Veldora and the underworld

Chapter 16:

A/N (Do you guys want chapters to be post more often but the chapters will be shorter or do you guys want chapters to be post slower but it is more longer?)

3 Person POV:

Testarossa said "demon lord Luminous Valentine I am here to speak to you on behalf of my master lord Rimuru"

Luminous said "what is the white primordial demon doing here in Holy empire Ruberios night garden and are you referring to your master as Rimuru Tempest the one who is causing all of these problems with himself and you four primordial demons"

Testarossa said "I don't mind you talking bad about us primordial demons but I can't tolerate my master being insulted in front of me like that do I make myself clear demon lord Luminous"

Luminous said "I hear you Loud and clear Testarossa but let get back to my question,what is the newly name white primordial demon do here in my kingdom?"

Testarossa said "I came here to seek information about the demon lords on behalf of my master,so let talk about this as two mature and beautiful women we are"

Luminous said "all we were told to was to leave you guys alone for awhile and see what you guys will do in the future,we were not told nothing more or nothing less and if you go to the other demon lords that is all the information you are getting from them as well"

Testarossa said "it was not that useful information that I was hoping for but I guess it will do, but  at least I don't need to go to the other demon lord kingdom for information so,I will be taking my leave now demon lord Luminous and I will see you whenever I get the chance to see you again"

Luminous said "you really not going to ask me if I am lying to you or not"

Testarossa said "I am very much so confident that you are not hiding anymore information from me and that is why I don't need to ask you anymore question and will take my leave now"

Luminous said "And why do you think that I am not hiding anymore information for you testarossa"

Testarossa slowly turn around and walk toward Luminous and slowly sat on luminous lap while showing her some interesting parts of her body while whispering into her ear in a seducing voice.

Testarossa said "because you wouldn't lie to someone who is sitting on your lap while show her body to you for free,would you now demon lord Luminous"

Luminous said "trying to seduce me with your body testarossa,you will have to try better than that"

Testarossa said "you out of all people wouldn't be interested in a beautiful and sexy women body like my own"

Luminous said "you are beautiful testarossa but I have my type of women body that I would die for"

After Luminous said that,Testarossa only smirk at her and got up for Luminous lap and left the holy empire Ruberios night garden by teleporting to the outside.

Testarossa then appear a distance away from the entrance of holy empire Ruberios night garden and the only thought in her mind was if her master was ok.

Rimuru POV:

It had been seven hours since Milim was unconscious from our last fight together and even since that,I had stay by her side until she wake up,I did get a little worried about Milim and had ask Raphael if she was ok but Raphael assure me that she was ok and only need some rest.

Right now I am sitting in a chair while reading a book that was next to Milim bedside while Raphael did some analyzing on Turn Null because she wanted to be able to use it properly and not destroy everything in the process while using it.

It was already night so I decided to leave the window open for that natural cold breeze to enter and that beautiful ray of moonlight to enter the room and reflected on the ground.

The entire room was quiet and peaceful and the no noise could be heard from but the turning of the pages for the book,I had nothing else to do but to read that book and at first it was boring but I kept on reading it and the further I got the more interesting it became, it got so interesting my eyes was basically glued onto the book and didn't even notice Milim had woken up for her unconscious stage.

Milim said "is the book interesting Rimuru?"

Milim POV:

Uh why does my head hurt so bad! I immediately open my eyes and turn my head side to side to check my surroundings,I realize that I was in my bedroom and laying on my bed before holding my head in pain.

I try to rethink on what caused my head to hurt so bad,the only thing I could remember before I went unconscious was that,I was in a intense fight with Rimuru in a area not too far from here for awhile before suddenly going unconscious in the fight.

I slowly sat up on my bed while still holding my in head pain,I slowly turn around to notice my best friend Rimuru was still here and was sitting in a chair while reading a book.

The moonlight reflected onto his body while the cold breeze Blew his long light blue hair backward,making him look ten times more beautiful than he was before.

3 Person POV:

Milim said "is the book interesting Rimuru?"

Rimuru said "huh,oh Milim you are finally awake! You made me very worry about you and the condition you were in after the intense fight we had but a least you are ok now"

Rimuru then put down the book he was reading and got up from his chair and went to hug Milim that was still on her bed sitting down.

Rimuru said "do you know how bad I was worry about you Milim and is anywhere in your body hurts you?"

Milim said "only my head hurts a little bit but nowhere else does and by the way who won our fight?"

