Ch. 3- Complications

          After dinner with the Cottonfield's, Shadow and Rouge are walking back to their room. Since they were still playing the part of a married couple, Rouge is holding Shadow's hand as it is wrapped around her waist. "Dinner was nice." Rouge spat off. Shadow responds with a muffled "Hummph''. Rouge rest her head on his shoulder, "Oh, come on now. Everything is alright, you'll see, Mr. Grumpy pants." "The sooner we get back the better." Shadow tells her.

          In a world made up of glass and mirrors around every turn, it's possible to see behind you without turning around. This is what Shadow was doing, using the corner mirrors, he was able to make out that, that uneasy feeling he had was the Cottonfield's bodyguards tailing them. Rouge could feel Shadow tensing up. "What's wrong?" Rouge asked with a worried concern look in her eyes, as she held his arm.

          Quickly Shadow throws Rouge against the wall, pinning her, as he kisses her. Forcing his lips against hers, as the smacking of their lips is well heard. *~Smack~* "~hu? What~ are you doing? ~" Rouge asked as Shadow left a trail down her neck. Shadow whispers into her ear, "Chela, we have unpleasant company." Shadow tells her. Rouge's eyelids begin to close as Shadow begins making out with her. Rouge dug her hands into the quills on his head, things becoming more physical in their "acting". "Are they gone yet?" Shadow hissed as he kissed her bottom lip. "They been gone for a while." Rouge tells him as she rubs up on him.

          After that happened, in the hallway they made their way to their room, which was only down a corner. The two partners were still really flustered in their room, neither of them would say anything. Rouge finally decided to break the ice, "So, you kissed me, for the job?" Shadow has his back turned from her as he takes off his coat, "And you kissed back..."

          They have their backs to each other as they take off their shoes as they go to get ready for bed. There was still the possibility they were still followed. "Sh- Tarios?" Rouge stutter as she called for him. "Could you get my back open for me?" Shadow walks over to Rouge, as he unzips her back of her dinner dress. "You know... they could still be listening outside...?" Rouge tells him. "Thinking we need to keep that "act" up still?" Shadow asks her as he holds one hand on her hip. "It wouldn't be a bad idea..." Rouge gasps when she feels Shadows hot breath on her bare back, as he starts to plant kisses down her spine. "Just tell me... when you... " He tells her as she shivers in anticipation.

Next morning...

          Rouge wakes up in the morning, nude under the sheets, as she feels around in bed. When she does her hand lands on something soft and warm, she opens her eyes to see a sleeping Shadow. Rouge then snuggles in closer to the Hedgehog.

          Later in the day they meet up with Andraes and Sammantha at the pool. "I don't like this." Andraes whined. Rouge is soaking her feet in the water of the pool they're at, "Just relax baby boy. In a matter of hours we will be flying off, and away from all our troubles." Rouge tells him as she kicks the water with her feet. "So, how will this go?" Sammantha asked.

          "First, smile and act like you're having a good time, or else they will start putting holes in all four of us. Me and Andraes have an appointment for a seasoned steam bath, at 2." Shadow says smiling. "While the boys do that, we have reservations at a lovely restaurant." Rouge says with a giddy smile. Sammantha is beaming, "Kittos?" Rouge smiles and nods, yes. "I, don't know. Maybe we should call it off?" Andraes said. He was scared, and for good reason. "Andraes, do you really want to stay locked up with you millions, Or do you want to fly away to spend your Billions with us?" Shadows convinces Andraes.

          "Well, us girls are going to enjoy a good meal. We'll see you later." Rouge cood helping Sammantha out of the pool, and gave Shadow a kiss on the lips. Shadow couldn't help but watch the way she left. 'CHAOS this is going to be complicated.' He thought to himself.

Shadow's POV

          Shadow is in the steam room waiting for Andraes. A key factor in extraction, is planning, if you can pick a place where you have the advantage. So, if you can get a trained Racine soldier in a place where he can't hide a weapon, put some steam rocks in a towel and you have yourself a very good, upper hand. "Andraes, what I need you to do is when Cerga walks in, I need you to keep his attention on you. Understand?" Shadow asked Andres. "Ya, I can do that... You know, after this, I've been working on something major. I'm talking full "Hot" zones, the Racine weren't too interested in it thou." Andraes said.

          Cerga walks in shortly after. "Vhat do you tink your doing?" Cerga askes Andraes, mad. "What? Do you have to watch me when I go to the bathroom, too?" Andraes laughs. "Vere is tee oter one?" "How should I know, Cerga? Probably went to take a leak." Shadow sneaks up behind Cerga. <"Hey Cerga!"> Shadow calls in Cerga's native language. When Cerga turned around, Shadow uppercut him with the towel full of rocks.

