Ch. 11- Our Dream (2/2)

(Art work is my own. I used "Paint 3D" and "Paint" that already come on your computer.)

          A crowd of people and mobians flock into a gymnasium. Amy and Knuckles handed out sleeping bags, while Tails set up sensors. Hope was walking to her bag, when she tripped. Marcos, a Mobian of the Wolf Pack, catches her before she can fall. "Oh. I got you, Hope." Marcos tells her as he wrapped his arm around her. "Thanks Marcos. I'm just really tired." Hope has a worried look on her sleepy face. Marcos gives her a nudge with his wet nose. "Ya, hopefully after tonight, you won't need to keep shocking your brain awake..." Hope moves some hair from her face, "Yes, but I'm still a little nerves  about this."  

      "Want me to stay next to you then?" Hope's face started to heat up as Marcos helped her down. Knuckles then walks up and pulls Marcos way by the ear, "Cool it hound dog." Knuckles tells him. Hope giggles at this little amusement, as her friend looks back with puppy eyes.

        They all packed in ready for the night. Amy notes Marine seems excited, for some reason. While Shadow has a stoke expression as he slumps down in a seat. "He's nervous." Rouge tells Amy, who has been staring at Shadow. "Is it that bad sharing a dream with someone? It almost sounds fun." Amy say getting in her sleeping bag. "Depends on the dream." A dreed tired, Silver tells Amy, as he laid down across from Blaze and Marine who shared his tired ware. 

        ' Rouge is woken up by the sound of someone banging at the door. She gets up from where she is sleeping, Rouge puts a robe over her transparent purple blows that ruffles down to her calf as her bare feet echo as she walks. Shadow is on the other side of her door, knocking at her door, as his quills drip with water. Rouge opens the door after seeing its Shadow.

        "Shadow? What are you doing here? What's wrong?" Rouge asked as she let him in. Shadow stands there in a daze, his eyes searching for answers. "Shadow? Shadow look at me." Rouge softly spoke as she put her hand on his cheek. Shadow was feeling hot from her touch.  "This is all wrong, but... I've been thinking about when I came over... I wish I could make since of all this." Shadow says in almost a whisper. "Shadow, what is it? Remember, I'm here for you." Rouge tells him. Shadow has never been like this. Shadow looks into those teal eyes he stares at. Shadow has never been one to articulate his words. He simply speaks, "Rouge." As he pulls her into a deep kiss.

        Shadow deepens his kiss as he held her closer. Shadow wrapped his arms around her waist as he pushed her against the wall, his one hand feeling her. "Sh-shadow~" Rouge said as he undone her robe. Rouge's face heating up as Shadow's hand runs up her thigh. She gasps and moans softly as he planted kisses down her. Shadow only stops when he feels someone watching them.'

        ' "Hello!" A child's voice echoed in a sea of darkness. "Please, is anyone there!" A young white bat walks in the darkness. Her little yellow dress being the only other color than her teary teal eyes. The young bat sulks down, cradling her knees against her chest, as she began to cry. "Please. Someone find me." As the child bat cried, a man's voice makes her ears twitch.

       "Annabelle." The voice called. The child gets up and turns around to see a brown bat with very large ears. "DAD!" The white bat cheered as she jumps into her father's arms. "My you're getting so big, my little gem. You're going to grow up as beautiful as your mother." Jonathan Bat tells the little bat.

        However, this presence soon faded, leaving behind a older white bat reaching out. Fighting to grab a sliver of that feeling. Rouge starts to cry again as she felt empty, as she hugs herself. Another presence was felt, as a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind. In them she felt a stronger feeling one of safety and warmth. "You don't have to be so strong, Rouge. I'm here for you." The disembodied voice comforted her. Rouge didn't recognize the owner of the voice, but it was someone familiar to her, and she found peace as the darkness faded into color. 

        Rouge is walking thru a field when she spots her friends at their spot. "Ms. Rouge!" Cream the Rabbit called waving. Amy ran up and hugged her and pulled her to the gang. "Come on. The rest of the family is waiting." Amy tells her. Rouge smiles and hurries to meet them.'

[Imagen if the following is spoken in Spanish.]

        ' The sky is a vibrant blue, as the warm breeze blows from the ocean, rustling the blooming roses on their pruned bushes. "Señorita, Blaze." A young Racoon maid addressed her lady. Blaze turns around from her view, as she wore a red dress with a white blows hanging off her shoulders. "Sí, Marine." Señorita Blaze asked her beloved handmaid. Marine motions to her side, "Don, Sonic Maurice Hedgehog, is here to see you. Señorita." Sonic approaches as Marine walks off. Sonic is wearing a pair of black pants and a long-sleeved dress shirt. "Señorita, Blaze, I have come for your answer to my proposal?" Sonic asked as he walked closer. Blaze turns her head, her golden eyes looking elsewhere.

