Part 26 - SCP-323 x Innocent reader

Your POV:
I have joined a Mobile Task Force as a scout, because I loved danger, but at the same time had one character feature, which stopped me from joining the army. I was a pacifist, and I wasn't able to hurt anyone. Normally, I would be dismissed from the army and sent home, but the general had a friend, who was an MTF commander in the Foundation. He said, that they need MTFs, who can gather information about location of dangerous SCPs, and I immidiately agreed for that.

My rank wasn't high, but I was respected by everyone in my squad. Some of them tried to teach me, how to use a gun and kill enemies, but I wasn't able to force myself to shoot a training dummy, not talking about a living being.

This time, we were sent to find a group of SCPs, who escaped from different sites and were hiding somewhere in the forest. I was sent with two other scouts to find them and send their position through the radio to the rest of the squad. I was supposed to check the southern part of the forest, which was said to had the most SCP objects in it.

I entered the forest and carefully went deeper into the darkness. The sunlight was still able to pass through the leaves, however visibility was extremely low, and it was hard to spot anything.

After half an hour of searching, I have heard a branch snapping under my feet. I cursed in my mind and jumped into the bush next to me to hide from any possible dangers, which would come after hearing this sound, however I haven't seen or heard anything coming for me for over five minutes.

I left the bush and exhaled the air with a feeling, that nothing came after me. However, before I was able to turn back, I have felt somebody putting a sharp axe on my throat from behind.

You: ... Are you just going to do that without saying a word?

I didn't get an answer, instead of that, I have felt a deep laugh.

You: Answer me! Are you not even going to introduce yourself?!

323: Right, where are my manners... The name is Wendigo, the greatest hunter of all forests around the world.

So I got captured by SCP-323. I quickly recalled his report and calculated my chances of surviving. I quickly realised, that if I agree to help him, then I should be fine, and depending on that, my total chances of surviving should be equal to 35-40%.

323: Don't have high hopes, I know that you want to terminate my body again, so I will not agree on any cooperation with you nor with your Foundation.

I have cursed under my nose, because without a possibility of cooperation, my chances of surviving dropped to less than 3%. I quickly grabbed his axe, pulled it away from my throat and started running as far as possible. Branches were snapping under my legs while I was screaming to the radio:

You: SCP-323 has been found in southern part of the forest, send backup immidiately!

I quickly turned right and started sprinting as fast as possible, because I knew, that my squad should be there, but before I was able to reach them, I have felt something slicing part of my left leg's calf muscles. I fell on the floor, but quickly got up to start running again. I have avoided another axe, which flew next to my head and jumped on the field, where the rest of my squad should have been. However, instead of fully armed MTFs I saw their dead bodies and Chaos Insurgency aiming at me. Having turned around I ran to the forest again, but got shot with multiple bullets and fell on the floor. With the rest of counsciousness I still had, I saw SCP-323 looking at me, and then darkness has completely devoured me.

When I woke up, I was lying on a moss, and my body was covered with bandages. I tried to stand up, but my body hurt like somebody smashed it with a road roller, and SCP-323 was standing in front of me and looking at my face.

323: Look how the tables have turned. Now you will answer my questions, and if you don't, then I will terminate you. Do you understand?

You: ... What do you want from me?

323: Where is the second group of MTFs?

You: There was no second group... We had only one temporary base, which got destroyed by Chaos Insurgency.

323: From your eyes I see, that you are not lying, but that's kinda irrational to make only one base, am I correct?

You: It wasn't my decision.

323: Neither it was mine. But why haven't you tried to attack this Chaos group? They have killed your squad, but at the same time lost many of their man. If you played this correctly, you could have killed all of them.

You: I am a pacifist, I don't like killing others.

323: Then why did you go into this forest?! I will not believe, that you wouldn't kill me if you saw me first!

You: The weapon, which I have... It is not real. It is just a dummy gun, which I have to scare enemies. It doesn't have any bullets inside and is too light to hurt anyone by hitting him with it.

323: Then what the hell was your job?!

You: I was a scout. My job is... Or I should say was finding SCPs hiding in the forest and then sending this information to MTFs, who weren't afraid to fight. Do you have more questions, or is that everything and you are going to kill me?

323 turned around and began walking left and right. After few seconds, he spoke:

323: I have never met a real pacifist in my life. Everyone, who I have met would at least try to defend themselves in a combat, especially when he had a chance. What's worse, by meeting you, I have signed a sentence on myself.

You: What do you mean?

323: Every Wendigo, which exists, has to kill. However, if any of us meets a real pacifist, his soul becomes bounded to his. It means, that if you die differently than from natural reasons, I will die too.

You: So that means...

323: That I have to come back with you to your Foundation, and protect you at all cost. Because if you die, then I will share the same fate.
