're complaining?!" Shadow yells from the bathroom, cross. Rouge turns to see her partner walking out with a towel around his waist and he dried his quills with another smaller towel. "At least YOU didn't have to dye your fur another color!." Shadow says still crossed. Rouge tried to hold back the laughter, but failed as the sight of her Dark and red partner had now dyed his fur and quills a Grayish silver. His red eyes beamed with anger in the white fur. Shadow's cover was Terios the Mink... Yes, a Mink, it took a while for him to somewhat look like one. Shadow had a Tux set out for him to wear.

          They both get changed and ready, they will leave for the action and then head to their hotel room later. Rouge finished putting herself together, her dress came with a pair of Knee-high boots that were a shade darker than her dress with some tights covering her legs. She accessorized with a long pair of white cloves on her arms. Shadow extends his hand to his partner, "Shale we leave, Ms. Chela?" From this point on they will address each other by their cover names. "Such a gentleman, Mr. Terios." Rouge said as wrapped her arm around his. For the ploy GUN will have them fly into Soleanna and then take a Exclusive Taxi, (A type of Limo service). They walk to their driver who is waiting for them. As they drive to the Action house their driver makes small talk, "Is this your first time in Soleanna, Mr. Terios?" Rouge who is sitting crossed leg next to Shadow starts their little role play. "It's his first time here. I offered to show Mr. Terios around as his guide." "Are you here for Business or for Pleasure then, Mr. Terios?" Their driver asked, who does not know who they are. "I like to think I can mix the two." Shadow says in a cool voice. The driver gins at Shadows remark, "Well I'm sure Ms. Chela can show you a time here in Venice, Sir. To me it's the Crown Jewel of Soleanna."

          At the Action Shadow and Rouge gets themselves seated and ready for the auction. GUN had supplied them with the funds for the purchase, the only problem is Rouge kept insisting they should use the money on some of the other works. "There is only one thing I want from this trip, Chela, and I will not spend a dime more on anything else." Shadow whispers in Rouge's ear.

          The actioner goes onto the final item up for action. "Now Ladies and Gentlemen, we come to our final item of the night." Two armed guards carry out a glass case covered with a black veil. "The gem of tonight. A 1-1/4 x 3/4 Emerald! Let's start the bidding at $40,790. Do I have a bide?" Shadow raises his number. "Thank you, Sir. Do I have $50,000?" Someone in the crowd yells out, "50,000!" Shadow and Rouge looks over to their competitor. "Thank you, Sir. Do I have $50,500?" The actioner called out. "$60,000!" Shadow yelled out. "$60,000! Thank you, do-" "$70,000!" The other better called out. "My, it seems we have a race here tonight. Sir." Rouge yelled out lifting Shadows sign, "$100,000!" This got the crowd gasping and awing. Shadow hisses at Rouge, "What are you doing? That's half of the money they gave us."

          The actioner is sweating by now, "Sir, would you like to continue the bid?" For a moment Shadow made eye contact with the Gray haired rabbit. "$225,000" The Gray-haired rabbit called out. The actioner looks at the two agents, Shadow had a cross look. "For $225,000 rings. Going once... Going twice... SOLD! To #176, congratulations." Shadow makes eye contact again with their competing better and smiles and nods to him. "We're not done here yet." Rouge tells Shadow. "No. We're here for that Chaos Emerald."

          While everyone's winnings were being transported the attendees were gathering around the ballroom. It was a crowd of high class, and business figures. It was one way to build connections, as well a place for other spies. He pulls out a pair of slick glasses and using his figures to reposition it sends a photo of the rabbit to GUN. Rouge listens to the soft sound of music, "Well, while we wait for that. Shall we dance." Rouge takes Shadow to the dance floor.