"Forgive me, Don Sonic, but. My heart already belongs to another man." Blaze tells him with confidence. Sonic clicks his tong, "Very well." Sonic rushes Blaze as he holds her against him, "I do not require your hand, for what I want from you." Sonic forces a kiss on Blaze. Blaze breaks away from his kiss and slaps him hard across the face. Sonic smiles at the angry cat. "Good~. I like it when they fight back." Sonic says in a evil tone.

"LET HER GO, SONIC!" Someone called out behind him. Sonic turns around to see a masked Hedgehog dressed in black with a pair of boots fitting up to his knees, standing on the terrace. The masked Hedgehog leaps off hovering to the ground. Sonic puffs his chest out, "And who are you suppose to be?" The masked hedgehog cocks a grin, "The other man." Don, Sonic, smile at the other hedgehog, "Is that so?" Sonic pulls out a sword and quickly thrusts for the mask man.

The dark clothed hedgehog quickly blocks with his sword, as he causes Sonic to mis him. The two hedgehogs fight back and forth, both skilled with a blade. The masked hedgehog leaps back words off the balcony as Sonic fallows running. Sonic's green eyes mirrored the masked hedgehog's yellow eyes, with the same fire in them. Sonic and the Masked Hedgehog swing their swords around in a circle, until Sonic locks their swords and sends the other's sword flying. Sonic looks back with his sword in hand triumphantly. *POW!*

The masked hedgehog had punched Sonic square in the nose, knocking him to the ground. The masked hedgehog summons his sword back to him, as he holds his sword at Sonic. As they lock eyes, the masked hedgehog puts away his sword and leaves Sonic holding his bloody nose.

Blaze turns around suddenly when she hears footsteps coming. "Forgive me, Señorita, I did not mean to scare you." The masked hedgehog said in a smooth chocolate voice that Blaze found arousing. "No, Señor. However, may I know the name of the one who owns my virtue?" Blaze asked as she let her guard down. The mask hedgehog pulls out his sword and cuts his signature, S, into her blows. The masked Hedgehog removes his black hat revealing his Silver cowlicks and removes his mask to reveal his golden eyes to her. "Señor, Silver. Señorita."

Silver pulls Blaze into him as the young cat blushed madly as he closed the gap between their lips. '

        Blaze wakes up in a startled panic! "Oh MY SOL!" Blaze gasped as she came to her knees. Silver wakes up in a similar startled, "Hagamos hermosas camadas, juntas.~" Blaze is glaring at Silver, across from her, as she growls his name between teeth. Silver holds his hands up as a shield, "Blaze, It could have been anyone's dream!" 

        Marine rubs her eyes as she wakes up too, "Awwww. It was just getting goooood." Marine wined. Resulting in both Silver and Blaze blushing.

        "Did it work?" Someone asked in the crowd. Amy looks around and answers, "NO." Shadow rubs his eyes as he wakes up from his dream. He sees Knuckles helping up Rouge as he holds her, Knuckles glares at Shadow from afar. Shadow goes to check on Hope, but Marcos the Wolf is already there. "AGENT, SHADOW!" A GUN solider called out to him. "We have someone not waking up!" Another voice calls out, "We have one here, too!" "Over, here!"

        Rouge takes the megaphone out and announces the crowd to help move those people to the infirmary, while the rest head for the Mess Hall for some coffee. Shadow is beside himself as the mass of "zombies" leave the gymnasium. Even though he was the Ultimate Lifeform, he was still very much organic and required the basic needs. How he wished he got more sleep before all this. "Shadow." Tails called to the Hedgehog. Shadow looks up to the fox that managed to walk up without him noticing. "My sensors picked something up. We should look into it."...

[the explanation]

        Shadow, Rouge, Tails, Blaze, Silver and Dr. Alize were all present in the Commanders office. Even the Veteran Commander looked half dead. Dr. Alize, who has been looking at this from the biological side tells them what she found. "I compared the results form before and during the past few days and there is a abnormal amount of, Acetylcholine levels in everyone's systems." Dr. Alize told Blaze, Shadow, and Rouge who had the highest out of everyone. The Commander who is trying his best to stay awake asked, "How much more?" "The latest victims have the highest Acetylcholine levels, and its still rising. They're a neurotransmitter, its what allows your neurons to communicate and your muscles to flex and is the necessity to dream."

        Rouge takes another drink. "So the dreams are what's killing people?" Dr. Alize explains that because they dreamed about something, their bodies believed it was real. If you dream your drowning, your body puts pressure on your lungs. But that alone doesn't explain the dream sharing."

