Ch.10- Our Dream (1/2)

Author's Note: In writing the semicolon, ( ' ), is used for thought or things happening in the mind.

        It was another day at GUN. Shadow the hedgehog was running his normal routine of laps, but this time he had Silver the hedgehog with him. "Hurry up Silver! It's only another 50 laps!" Shadow yells as they run on the trail. Silver is gasping for breath as he gets on his knees. Shadow stands there watching him, finally he picks him up and carries Silver back to a GUN base Team Dark is located at. Shadow sits Silver down as he gets him something to drink.

        "Hey, boys." Rouge greeted walking in. She smiles at Silver, who she knew begged for some training from Shadow. "How are you doing, Silver?" She asked the very exhausted hedgehog. Silver raises his head, "I need to pee, but I can't." Shadow walks in with some water mixed with some sugar and electro lights. "Your dehydrated. Drink this. Any more laps and your body would probably shut down." Shadow tells him as he drinks half of the half gallon jug. Rouge watches Silver as some color comes back to his face. "It wouldn't be a bad idea if we got him a bed for tonight, just to make sure he'll be alright." Rouge says tapping her lip. Silver was going to defend against it, until Blazes name was mentioned.

        ' Shadow walks into their shared office, from his back room. He sits down and does some work, when Rouge walks in. "Morning, Omega. Good Morning, Sha-... Oh my." Rouge says as she is looking Shadow up and down. Shadow looks into his coffee cup and sees its empty. Shadow gets up to make some more.

        "Dam, were out of coffee beans." Shadow said as he opened the tin, "I'll be back." Shadow walks down to the Mess hall to get some more coffee, rather than a break room. Along the way he noticed everyone he crossed was gasping and looking at him. 'Don't they have jobs to do.' Shadow thought to himself. Shadow walks thru the doors and see Hope Kintobor talking to another co-worker. When Hope sees him, she gasped at him. "Shadow what happened to you?!" Hope yelled at him.

        Shadow turns to see his reflection in the metal door. His body was the same, but his fur was now Colbolt blue and he had Green eyes instead of his red ones. "Oh, not this dream." Shadow says.'

        Shadow wakes up in a startle in bed. With his head on his knees, he runs his quills down. "Haven't had that nightmare in a long time." .

That morning...

        Almost too much, Shadow walks into their shared office, from his back room. He stops and decides to grab a different cup in a break room, than the one from his dream. When he runs into Hope Kintobor. "Morning, Hope... Are you alright?" Shadow asked, seeing she had a confused look about her. Hope fixes her longer hair now, out of her eye, "Ya. I just had a very weird dream last night." Hope then went back to her lab, to work. 

        Shadow sits back down in their office and starts working, when Rouge walks in. "Morning, Omega. Good Morning, Sha-." Rouge starts to laugh. "You know, Shadow, I had a dream like this last night... Except you had a Black cup inside of a White one with G on it." Rouge tells him as she sits down. Shadow looks up, from her describing the dream he had last night. 

        Rouge continues telling him, her dream. "But you weren't you. It was you but you looked like Sonic, all covered in blue. It was quite funny." Shadow just looks at her with a expression of, 'what'? Rouge smiles at him, "I know, weird. You then went to make some coffee, but then you say-" They both Rouge and Shadow say in unison, "Dam, were out of coffee beans." The two agents are looking at eachother confused. Rouge holds up a finder and points at Shadow. "How did you know that?"

        Shadow and Rouge are marching down a hallway with Omega. Rouge has her hands in her hair. "What could cause us to share the same dream?" Rouge said frantically. "I'm not sure. Maybe we developed a deep subconscious connection?" Shadow said.

        "*Like comrades in battle.*" Omega tells them. "Or it could be a latent side effect from when we're infected with, RFGB pollen." Rouge says. (See ch.8) "That's what I'm afraid of. What if it effected the Dark Arms part of me? What if I'm loosing control in my sleep." Shadow say, as he scans his badge. Rouge does the same as the walked in the Infirmary. "So that's why your coming down here." Rouge said.

