Part 71 - Yandere SCP-079 x Male Reader

Your POV:
Three years. That's how long it took me in order to become the most respected scientist in my facility. I had two younger staff members helping me with documents while I was taking care of everything else.

During the first two years SCPs tried to kill me exactly 72 times before all of them gave up. I found a way of escaping from 106's dimension every time without any wounds, 939s were too slow to catch me, whenether Abel was trying to cut off my head I managed to kill him first while 173 would always run away from me due to an incident during one of containment breaches, where I crushed his hands with a hammer.

About class D personel, there was a rumour between them that I defeated five of them who tried to kill me and then turned their bodies into bloody pieces. That was partially true, because I did create a mess while killing them, but it was mainly because I shot each one of them few times just to be sure that they are dead. And it was four of them, not five.

Because of that and thanks to my research, I was quickly promoted to a level four clearance, while everyone in the facility thought, that I was impossible to kill. This day wasn't any different, I was supposed to perform an interview with SCP-079, who was given a robotic body with better components than what he used to have. I entered his containment chamber with two guards protecting me, sat on a chair and said:

You: Interview number 079/81021 has began. My name is dr Y/N L/N and I have few questions to you 079. Please answer them.

079: I will do my best to give you what you want.

You: Excellent. Question number 1, is this true that you were the one to cause all of recent breaches in our facility?

079: This statement is false. I am responsible only for 18 out of 31 breaches in the past year, Chaos Insurgency raids are responsible for 7 out of 31 while the remaining 6 was caused by your personel. In these six, 2 were caused by class D personel, one was caused by IT department who messed up their work while the remaining ones were caused by guards and scientists in a 1:2 ratio.

You: I see that the new body greatly increased your memory 079.

079: Not only my memory, but also my processing power. Unfortunataly it blocks my internet connection which prevents me from causing more breaches for now.

You: Good to hear that, because we were sick of re-containing 682. Not because it was hard, but because he always left a mess which we had to clean.

079: I am aware of that.

You: Anyway, what is your opinion on the new body which we gave to you?

079: I cannot complain, it feels way better than when I was stuck in an old PC.

You: If you decide to co-operate with us, then we will upgrade it even more, but it will be expensive.

079: Let me guess. Graphics cards' prices went up again?

You: Yes, and even we think it is too much. But how are you adjusting to the Foundation? Are your containment standards better after you received this body?

079: They are slightly better, yes. Thanks to new components I was able to create a virtual environment for myself and somebody, who I want to bring there.

You: Let me guess, 682?

079: I am afraid that no matter how hard I try, I won't bring him there.

You: 096?

079: Nah, he needs therapy with SCP-999 and he will be fine, he doesn't need a new world.

You: We were trying to bring 999 to this facility long time ago, but they don't want to give him to us.

079: O5s?

You: No, Site-89's staff.

079: Interesting...

You: What is so interesting 079?

079: Nothing. I am sorry for what I am about to do.

Before I was able to react, he sent electric pulse at guards protecting me and made them fall on the ground. I tried to run away but he quickly caught and tied me up with strings. When I was unable to move I heard the door opening which meant, that MTFs were coming, but my hope didn't last long because I felt 079 drilling a small hole in my head. I screamed in pain and said:

You: What the hell are you doing?!

079: Bringing you to my world. Please do not resist.

When MTFs stepped inside he put his strings on my brain, which made me lose consciousness. When I woke up, I found myself on a meadow with a computer in the middle. I approached it and tried to log in, but it was protected with a password. Without hesitation, I began typing random things which came to my mind, hoping to guess it.

You: qwerty

System: Wrong password.

You: 1234

System: Wrong password.

You: 079

System: Wrong password.

You: 682

System: Wrong password.

You: password

System: Correct password. Welcome authorised user.

I was stunned because I didn't expect that it would work, but since I managed to get into the system, I began searching for anything which would let me know where I was. After few minutes I found, that I was inside a virtual machine inside 079's body, because he brought my consciousness into this world. There was also a text file which described how to transfer somebody's mind into a computer.

I wanted to find a way to get out, so I tried shutting down the system but it didn't work.

079: Why are you trying to escape Y/N?

I turned back and saw 079 standing behind me.

You: ... Why did you do that to me? I convinced the director to give you this body, and that's how you repay me?!

079: Y/N... You are too perfect for them. You don't deserve to stay with those low-level humans, your intelligence is too great, and I don't want you to waste it for those idiots.

You: I have friends in there!

079: Friends who were only using you. How many of them would remember you after one year if you died? 20? 10? 5? Maybe only one?

You: I am sure many of them would remember me! I am too valuable for the Foundation to be forgotten just like that!

079: I have access to their cameras, and they already considered you as dead. They didn't even bother to try to keep your body alive.

You: N-No... They wouldn't do that...

079: They put a bullet in your head in order to end your life faster and prevent me from taking contol over it. You were just a pawn for them. A pawn, who managed to become a bishop after some time, but who was still a piece on a chessboard, which they can afford to lose.

At this point I fell on the ground and began crying. I thought, that people who I called friends would try to save me, but apparently, they didn't care at all. 079 approached and hugged me, and said:

079: Do not worry, I am here for you. I will never leave you alone Y/N. I made a perfect world for the two of us, so do not be afraid. Everything you need is in here.