          "Andreas, go!" Shadow ordered as he began beating Cerga. But Cerga was well trained too. Cerga has blood coming from his mouth now, as he takes a swing at Shadow. Shadow dodges the punch, but Cerga hits his left side in the process. Shadow headbutts Cerga, with a loud *thump*, followed by a knee to the sternum. The two wrestle around the steam room, until Shadow finally slams Cerga's head into the wall. Shadow checks to make sure Cerga is out; when he did, he noticed the diy he used to color his quills white was running off in the steam.

Rouge's POV

          While Shadow was taking a steam bath, Rouge and Sammantha were enjoying a good meal. The two girls were outside Kittos, a famous restaurant, while Sammantha's bodyguard was inside watching them. "Easy on the bubbly, girl." Rouge told Sammantha. "Sorry. I just... how are you so calm?" Sammantha asked. Rouge takes a bite of her salad. "So, how is this going to work?" "Earlier, I slipped the waiter $50 for the key. Told him Hecat is your ex-girlfriend who has been stalking you. Anyway, I'll get up to lock her in then you get up and leave to the left with me behind you. If we act normally, we'll be out of here and out of sight." Rouge finishes.

          Sammantha stairs at Hecat for a moment. "You're going to give us away." Rouge tells her. "What?" "If you keep giving her those rabbit eyes, she's going to ketch on. Just loosen up." Rouge tells her. "Okay. *Inhales. * Alright, I'm ready... After one last drink."

          Rouge cleans her hands and uses the napkin to carry the key, as she locks it. After she does, Rouge walks back after throwing the napkin away; Sammantha gets up too, but when she does, she knocks over her glass. In instinct Sammantha looks at Hecat, with fear in her eyes. Hecat sees this and gets up quickly. Rouge, knowing what to do, blocks the exit with a cart and table, "Go over the rail."

          Sammantha jumps over the rail, with Rouge following. When Hecat couldn't open the door, she pulled out a gun and began shooting the glass. "In the water, now!" Rouge orders as she pulls Sammantha under with her. Hecat shot the water looking for them.

          Rouge and Sammantha come out of the water a little away. Going through a parking lot she finds a bike. "Here put this on." Rouge hands Sammantha a bike helmet, as she hotwires the dirt bike. Hecat soon found them and is now chacing them down in a SUV.

          In a car chance different vehicles have different advantages. A dirt bike is able to execute at quicker speeds, is harder to hit as it's moving; you're able to move on terrain easier than that of a larger vehicle. "SH*t." Rouge cursed. In their path a swarm of other SUVs blocked their path. The downside is they are very lousy as a battering ram through a blockade. "Hecat, must have called all her Racine buddies in the area. Hold on." Rouge takes a sharp turn and starts going through the tree lines. Cutting across ditch lines and paths, Rouge eventually finds an abandoned open warehouse.

Shadow's POV...

          Shadow and Andraes are sitting in a tinted SUV, Shadow is tapping on the steering wheel nervously, he keeps checking his watch. "They should have shown up by now." Shadow says. "We waited long enough, we should just go." Andraes tells him. Shadow checked his watch again; it had only been 5 minutes since the meet up time. "Something must have gone wrong? If Hecat caught on she would block them in somewhere." Shadow says getting mad. "Then there is nothing we can do. We should just cut our losses and just get out of here while they preoccupied them." Andraes says, letting his hands do some talking. Shadow gives him a dirty look as he starts the car, "I can see why your wife loves your, "charming" personality."

Back with Rouge

          Rouge siphoned what gas was left in the Dirt bike, and then hides the bike with a tarp. "What are you going to use that for?" Sammantha asked Rouge, as she brought over some old rags she was able to find. "I plan on using it to fight with. We won't get past them or that barricade, it's no longer a question of "If the ketch us", it's a question when?" Rouge tells Sammantha. "So, were just going to hide until they find us?" Sammantha asked, scared. "It's better than being caught out there. At least we can have a better chance fighting here."

          Sammantha is helping Rouge, as she copies her movements. She stops and takes off her ring, "This kind of makes you question why you accept this ring." Rouge pulls out her pistol she had tucked away and counted her rounds, "I wouldn't know, mine's a fake." "Really?"

          Their girl talk is cut short when black vans roll up. They crouch down behind a 80's freezer, as the Racine closed in. Rouge is using her purse mirror to see around the four sides. Rouge pops up *BANG* around went off, from Rouge. The agent hits her mark. "Sam., to your left!" Rouge tells her as she fires another round. Using a blowtorch Sammantha lights the rag connected to the glass of gasoline, shattering against the wall and engulfing the attacker in fire. The two girls were on it. Taking out most of them, while Sammantha provided back up. Rouge jumps and ducked under to grab one of their attackers' guns, from one that she killed. Opening a spread of fire on one side of the warehouse. *Click-ting. *

          "That's enough of that Bat girl." Hecat says waking up with a gun drawn at her head. Rouge was out of ammunition, and was caught out in the open, she was prepared to fight bare handed but this was not going to work. Suddenly Shadow appeared behind Hecat, by Chaos Controle, and hit Hecat so hard a loud *Crack* could be heard from the back of her head.