Rimuru said "the fight only ended because I had trick you into using Drago nova against my attack and while you were focusing on that,I took advantage of that and teleported behind you and fire a point blank range attack at you making you go unconscious,but in terms of a fair fight I don't know who would win that"

Milim said "don't worry I did very much so enjoy the fight and will be waiting for the next time we fight each other and when that happen I would definitely not be holding back"

Rimuru said "you are always so energetic Milim,just now you had woken up from being unconscious for seven hours straight and the first thing you thought about was our next fight but I am also looking forward to our next fight and I wouldn't hold back when we fight each other again,but you are still going to lose when we fight each other again"

Milim said "you only won because you made me go unconscious!"

Rimuru said "I still won did I"

Milim said "hmph...cheater"

Rimuru said "I will show you a cheater come over here!"

Rimuru then tackle Milim onto her bed for calling him a cheater,Milim try to resist by pushing Rimuru away with her hands and legs but Rimuru kept on putting more force on Milim until she finally gave up and had to say sorry to Rimuru for calling him a cheater,Rimuru only did this for fun to see Milim in her cute and childish state.

Rimuru and Milim then started to enjoy the rest of the day together as friends and spending more time together to increase their relationship as friends,time flew past by like it was nothing and making Rimuru have to leave and go back to his kingdom in the underworld but Rimuru didn't tell Milim that and kept it a secret from Milim but soon he will show her his kingdom, before Rimuru had left he hug Milim and told her that he will visit her back soon and left.

After Rimuru had left the city of the forgotten dragon,Rimuru appear far distance away for Milim viewing point and create a portal to the underworld and enter.

Rimuru appear inside his castle and immediately could hear loud noises coming from outside,he could only let out a heavy sigh and walk toward the noises.

When Rimuru had reach outside he saw Carrera and Ultima fight,Diablo and Testarossa relaxing while their subordinate was fighting each other and the demons was way in the distance fighting so they will not destroy the area.

Rimuru mind "I understand why Testarossa is relaxing because she had to do something but Diablo is not even with the demons that I told him to train and matter of fact neither Diablo,Carrera or Ultima is with the demons that I told them to train! They probably just told the demons to go somewhere in distance so they will be able to see them and fight each other until we say stop"

"Raphael activate thought communication to Moss will you"

Raphael said "activating thought communication to Moss"

Rimuru said to Moss "Moss can you hear me?"

Moss said to Rimuru "lord Rimuru?! Yes I can hear you but where are y-"

Rimuru said to Moss "with that reaction of your you can clearly see me and where I am at but I want you to pretend you don't see me because I am very mad and disappointed in some individuals right now"

Moss said to Rimuru "I understand lord Rimuru but if you are mad at my master Testarossa can you please go easy on her"

Rimuru said to Moss "oh I am not mad at Testarossa,but I am mad and very disappointed in three individuals behavior for not doing there simple job I had left them to do,so pretend you didn't see and didn't know I am here understood"

Moss said to Rimuru "understood lord Rimuru"

Rimuru then ended thought communication with Moss and just watch as everything happen in front of him.

The primordial or any other demons didn't notice Rimuru presence because his aura was completely turn off,and Moss was only able to noticed Rimuru because, he had communicated with Moss through thought communication and Moss started to look around the area to see if Rimuru was here or was still in the living world doing his things.

Couple of minutes has pasted by and nobody else except Moss was able to notice Rimuru presence,Rimuru would constantly switch from looking at everyone and to making eye contact with Moss.

Rimuru had gotten impatient and fire a small black beam toward Diablo face at high speed.

Diablo immediately pull out his claw and put it in front of his face to be able to block that on coming attack,Diablo was immediately surprised at the speed that attack was coming from and even Testarossa who had noticed Diablo sudden reaction was on guard until they saw the person they wish they hadn't seen.

Their stood Rimuru in front of the doorway with a piss off expression on his face looking directly toward Diablo and Testarossa.

Diablo,Testarossa and everyone else in the area was immediately was pull onto the ground,they all struggled to move until Carrera and Ultima notice Diablo and Testarossa expression on their face and the direction were they were looking at,their body immediately frozen up on the person they saw.

Rimuru said "well well look who I caught not doing their job Diablo,Carrera and Ultima were are the demons I told you guys to train,oh yea they are somewhere in the distance fighting each other while the three individuals I had told to watch over and train the them,are fighting with each other while the next one is relaxing"

"Sigh...what am I going to do with you three?...Diablo,Testarossa,Carrera and Ultima we are having a meeting so get up and let start this meeting so we can finish it faster and Moss go tell the demons they can stop fighting"

Moss said "understood lord Rimuru"

Rimuru and the primordial demons went to the room to have their meeting and to discuss what they were going to do now. Everyone was in their chair with tea or coffee in their hand and was ready to discuss this meeting.