        Shadow gets done with the Doctor, who ran some test on him. Thru the years, Dr. Alize was the one doctor he could trust. The Coatil mobian pulls up Shadow's EEG and something called, "Tapping", on the monitor. "It doesn't look like anything has changed." Dr. Alize told Shadow. "The only thing I can see is a increase of activity in your hippocampus." 

         "Could the "Tapping Pill" explain why me and Agent Rouge, shared the same dream last night?" Shadow asked as he rubbed the area where they imbedded the "pill" in his skull. 

         "Tapping" is a GUN experiment, part of the P.A.T., that Shadow volunteered for. It is to better identify, contain, and learn about Psychic abilities. Shadow's powers with Chaos energy, or Blaze with her Pyrokinesis. Evidently she had great trouble learning how to control it as a child, so she volunteered also if it meant she could help someone like her.

        Dr. Alize shakes her head no. "That's just not possible at the point. The "pill" only operates on the natural Alpha and Delta waves of the mind, mapping out the data for us. Like this." Showing Shadow the chart. Shadow is thinking to himself, then Dr. Alize offers an explanation. "It's been recorded that people who experience similar triggers, often dream similarly. You and Agent Rouge have been working together for years, maby the two of you are experiencing that." 

        Shadow thanks Dr. Alize and leaves her work space. Shadow enters the Infirmary again, where Rouge and Omega are waiting. Rouge has a sad experience on her face as medical staff carries out a patient covered with a sheet. "What happened?" Shadow asked, Rouge. "That's what I want to know?.. Shadow I helped brought him here yesterday. He was doing alright, and now." Rouge tells him as she crosses her arms. The EMT on duty tells them it's difficult sometimes to see the extent of damage. Their attention however was brought to Silver in a cotton across from them.

        "He died in his sleep!" Silver said frantically. "I think I might have killed him. I was there." Silver makes eye contact with Shadow. Blaze and Marine who are visiting try to calm Silver down. "Hold on, hon." Rouge tells him. "What exactly do you mean, by you were there?"  

        Silver fixes the cowlicks on his head. "It was dark and cold. It looked like a accident, with people hurrying to help. He was pinned under water, by some plate of metal." Silver tells them, he then looks at Rouge. "You were there too. You pulled him out of the water and began CPR, but... then i felt him slip away..." Rouge motions for him to stop. She pulls Shadow to the side away.

         "Shadow. That's what happened to Sam, the guy they took out. He was in a accident, during a transport for GUN. I pulled him out of the water and got him breathing again." She looks back at the still freaked out Silver, as Blaze rubbed his back. Shadow looks over and sees a ER nurse looking at them, but turns her head back quickly. "Mam, you've been eavesdropping on us." Shadow says. He motions for her to move over with them and the Dr. "What's your thoughts on this? Is it possible for someone to die in a dream?" Shadow asked. 

        The Doctor tells them people can die in their sleep, but never because of a dream. The ER nurse looks nervous as she tells them that she fell asleep on her shift. "I had the same dream. It... It was so real?" She tells them. "Too real." Shadow finishes.

Some time later... Shadow's POV

        Shadow was in the personal office of the station Commander of this GUN R&D base. "Run that by me again, Agent Shadow." Com. Stonewall told, Shadow. "Silver the Hedgehog and the ER nurse on duty and Four other residents in the lounge down the hall, ALL shared the same exact dream of CDL driver Sam's, death last night." Shadow hands the station Commander hand written accounts of the share dream from each person separately. They were completely identical.

        Com. Stonewall had a perplexed look at this news. "How is this happening?" Shadow stands in his normal stiff demeanor and answers, "We do not know." Shadow gets a different serious tone in his body language, "Sir. I need to know. Is this base under ANY projects, dealing with the Phantom Ruby?" Stonewall looks offended at the notion. "No. The Phantom Ruby is still under order, in isolation." Shadow seemed to loosen, but he was still on gaurd. " Is it contained to just that wing of the base?" Stonewall asked.