          "Shadow?!" Rouge gets closer to him. "How did you know we be here?" She asked. "Knowing you, you'll want to go out with an impression." Shadow tells her. The two smile at each other, until their ears flicker to the sound of footsteps. "May I have this dance, Ms. Rouge?" Shadow asked. Rouge wraps her arms around his waist and grasps two Glocks, "Only if you lead." Rouge gins back.

          Using a rifle Shadow has, he opens fire on his left, while Rouge pulls out the two pistols and covers his 6. Using his non dominant hand Shadow pulls out a third pistol and fires to his right as he keeps hitting on his left. "Reloading." Shadow says as the two broke formation as Shadow used a quick-mag to reload. Rouge shot a dangling bottle of gas and oil over a candle they planted; the shot shattered the glass causing a breath of fire around. "Good! Sammantha get over here!" Shadow ordered. The two agents pin Sammantha between them as they walked out of the warehouse protecting her. They make a run for the SUV that is close by, when more Racine show up and begin shooting at them. "Shadow! The gun!" Rouge yelled and Shadow tossed her the rifle. Rouge then fires back at their attackers as Shadow gets in the driver's seat.

          As they began driving off, they have Sammantha and Andraes put their heads down as Rouge shot through the back glass of the moving SUV. "What's going to keep them from following us?" Andraes yelled, hiding. Shadow pulls out a detonator and flips and presses a button. The vehicles behind them began exploding as they drove off. Shadow had laid three charges and punched holes in the gas tanks. The result is exploding vehicles and a wall of fire dividing them as they made their escape.

At the Helicopter

          The four of them pile out of the badly shot at car. There is a heavy Helicopter with armed GUN agents waiting for them. Rouge has the Chaos Emerald in a shielded case as she hands it off to one of the agents. "Woh. Woh. Woh?!" Andraes yells. The other three look at him. "What the F**k! Where is this going?" Andraes yelled.

          "Well first probably to a refill zone, but then to a secure GUN facility where you will be detained." Shadow tells him. Sammantha is shocked, "Were going to prison?" Rouge comforts her, "They'll probably offer you a deal, hunny. You can then pawn off that ring to start a new life somewhere." Andraes pulls out a gun on them, "I'm not going anywhere with you!" Shadow just stands there looking at him, "Go ahead. Run back to your Racine buddies, I'm sure after your great escape they will welcome you back with a warm reception." "Who knows how much you told us about them? How many there are? Their movements, and where?" Rouge taunts off.

          Andraes puts the gun down in a fit of frustration. Two agents walked over and put them in handcuffs, but Rouge waved them off when they went to put some on Samantha. "You pr*ks ain't getting nothing from me!" Andraes mouthed off. "Well they'll get plenty from me, for the both of us!" Sammantha yelled at him.

          When they got back to the city, where GUN was going to move Andraes, Rouge and Shadow made their way to their shared offices. "Aaa. It feels so good to be back here." Rouge says stretching her wings out. "I guess I won't be needing this anymore." Rouge goes to try and take the wedding ring off, but it's stuck. "Here. Let me help." Shadow helps Rouge take off the wedding ring. "You know. For what it's worth, it wasn't half as bad being married to you, Ms. Bat." Shadow tells Rouge as he gets the ring off. "Oh, please. My mother would never approve of this." Rouge flaunts, getting a small chuckle.

          Shadow tosses the ring in the air and catches it, "Maybe I should hold onto this?-" Rouge's eyes widen in shock as she looks at him. "- In case for another job." Shadow reassures her. Rouge walks over to her desk, her answering machine was flashing, "Just so you know, I prefer a, Princess Asscher cut." Rouge tells him, looking away. She presses play. *"Hello? Is it recording?"* Its Knuckles. *"Rouge. You drive me crazy, but it's crazier when you're not around... Please, I... I want to give us another try. Please just, can we talk at least."* The machine beeps, ending Knuckle's call. Rouge has her gloved hand to her lip, as she listens to her boyfriend's message.

           Rouge picks up the phone to call back the number, but then stops to look at Shadow. "Shadow." Shadow holds his hand up before she can say more, "It's alright, Rouge, go ahead." Shadow puts his jacket on, "I on the other hand have a date with a scrub brush tonight." Rouge snorted at his joke. "See you tomorrow, Rouge." "Night, Shadow." Rouge said as she started dialing the number. Shadow makes his way to his parking spot where his bike waits, he reeves it up and lets it warm up a bit before taking off. On his ride home one thought crossed his mind. 'Things are going be complicated.'

This is not the end. This was simply the back story for future events.
