Part 65 - Energetic Male Class D Reader x SCP-106

Your POV:
Can you imagine being a class D personel? You are sitting inside a small cell with barely anything in it, and every few hours guards appear in order to give you another task or to take you for a test. Sometimes these tasks are simple, like cleaning 173's cell or getting rid of dead bodies of other D-class members who tried to escape, while sometimes you have to run away from a reptile, who wants to kill you because he hates all life that exists. But all these things are bringing me joy, because I am happy that I can work in this place!

Who am I trying to lie to... I hate this place! My friends are dying every single day and I have to clean their bodies, which are often damaged and covered in blood, scientists are making bets about our deaths during containment breaches and SCPs are toying with us! Out of all possibilities, why did I have to end up in this place?!

Oh, right... It is because I killed few kids and buried their bodies in a forest, I forgot. Everything would have worked if not a camera which recorded me during my activity. Judge didn't care about what I said, and she sentenced me to death, which forced me to agree to Foundation's offer, and that was a mistake.

I spent three weeks in this place and made an escape plan, which couldn't fail, and when the next containment breach began, I started running. I ran to the nearest ventilation, unscrewed it and jumped inside in order to go through it. Slowly but steadily I went further and further until I reached my destination. SCP-999's cell.

I quickly jumped out of the vent and landed next to SCP-106, who looked at me surprised and began approaching me. I made few steps back and began looking around, which allowed me to realise, that my plan was wrong since the beginning, and instead of landing in 999's cell I entered 106's containment chamber.

I began running away, while 106 was trying to catch me with his tentacles. I jumped high enough to catch the ventilation and re-enter it before Larry grabbed my leg, but I knew, that the chase wasn't over. I started going faster, when I heard something entering the vent behind me. I looked back and realised, that 106 didn't care and jumped after me in order to bring me to his pocket dimension.

I began crawling even faster than before, and when I found another vent through which I could escape, I jumped through it and found myself inside 953's cell, who was drinking wine with four other scientists and two guards. They all looked at me and one guard aimed at me.

You: Bro calm down please, 106 is running after me!

Guard: Larry is trying to catch you? 953, I want to offer you the vastest bet we have ever done!

953: Something even bigger than when you lost 5000 dollars for that one D-class that didn't get killed by 035?

Guard: Yes, I am offering a 70 year old bottle of whiskey, and I bet that this guy will get caught by Larry!

You: Are you guys making bets about my death?!

Scientist: I mean... We have been doing these bets during almost every containment breach for the last three months.

You: ... You are honestly the worst.

Guard: Yeah, yeah, we know.

When he said that, I saw 106 slowly leaving the vent and looking at me. I made few steps back and tried to recall how to escape from this place.

106: You can't keep running forever, sooner or later I will catch you!

You: No thanks, I have better things to do!

Guard 1: So 953, do you accept the deal or not?

953: I do. I am betting a 30 year old wine and 40 000 dollars that he will either escape or get killed by somebody else.

Guard 1: We have a deal!

I saw that Larry was dangerously close to me so I immidiately ran through the opened door and began sprinting in the direction of Entrance Zone. I hoped that Larry would be slow, but he began running after me and considering the fact, that he could go through walls, my chances of escaping were drastically reduced.

106: Give up! I am not letting you escape!

You: Then catch me!

I didn't want to give up, so I continued running with my maximum speed, and quickly found myself in Entrance Zone. I was glad that I was the fastest kid when I was in school, because that was the only thing saving me from 106. When I found the exit gate I saw another D-class, who was closing it. With the rest of my force I ran through the closing door and allowed it to close in front of 106's face. I fell on the ground and tried to catch a breath.

D-38201: Holy shit, I am glad that you made it through!

You: Lets go, we have to escape this place.

We entered the elevator and went up. When the door opened, we saw a group of MTFs aiming at us. We tried to close the door, but they began shooting before the door closed. Their bullets pierced through our bodies, while one of them went through my brain and ended my life.

Guard's POV:
I was waiting for 079 to tell us the results of our bet, and when he said it, I wanted to take a gun and shoot myself. This guy managed to run away from him and then got killed by MTFs. When 035 entered the cell, I gave him my pistol and said:

Guard: I need you to do me a favour. Kill me.

035: Uhm, okay, but why?

953: Don't kill him yet, he has to give me a 70 year old whiskey first.

Guard: Why in the world did I agree to this bet?!

Scientist: Because you were sure that you can win, while in reality a chance of you losing was pretty high.

Guard: ... Fine, a deal is a deal, I will bring it tomorrow.