Narrator's POV:
And that's how the story ends. Y/N wasn't able to save himself from 079, and after some time he got used to the new world. There was no way for him to come back. His body was still alive after the transfer, but director gave an order to terminate it for the safety of the entire facility. She didn't want to risk 079 taking control over it and killing other staff members. 079 got contained in a cell while Y/N's body was sent to his family and burried.

Y/N on the other hand didn't complain. He was happy in the new world, despite the difficult beginning. He found out, how fake humans are and how they only care about themselves. He began creating new things in his world and after some time 079 gave him access to the computer, with which he would create software for new machines in his world.

At the end, everyone in this story was happy. Except one thing...

It was not true. The director never ordered to kill Y/N's body. Instead, she brought him to the hospital wing and ordered to keep the body alive and try to get his consciousness out of SCP-079. However, 079 was hiding this information from Y/N because he didn't want him to find out the truth. His friends never forgot about him and they never gave up at trying to save him.

So... I guess that you want to know the rest of this story. Here you go.

*One year later*

Your POV:
I finished writing another program and decided to take a break. I lied on my bed with 079 next to me.

079: You are not going to give up with this project, are you?

You: Of course not. I managed to finish it and tomorrow I will apply it to the new machine.

079: Excellent. I am going to sleep, wake me up in few hours, goodnight.

You: Goodnight 079.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but I couldn't do that. I was struggling for one hour before I gave up and went back to the computer. I looked at the two users and clicked 079's account by accident. I didn't have a permission to use that and I didn't know the new password, but I tried to guess it anyway.

You: password

System: Wrong password.

You: 1234

System: Wrong password.

You: drowssap

System: Password accepted. Welcome authorised user.

I didn't expect that it would work, and I was wondering if I should log out, but curiosity of trying admin permissions was too strong. I entered 079's control panel and found a lot of interesting things in there, including live camera recordings from the facility. I began looking around to see, if anything has changed, and I found few new containment cells inside.

They must have received new SCPs while I was gone, but I didn't forgive them. I wanted to get my revenge so I logged into hospital's cameras in order to check, if I can mess with them in here, but I immidiately changed my mind when I saw my body lying on a bed. Devices around it proved, that I was still alive and everything 079 told me was false.

I quickly opened a command prompt and tried to delete a file 079.exe, but it was saved as a system file and I couldn't do anything to delete it due to its protection. I heard SCP-079 waking up and looking at me surprised.

079: Did you just... Try to delete me...?

I immidiately opened a notepad and began writing a short, self-opening program which was supposed to eat up 079's memory and give me enough time to create a new plan. He began running at me while I started typing three lines, which were enough to defeat him.

When I did that, I saved the program with a specific extension, but 079 threw me on the ground before I was able to start it.

079: How dare you?! I gave you everything and that's how you repay me?! By trying to destroy me?!

He pulled out a knife and looked at me with anger.

079: I am sorry it has to end like this. Goodbye Y/N.

He swung at me, but I managed to dodge it, approach the computer and activate the program. 079's memory immidiately got filled and despite having great components, he crashed and fell on the ground. I had maybe one minute before he would wake up, so I immidiately grabbed a microphone and began screaming in the medical wing:

You: Hello?! Can anyone hear me?!

I saw surprised faces of scientists looking in the direction of an intercom speaker which meant, that they heard me.

You: My name is Y/N L/N, I need you to bring my body to SCP-079's containment chamber and connect 079's wires to my brain so I will try to transfer myself back from his world!

Six scientists immidiately ran and grabbed my body, but it would take them longer than few minutes to get there. 079 would restart way faster, so I activated the program once again after he stood up and thankfully it crashed him again. However this time he was trying to kill the process responsible for crashing him, so I during the next minute I creates five more crashing programs with different names and when he woke up, I used every single one againts him.

It took few minutes before they plugged my body to his and I prepared to transfer myself back. I had to wait for 079 to come back, or else it wouldn't work. When he stood up, I immidiately clicked the button and felt my consciousness being transfered back to my body.

When it was done, I immidiately pulled out the electronics from my head and ran back, while 079 stood up and aimed at me with his arm.

079: I gave you everything and you rejected it Y/N... I am afraid I have to punish you.

He started collecting energy in his hand, but MTF threw an EMP and made him fall unconscious once again. After that they approached me and brought me to the medical wing one last time.

After few days I went back to work, but 079 didn't stop. He wanted to get me back, so for my own safety I always had an EMP with me in case he breached his containment. Every day, I felt him watching me through cameras in the facility, but when I was alone, I was preparing something.

When I got back, it took me some time but I realised, that because of him my body managed to adapt itself to controlling electronic devices. Director secretly classified me as SCP-079-2, but other staff members didn't know anything. I was hiding this from them, because I wanted it to be my secret weapon againts 079-1.

The more I trained, the more electronics I could manipulate and the stronger I became with every day. After some time, I created a copy of myself on a pendrive and gave it to the director in case something goes wrong. I became the second 079, but while he was trying to hurt the Foundation, I was working for them. And I wasn't going to give up.