          The two take their positions together. "Chela, can I lead this time?" Shadow asked. "Fine, but you're always so tense." Rouge tells him. Now provided you can keep a decent rhythm; a Dance can be effective on the job. Knowing the right moves and steps can give you a 360o view of the area. Eas drop on other conversations, even providing some brief small talk as you dance. Shadow and Rouge dance gracefully together as they move about the floor. Shadow pulls Rouge in as she wraps a leg around his side. GUN had contacted Shadow thru his earpiece of who the buyer is, Shadow whispers to Rouge, "Our competitor seems to be someone of interest." Rouge gets close to Shadows ear, "Well in that off spin you made. I found out He and his Fiancé are staying at the, Crepuscolo nascente."

          They continue dancing, to give GUN a chance to change their hotel. As they danced someone ran up to the two. "Sorry. I just had to tell you, you two make such a cute couple." Before Shadow could correct her, Rouge tells her, "Thank you." Shadow looks back to Rouge, with the look, 'why you say that?'. "What? She was nice." Rouge defends, "The real problem is, that better not be a gun I'm feeling, Terios." Shadow adverts eye contact,"... You smell nice..." All Rouge could think is wow. (sarcastically)

          Shadow and Rouge make their way to their hotel room. If you show up in a fancy ride and tip extravagantly, Hotel staff will open a lot of doors to you. Shadow is checking for any hidden bugs while Rouge took off her boots. "Ahaa. My feet were killing me wearing those." Rouge says to herself. "You wear heels all the time, how do they kill your feet?" Shadow asked her as continued to look. "Heels that fit, Terios." Rouge gets up and walks out of the room, Shadow is now taking off his tie, he is in the process of setting up for their work, when Rouge calls to him. "At least we have a large bed tonight." Shadow goes to see what Rouge is talking about... there was only one bed. "So?"

          Shadow walks over to a side and takes off his shoes. "I'm going to take a bath before bed." Rouge tells Shadow. "Mmm,hmm." Shadow answered. "There's room for two~ in here." Rouge coos as she closes the door. After a good soak Rouge walks out of the tub room to see a fast asleep Shadow on one side of the bed. Rouge walks over and covers him up before calling it a night too.

Next morning...

          Rouge wakes up to the sound of coffee. She is laying down on her stomach, and she stretches to not find Shadow in bed with her. Rouge walks in to find Shadow at work. "Mmm, morning Handsome~." Rouge said. "Breakfast arrived, complements of out employer." Shadow told her as she seen the platter. "At least they got my eggs right." Rouge says, "So, who's are person of Interest?" Shadow pulls the file up onto the TV of the room as Rouge sets next to him. "This is Andreas Cottonfield. A rogue Scientist that sold out to the Red Racine, a radical fascist group." Shadow tells her. "So, we're here for the Mad Scientist? What about the girl?" Rouge asked.

          "Samantha Cathlien. Andraes fiancé since before he went under for the past 3 years." Rouge takes a drink of her juice, "The girl and I have something in common, the men in our lives are work alcoholics. So why do they want him?" "Andraes specialty is Chaos Fusion, (Nuclear fusion) his research was terminated when it was deemed too dangerous."

          "And the card? Mr. and Mrs. Mink?" Rouge asked as she fanned the note that came with their breakfast. "It's for our new cover. This way we will be able to blend in well with them during their day." After Rouge finished her breakfast while Shadow made up their plan, she went and got ready to mingle with Samantha. She was wearing a robe over her white and gold bikini, as Shadow was also getting ready.

          "Are you forgetting something?" Rouge asked as she shifted her hips side to side, batting her eyes. "No, I don't think so." Shadow answered. "Are you sure, Mr. Tarios Mink?" Rouge holds out her left hand. Shadow realizes what she meant and pulls out their wedding rings. "Aren't you going to get down on one knee?" Rouge teased. Shadow smiles and takes Rouge's hand, Rouge gets a blush from his forwardness, but he flips her hand around and cups her hand around the ring. "Let's go." Shadow tells her. "It's not even a real Diamond." Rouge complained.
