Part 66 - Male Scientist Reader x SCP-682

Your POV:
If you became a scientist at the SCP Foundation, what would be the first thing you did? Finding SCP-999? Pranking the entire facility with dr Bright? Or maybe putting a Chaos Insurgency poster in MTF commander's office? Whatever you do, don't try the last one, it won't end well.

The truth is, every new person has their own goal which they want to accomplish, but not everyone manages to do that. When I arrived, I wanted to be the one who finds a way to terminate SCP-682. I truely believed that there is a way to kill this reptile, that I decided to perform a dangerous, yet successful experiment, where I drugged 682 with SCP-420-J.

I wanted him to reveal by accident a way how to kill him, but what I found was more interesting. When both of us got high, he told me the entire backstory why Scarlet King created him. He told me, that 682s were being produced like in a factory, at least one for every new universe. Every one of them hoped at the beginning, that the King would care about them, but their psyche was slowly getting destroyed until their only objective was to destroy every living being that exists. He told me about all tortures which he experienced, and how he got turned into an immortal killing machine.

At this point he began crying, and my attempts of comforting him were unsuccessful, so I went to my room and immidiately fell asleep. I was allowed to do that during my day work, because I received it in my experiment permission in case I felt terrible. The next day I got woken up by an alarm from the intercom:

Intercom: Attention all personel! SCP-682 broke out of its containment cell and is going through the corridors in the direction of Gate B! Everyone is obligated to enter an evacuation shelter immi...

The announcement was paused for some reason, and after few seconds the same voice said:

Intercom: Uhm... I would love to say that 682 got re-contained, but he is still going through the corridors, and to make our situation even worse, we got attacked by another group of interest! Everyone hide and start praying for your lives, because their army is huge and they are killing everything! Mobile Task Forces are obligated to defend the facility and perform an evacuation of every non-immortal SCP in this facility, including safe, euclid, keter and thaumiel classes!

The announcement stopped and I immidiately came back to my senses. I ran outside and found Cain and Abel running through the corridor next to each other. 073 was holding a gun while 076 had his swords ready, and both of them were running in the direction of Gate A. It turned out that bringing Pandora's Box back to live was a good idea after all, but I had to focus at surviving.

I kept running until I accidentally found SCP-682. I tried to turn back, but he grabbed me with his claws and screamed:

682: Are you proud of yourself you pig?! You got what you wanted, you managed to humiliate me, and now you shall pay the ultimate price!

You: 682! I wasn't trying to humiliate you!

682: Then what was your idea, huh?!

You: ... At the beginning I wanted to find a way to terminate you, but the more you told me, the less I wanted to do that. And at the end... I felt bad for you...

682: Yeah, sure... You humans don't give a fuck about those from your kind, who are standing next to you, why would you care about me?!

You: ... Because I know that despite what Scarlet King did to you, somewhere in there, I can feel it.

682: Feel what?!

You: There is a glimmer of a good person inside you. The memory of someone who once wanted to do the right thing.

682: ...

You: Listen. I know that you got betrayed and used by your own father, but please. If you still remember who you were at the beginning, lets end this. Show us the real SCP-682.

I felt how 682's claws released me and I fell on the ground. When I looked up, I saw tears in his eyes. It was something, what nobody else before me could witness. I did an extremely risky thing, approached him and gave him a hug which he truely deserved.

682: You know... This is the exact thing which I felt when they tested me with 999 for the first time. I hated it, because it was something I couldn't understand, but now... Now I finally know what to do... Thank you...

After he said that, I heard somebody reloading a gun behind my back. I turned around and saw a soldier aiming at me. 682 tried to cover me with his body, but four bullets pierced through my chest before he managed to protect me.

682's POV:
When those bullets penetrated him and I realised, that I failed at protecting him, I felt anger. The same anger which I felt through almost my entire life, but multiplied by 1000. I jumped at the soldier and bit off his head before he was able to do anything. After that I grabbed that scientist and immidiately ran with him in the direction of Heavy Containment Zone.

On our way I killed few more soldiers which managed to pass through, and after two minutes I found 049 who took few bullets on himself in order to protect somebody else. I quickly killed that soldier, but when this other staff member saw me, they immidiately ran away while I put the wounded scientist in front of 049 and said:

682: Heal him, quickly!

049: You don't want to kill him?

682: No I don't, now save him before he bleeds out!

049: Alright, calm down.

He began healing his wounds while I asked him:

682: You are a member of this new Pandora's Box, is that correct?

049: I am not the only one. Most of our group joined them but this is the vastest mission we ever had.

682: I cannot lie, I got mad at all of you for this, but now, I think I understand why you did that.

049: The Foundation is not what it used to be few years ago. Their view on SCPs... They still want to contain us, but they are willing to let us cooperate with them and be at least partially free.

682: It probably changed after you guys revealed them everything about yourselves.

049: You are not wrong. The more we talked with them, the more they understood why we were doing this. And now, most of us are on their side.

682: How is the situation with this facility? These soldiers don't care about anyone.

049: That's why we have to protect one another. Cain and Abel are defending the Gate A, but they still managed to get through Gate B. Iris is killing them through security cameras and thanks to her barely anyone makes it to Heavy Containment Zone.

682: And you are the one responsible for securing this zone?

049: Not only me. Bullets cannot hurt me, so I am trying to help others who are trying to escape to Light. 106 is guarding the entrence and this group of interest cannot make it through him, but they made a hole and got into the Light anyway.

682: Is anyone securing the Light Containment Zone?

049: We don't have to keep it protected. Remember when I told you, how 239 became 343's student?

682: Yeah, I remember. She was so excited to learn how to bend the reality, that she accidentally turned a class D into a chocolate statue.

049: Exactly, but now listen. 096, 239 and 953 were securing this zone, until 343 left his containment cell. Soldiers immidiately focused at Him, but they didn't last even one second, because when they did that, every single one of them in Light was sent through walls and roof into space. After that 239 put a protection shield over the Light and none of these soldiers can enter it.

682: So it is the safest place to be right now?

049: Yes. Also, 343 took 239 on a mission to another dimension, and they are currently getting rid of another army, which was supposed to attack us after this one fails.

682: ... It is his job, isn't it?

049: Scarlet King's? Yeah, it is his job. He wants to destroy this universe, because we could be a danger to him. Why do you ask?

I told him everything about my meeting with this scientist, and what happened before we found 049. He looked at me surprised and said:

049: I knew that you weren't as rotten as you claimed. I finished healing him, you can take him to Light Containment Zone, and after that, feel free to help us with those intruders.

682: Gladly.

I grabbed him and ran to the Light, where I put him on a hospital bed, while crushing a chair by accident. After that I ran to the Entrence Zone, where I began a killing spree on my father's minions.

Your POV:
I woke up in a hospital bed, and thankfully, everything was done. The raid got stopped and we didn't have too many casualities, because despite the fact, that these soldiers outnumbered us 20 to 1, their tactics were pathetic.

Doctors told me about everything what happened and what they saw on cameras, while director personally said, that I am an extremely valuable member for the Foundation. I wanted to immidiately go and visit 682, but I was still weak and had to wait few days before they would release me. But from what I knew, 682 said that he will be waiting for me.

At the end, I didn't find a way to terminate 682, but I somehow managed to befriend him and make him change his mind about the humanity. I see this as an absolute win.
