Part 7 - SCP-096 x Kind Male Reader part 1

Your POV:
I have been working in this place for few months already. It is a pretty good job, but I am not truely satisfied. Everyone thinks, that SCPs are bad, but I cannot believe that. They all say, that it will get me killed sooner or later, but I think, that everything will be fine. I was going from Light Containment Zone to director's office in Heavy Containment Zone, when I have heard an alarm about a containment breach.

All scientists were running to the shelter, so I did the same. However, while I was running, I fell on the floor and broke my leg. I called for help, but there was nobody nearby to help me. The leg hurt me, and I couldn't move it at all. I tried to crawl to the shelter, but the pain was too huge to bear, so after few seconds of trying, I fell on the floor and started crying. Ididn't know what to do. I have called for help once again, and then, I have heard somebody behind me.

I turned around and saw SCP-096 behind me. I looked at his face, he covered it up with his hands and started screaming. I knew, that he is going to kill me, so I didn't move at all. I only looked at him and said:

You: Sorry... I didn't want to look at your face...
I know that it makes you suffer... Do what you have to do...

I have closed my eyes and waited for the end...

SCP-096's POV:
After this scientist looked at my face, I instantly started screaming. I hate when people do that, they always scream in fear. I know that I am this thing, but I didn't choose to become a monster. I have expected him to do the same, but instead of screaming, he said with a calm, sad noice, that he is sorry for that and he knows, how it makes me suffer. He also closed his eyes and didn't look at me anymore. I had no idea what to do. This has never happened before. I have stopped screaming and came closer to him.

Your POV:
096 stopped screaming, but I didn't feel any pain. Instead of that, I felt somebody touching my head. The hand was way different than the hand of a normal human, so I quickly realised, that it was SCP-096. However, the biggest surprise for me, was the fact, that he spoke to me.

096: You... Aren't going to scream and try and run away...?

I have decided to answer him.

You: I know that this is pointless to run, and I am sorry for looking at your face. I know that you hate it, I didn't want to make you angry, but I wanted to check, who is behind me...

I felt, how he touched my broken leg. I have groaned in pain.

096: This doesn't look good... How did you break it?

You: I slipped, fell and broke it. And now it hurts a lot.

I felt his arms grabbing me. I didn't open my eyes, but I felt, that he is bringing me somewhere. After short time, I have heard, that somebody saw us. And these people were another SCPs. From their tone of voice, I guessed that it was SCP-106 and SCP-953.

106: Hey Shy, what did you get there?

096: A friend... Don't try to kill him...

He called me a friend? I didn't expect that.

106: Why not?

953: Oh Larry shut up, you would only kill everyone.

I have groaned in pain again. This leg really hurt.

953: Is he wounded?

096: Yea... He broke his leg.

106: That's just perfect! Give him to me Shy, I will gladly play with him, and he won't escape!

096: Forget about that...

106: You do realise, that if you don't kill him, then I will?

953: Larry, there is a tesla gate near us, go and jump into it.

106; Sure!

He started running to the tesla gate, and then I have heard a scream.

106: For fuck sake! Why did you do that to me?! Why did you take control over me and forced me to do that?!

953: Because Shy usually kills everyone, who looks at his face and this guy is an exception, so he must be special.

She started talking to me.

953: Hey, what is your name anyway?

You: Y/N...

953: Alright Y/N listen, I will bring you and Shy to 049, and he will help you with your leg, alright?

You: Alright... But why are you trying to help me?

953: Because you may be somebody, who will help him get rid of his depression. And don't get me wrong, I hate seeing him in this state.

096: Y/N... You can open your eyes... You don't have to keep them closed...

I have openned my eyes, and saw, that I was on 096's arms. I also saw SCP-106, who got wounded by the tesla gate, and he looked really angry about that.

106. Ugh, whatever. Do whatever you want with him. I am leaving this place right now.

953: Good luck. Remember that HID hits way harder than tesla gate!

106: ... Bye.

He went to his pocket dimension. 953 guided us to 049's chambers, and we stepped inside.

049: Ah, hello Shy, hello my pretty Fox, how are you doing during this containment breach?

953: Not bad Doctor, I wonder why you haven't left your chamber yet.

049: I had a patient to cure, that's why. Anyway, what brings you here?

096: Can you help him...?

049 looked at me and said:

049: You haven't killed him yet? Impressing. But he doesn't have The Great Pestilence, so what do you want me to do?

096: He broke his leg...

049: Oh, that is unfortunate. Alright, put him on my table.

096 put me on the table, looked at me and said:

096: You will be fine, don't worry.

I felt how 049 touched me, and I have lost consciousness.

After I woke up, I didn't feel any pain in my leg anymore, but I couldn't move it. I saw, that it was in a cast, so I had to wait, until it regenerates. 049 stood next to me and said:

049: You need to wear it for two months. After that time, go to your doctors and tell them to check, if everything is ok.

You: Thank you...

049: No problem. 096, could you bring him to the shelter?

096: Of course...

He grabbed me and we went to the shelter. While we were walking, I have asked him:

You: Hey, Shy?

096: ... Yea?

You: Thank you. Is there anything I can do, to pay you back for saving me?

096: ... There is one thing, that you could do, but... Nevermind, forget about that.

You: But...

096: You wouldn't agree anyway...

You: At least tell me.

096: ... I would like some company. I can only meet with other SCPs during containment breaches, and they are really rare... If you could come to me sometimes, then it would be great...

You: Sure, I will come, but I have to talk with the director about that, but I think that he will agree after all of that.

096: ... Thank you...

You: No problem, that's what friends are for.

096: Did you... Just call me a friend?

You: I did, is there something wrong with that?

096: No... It is just... I have never met a human that wanted to be my friend...

You: Heh, then you have just met one.

We came to the shelter door. 096 put me down and said:

096: I have to go, they won't open this, as long as I am here..

You: Don't worry, we will meet again.

I hugged him. He looked really happy about that.

096: Heh, see you later then...

He left and went somewhere else. I have knocked on the giant door. I have heard the voice of the guard:

Guard: Who are you?

You: Y/N L/N, scientist with level two clearence level, my ID is 180318.

I have heard, how he told another guard to check that in the data base, and after few seconds, he openned the door. When he saw my leg, he was shocked.

Guard: What happened to you?

You: Long story, could you help me?

Guard: Of course.

He helped me to go inside. Everyone was shocked, that somebody was still alive out there.

Scientist 1: How did you survive that?

Scientist 2: What happened to your leg bro?

Scientist 3: Are you ok?

I told them the entire story, and when I finished, they were speechless. I quickly realised, that director was here too. He came closer and spoke to me:

Director: You really saw 096's face and survived?

You: Yea.

Director: Interesting. And you also promised him, that you will come to his cell to visit him?

You: Only if you agree sir.

He looked at me with a smile and said:

Director: You have my permission for that.

*Three years later*

I was sitting with Shy Guy, 953 and 076 in the cafeteria, and we were talking. I was able to help most of SCPs, so they could freely move around the facility. What's more, I became a director of this place, after the previous one died from a heart attack. O5 council knew about that, and they didn't have anything againts that. I befriended almost all SCPs, but Shy Guy, was my best friend.
