
Chapter 17:

A/N (school had started for me since last week so slowly upload of chapters until a next break from school but I will not making you guys suffer for another three months...hopefully...why does school exist😭)

3 Person POV:

Couple of days had past by since Veldora was at Rimuru castle located in the underworld.

Veldora had gotten familiar around the castle and with everyone else that would be at the castle,and those persons were the primordial demons,their subordinates and Rimuru.

Veldora had a good relationship with the demons and surprisingly didn't put a hole in the castle by accident.

Veldora would normally be in his room or in the living room reading his different kinds of manga that Rimuru had giving to him
so he wouldn't cause any problems around the place.

But if it wasn't Veldora causing the problems,it would be the primordial demons causing it.

Carrera said "Uhhhhhhh! Why is place so boring,I just want to kick some ass"

Ultima said "this place is already boring and you talking make it ten times worse Carrera"

Carrera said "shut it ultima,if I pick a fight with you it going to be the same fight we do all the time and I will not even be satisfy if I win"

Testarossa said "why can't you too just get along with each other for once"

Diablo said "it is always them two fighting each other"

Carrera said "I don't know that Testarossa and Diablo suddenly became my mom and dad"

Diablo said "if I was your father Carrera I would have either ended myself or straight up abandon you since birth"

Testarossa and Ultima "hahahaha!"

Carrera said "why you Diablo! I am about to kick your ass!"

Diablo said "bring it on then Carrera."

Rimuru POV:

It had been a few days since I brought back Veldora and he has gotten familiar around the castle,but to make sure he didn't cause trouble,I had lend him some mangas that I used to read in my old life and surprisingly he didn't make any noise or caused any troubles for me.

But my four demons subordinate is always either arguing or fighting with each other and is always causing the most noise in the castle.

But later today me and primordial demons are going start some trouble in the living world,but before we go do that,I need to figure out who I can win against in a fight and who can beat me in a fight if someone was to challenge me.

I also need to find a way to get stronger because Raphael said that I am at a awakening demon lord level but lack experience in fighting,so if I go up against a demon lord I will be able to match he/she strength but will lose when it come to experience.

Raphael is also creating me a new and better sword made from high purity demon steel inserted with high-purity magic stones because I need a higher class sword from physical combat but it will take awhile before it is ready.

Raphael also suggested that I evolve and become a awakening demon lord by collecting and using souls because it will boost my strength,defense,speed,durability,endurance and resistance tremendously.

Rimuru thoughts "I wander if the primordial demons have any souls from the contracts they did? I might need to ask them,But that can wait for now"

Let go see what the demons Squad is up to because I can already hear noises coming from the living room...Sigh what am I going to do with you four.

3 Person POV:

Rimuru was heading to the living room to meet his subordinates who were currently arguing with each other.

Rimuru said "this castle can never be quiet with you four in here"

Testarossa said "O lord Rimuru how are you doing" while bowing

Rimuru said "I am good Testarossa,but what are those two arguing about?"

Testarossa said "Carrera was bored and Ultima made fun of Carrera while me and Diablo commented on them because they never get along with each other and Carrera said I don't know Testarossa and Diablo were my mom and dad,then Diablo commented that he would never be Carrera father and Carrera got mad and pick a fight with Diablo,that pretty much sums everything up"


Rimuru said "Carrera and Diablo break it up now or you both will be punish"

Diablo and Carrera said "sorry lord Rimuru"

After Rimuru had broke up Carrera and Diablo little scuffle,they went to sit down to discuss somethings before they go to the living world later today.

Rimuru said "alright let hear the plan before we go to the living world later"

Ultima said "lord Rimuru you want us to cause some trouble to get the demon lords attention for what?"

All the primordial demons eyes were on their master because they didn't mind causing some trouble to get the demon lords attention but they wanted to know the reason on why their master wanted the attention of the demon lords.

Rimuru face went from his cheerful look to a serious look while sitting up straight and leaning forward facing the primordial demons.

They all noticed that their master mood had change completely into a serious one,making them all sit up straight and paid full attention to what their master had to said.

Rimuru said "because I want to make sure that the demon lords know what we are capable of and the destruction we can do. I have fought against Milim two times already and I am will aware of her strength and the other that can match against her in a fight.

"Plus I want to know my subordinates strength and what you guys are capable of,so you guys can cause some damages and the max you can destroy up to is a small town size just to get the demon lords attention"

Carrera said "as long as I can destroy things I am ok with it"

Rimuru said "before I go,you guys had contracts with human for souls right?"

They all nodded in response

Rimuru said "how do you guys have in total?"

Testarossa said "I have 3,700 souls"

Carrera said "I have 2,200 souls"

Ultima said "I have 2,600 souls"

Diablo said "I have 3,500 souls"

Rimuru mind "12,000 souls in total,Raphael how much do I need to evolve into a awakening demon lord?"

Raphael said "the individual Rimuru Tempest possess a demon lord seed qualify to evolve into a awakening demon lord,the amount of souls required to evolve is 10,000 souls"

Rimuru mind "so I have enough souls to evolve"

Rimuru said "Diablo,Testarossa,Carrera and Ultima can I have those souls?"

Primordial demons said "sure lord Rimuru"

The primordial demons rise their hand and the souls start to form into bright white and blue balls. Rimuru immediately then use AZATHATH: GOD OF VOID to devour the souls and put the souls into his imaginary space.

Rimuru then gotten up and went to his room before tell the primordial demons to get ready for later because they are leaving and heading to the living world.

Rimuru said "alright Raphael let begin"

Big thank to Marshall_Cross for the idea of Rimuru using the souls the primordial demons had gotten in their lifetime with the contracts,and more idea from Marshall_Cross that I can't just throw away so I will be putting them in the future chapters.