        "Unfortunately not. There're others outside the general area who were sharing dreams last night. Team Dark is helping the MPs to deescalate disturbances since this morning."

        "Exactly what kind of Disturbances?" Com. Stonewall asked. Just then they heard someone Screaming and yelling, outside the office hallway. "GET HER OFF ME!" "HOW DO YOU LIKE MY HUSBAND NOW? Bitch!"

Rouge's POV...

        While Shadow is informing the Commander, she is acting as a mediator for people who have shared dreams. Trying to deescalate the growing problem. Rouge has already contacted Tails to see if they could help, because right now they need all they can get.

"I can't believe you cheated on me with, that woman!" A angry wife yelled hat her husband.

"I didn't cheat. It never happened, it was just a dream." The husband defended.

"She read my Book, I've spent years writing on. Then she steals it and passed it off as her own!" One woman from finance yelled.

"I only dreamed of that. It shouldn't count." The other woman from Accounting defended.

"Oh, so I'm supposed to still trust you now?!"


        Rouge was getting a mind grain, from this drama.  ' Rouge goes to Hope's lab, where she sees Shadow and Omega. "Any luck?" Rouge asked. Hope slams the table hard with her hands, as she gets up. Hope erased something on a board as she rubbed her messy long hair frazzledlie, "I DON'T KNOW! OKAY. No matter what I can't figure this out. I can't work like this anymore." Hope yells out in a high pitch voice. Rouge hugs the teenager. "It's okay, Hope. How about we take a break?" Rouge offered. "I Agree." Shadow says behind her. "Let's end Team Dark, here." Shadow said in his monotone voice. Rouge spun around eyes wide and jaw gasping.

        "I was talking about, taking a break from work. Not the team Shadow." Rouge yells at him. "*I agree with Agent Shadow, Agent Rouge.*" Omega said looking from one to the other. "*In recent months, a sharp decrease in the teams efficiency has been noted. Perhaps going our separate ways will benefit us all.*" Rouge is getting angry now as she looks at her teammates, "Okay, jokes over. This isn't funny." Shadow looks her dead serious in the eye, his eyes showing a cold expression in his firry look. "Rouge, when have I ever been one to joke around?"

        Rouge looks to Hope who has her face hid, "Hope? Say something. Come on we can't break up, we're like a family. All of us!" Hope puts her hands on Rouge's arms, and steps away from her. "I survived losing one family, already. I will survive this one too." Hope says. Rouges body became cold, from hearing Hope say that. "Then it's agreed. Team Dark, is done." Shadow announced to the group. The three walked their separate ways, leaving Rouge there in disbelief. '

        Rouge wakes up at her desk. She raises her head and looks around to see Team Darks office, and Omega sitting in his little corner in sleep mode. Rouge wipes the tear from her eye. "It was only a dream." She tells herself, as she recollects her posture. She cleans her eye liner in time as Shadow walks in. "Figured you could use some help." Shadow says as he hands her a large cup of coffee. Rouge takes the coffee and takes a drink, she noticed he put Apricot Creamer in hers. It was her favored creamer. "I guess everyone is becoming a heavy coffee drinker, like you now?" Rouge joked. Everyone in their area has been juicing on Caffeine for the past few days. There have been more dream shares and people are scared to try and sleep now.

        "Another 4, have become comatose since yesterday." Shadow tells her. Rouge rubes her eyes, and grones at the unpleasant news. "What about that project in Military Advancement tech? Is it what's causing this?" Rouge asked hopefully. However, Shadow still had a grim look. "No, I wish it was. The interface only operates with someone inside the capsule, and is set only on Alpha and Delta waves. So it's not the cause."

        "Tails and Hope have an experiment they want to try. We're going to see if it's the dreamers or if something is causing this. We know there is one area that has no activity." Rouge looks up at Shadow, she has bags under her eyes now from lack of sleep. "How will we know?" She asked. "Sonic, Amy, Tails, and your boyfriend Knuckles will act as the control group. Hopefully if it works we can all get a good night's sleep." 

(Thanks for reading this part, next will part will have more dreams. :)