        Tails askes a question. "How many dreams exactly have you experience?" They think for a moment and Tails continues, "My sensors picked up levels of Alpha and Delta waves. Maybe if I run some test we could separate the Dreamers from the Dreamiest. They would be the ones with higher hippocampus activity." Both Dr. Alize and Shadow wake up. "That would cause it!" Dr. Alize yelled. "Its the "pill", because of the additional waves it super charged their function, allowing them to transmit their dreams!"

        Silver looks confused. "Whats a "pill"?" Silver asked as he scratched his ear. Blazes face goes beat red. "Oh my Sol." Blaze has a "pill" also, that is why she was here. "So taking these things out will end this." Shadow said. Rouge got a call about another incodent. "Unfortunatly, no. Their bodies are over producing the fluid now. We have to lower the levels still."

         "Shadow." Rouge called him in a worried voice. Shadow looks to see fear in Rouge's eyes. "Its Hope." Shadow takes off for Hope's lab running as fast as his sleep deprived body could. He sees Hope sitting in a chair, Marcos on his knee holding her hand. "Hope?" Shadow asked. Hope looked up with tears in her eyes as one hand rubbed her leg. "Shadow... I can't feel my legs."

        "Will this work." Shadow asked very pissed, to the team of scientist as they worked. Dr. Alize offers her comfort. An hour ago all 60 participants of the "Pill" experiment had theirs removed. Silver was especially happy to know it wasn't his or Sonic's dream, he shared. Tails and Hope have a plan to filter out the excess Acetylcholine, by flooding the system. "Agent, Shadow. You know I'm right as to why you can't test it." Dr. Alize told him. "So having Rouge possibly drown herself, is better than someone who was born in this stuff?" Shadow remarked back. "Thats why you cant. We need to know this will work, for..."

        Rouge is in a back room changing. "Rouge?" Knuckles called to her. "What is it Knuki?" Rouge asked as she changed behind a door. "What was your dream?" Knuckles asked. Rouge held her bare arms as she thinks what to tell him. "Rouge?" Knuckles sounded worried. "How do I look?" Rouge asked walking out for him to see. Knuckles is jaw dropped, "Why a bikini?" Rouge smiles at the red Echidna, "Might as well do it in style." Rouge walks over and gives Knuckles a hug, and he hugs her back. "I dreamt about my father." Rouge tells him. Knuckles holds her, "Everything's going to be alright, Rouge."

        Hope begins the test. Rouge stands in a pressure tank as the orange plasma filled tank. "Rouge, you need to breath in the plasma into your lungs for this to work." Hope told her thru a radio. Rouge begins to spasms as her body jerked in the fluid. "She's drowning!" Knuckles yells going for the capsule. Shadow grabs a defibrillator and follows Knuckles. "WAIT! She's stable." Hope tells them, as the heart monitor makes its settle *Beep...Beep* noise. Both Knuckles and Shadow look thru the glass screen to see Rouge smiling at them, as her body danced around in the fluid. "Shadow, lets get people in here." Hope tells him.

Rouge's POV

        Soon everyone was taken care off, and everything went back to normal. Almost everything. Rouge is sitting next to Hope, in her lab. Hope is focused on her work, while Rouge watches her. Rouge works up the courage to talk to her, "Hope, sweety. Everything will work out. You'll be walking again in no time." Rouge comforted her. 

        Hope wheels around, in her wheelchair, to face her. Rouge becomes more at ease as she sees a real smile on Hope. "I know, Rouge." Hope tells her. Hope takes Rouge's hand in hers and looks Rouge in the eyes, "And you will never loose us. This is my family too." Rouge smiles at the young teen, who shared Rouge's nightmare with her. The two girls hug, then Hope went to go home while Rouge was going to meet up with Knuckles. She guess this whole experience made him want to take her out tonight? Either way she left with a smile and eagerness in her step.

Shadow's POV

        After all this I went to my bike so I can get a room for tonight at a motel. Yes GUN has a room set up for me, but I don't know how I feel about it now. As I get to my bike I see the Echidna, Knuckles, waiting.

        Knuckles has his arms crossed and a even more crossed look on his face. "I didn't say anything earlier out of respect for Rouge, but we need to have a talk." Shadow walks past Knuckles, and gets on his bike, "Whatever it is, Knuckles, it can wait till tomorrow." Shadow tells him but Knuckles puts his hands on Shadow's bike, keeping him from leaving.

        "I know what your dream was, Shadow. I was there. Rouge is mine, do you understand that?" Knuckles tells Shadow, glaring into his eyes. Shadow does the same in Knuckles eyes. "Me and Rouge are only teammates, Knuckles." Shadow tells him.  

        "Best keep it that way then." Knuckles let's go, then uses a warp ring to meet up with Rouge. Shadow rides his bike off, but now more than anything Shadow kept thinking back to that dream he had of Rouge. 'What is happening to me?' Shadow thinks to himself as he rode off in the night.

Translation of what Silver said, (Let's make beautiful litters, together)