Rimuru said "Testarossa what information did you get on the demon lords?

Testarossa said "I went to demon lord luminous first and she told me that they were told to leave us alone for awhile and to see what we will do in the future and all the other demon lords would have told me the same thing"

Rimuru said "interesting,so they are waiting for us to make a move huh,I don't want to cause too many problems for myself and the demons"

Rimuru thoughts "and I also need to make a body for Veldora as well but I will leave that to Raphael to take care of it"

Rimuru said "we will be leaving the underworld and be heading to the living world to cause some troubles in a couple of days so be prepare"

All said "understood lord Rimuru"

Carrera said "but how much damage will we be able to do?"

Rimuru said "enough damage to get their attention that we are trouble"

Ultima said "I like the sound of that"

Rimuru said "this meeting is finish so be prepared in a couple of days"

All said "Understood!"

Rimuru was the first one to get up and leave to his room. Rimuru enter his room and immediately fall onto his bed with a sigh of relief.

Rimuru mind "Raphael how long more until the artificial body is finish for Veldora?"

Raphael said "the artificial body is finish being made,would you like to transfer Veldora soul into the artificial body?"

Rimuru said "yes transfer Veldora soul into the body"

A artificial body was created in front of Rimuru and the process had began,a purple aura surrounded Rimuru with wings forming on his back,the aura then turned into a purple form of Veldora true dragon form and enter the artificial body.

The body started to get more bigger and more Muscular and was surrounded by a golden light revealing a man with blonde hair gold eyes wearing a brown Cape and brown pants with white boot and white gloves.

Veldora said "I am Veldora the true dragon and anyone who defies me will be slaughter haha!"

Rimuru said "as energetic as ever Veldora"

Veldora said "Rimuru my best friend,it has been a while since I had seen you"

Rimuru said "it has been a while indeed Veldora and how are you enjoying your new body?"

Veldora said "yes yes indeed I have been very much so enjoy it but Rimuru where are we?"

Rimuru said "oh yea I have not told you about my kingdom in the underworld that have I"

Veldora said "you have never told me that you had a kingdom and the kingdom was located in the underworld,but doesn't the demons who live in the underworld don't bother you?"

Rimuru said "well the demons don't bother me because I have four primordial demons as my subordinate and the demons who was under the primordial are also my guard that protect the castle so it doesn't get destroyed when I am gone to the living world,do you want a little tour of the castle?"

Veldora said "I would love to have a tour around my best friend castle"

Rimuru said "then follow me and I will show you around the place"

Veldora then started to follow Rimuru around his castle and he saw how big the castle actually was.

Rimuru then had introduce Veldora to the subordinate of the primordial demons and they were very much so shock to see a true dragon in the underworld but Rimuru assure them that Veldora was a friend of his and wasn't a enemy.

Rimuru then went to his subordinate to introduce them to Veldora.

Rimuru said "everyone I would like you to meet my best friend Veldora the storm dragon!"


Testarossa said "lord Rimuru are you sure that individual is really Veldora the storm dragon"

Rimuru said "I am one hundred percent sure that this is Veldora the storm dragon,it is only because he is in his human form"

Veldora said "indeed I am Veldora the all mighty storm dragon and you must be the white primordial demon Blanc am I correct?"

Testarossa said "yes you are correct that I am the white primordial demon but I was given a new name and it's Testarossa so please call me Testarossa"

"And the other three behind me are the black primordial Diablo,the yellow primordial Carrera and the purple primordial Ultima"

Veldora said "well it is nice to meet you too Testarossa,Diablo,Carrera and Ultima"

All-Testarossa said "It is nice to meet you too Veldora"

Rimuru said "see you all are getting along very well and Veldora you will be staying here and we will be leaving in couple of days to go to the living world,so if you want to come just ask me ok"

Veldora said "I will think about it,but I am going to look around the place some more"

Rimuru said "don't destroy anything or I will make you pay Veldora!"

Veldora said "yeah yeah see you in a bit Rimuru"

Rimuru said "I am going to my room so if you guys need anything you know where to find me"

Rimuru thoughts "Raphael activate sleep mode,I am going to take a long and peaceful nap"

Raphael said "activating sleep mode"
