Problems and Velzard

Chapter 7:

At the Ice continent where Guy,Leon,Luminous and Dagruel were waiting for Milim,Rimiris and Dino to get here to start their meeting. The door suddenly flew straight open with force by Milim.

Milim said "we are back with some information on the individual" in a exciting tone

Milim enter the room with Dino and Rimiris behind her. The three sat in their correct seat around the table with the other demon lords as well.

Guy said "now that we are all here,we'll get straight into business,Dino tell us what you Milim and Rimiris found out?"


Dino said "the person name is Rimuru Tempest and his appearance is long light blue hair wearing full blackout clothes with a yellow Y in the middle."

Guy said "is that so,were anyone with him at the time?"

Dino said "there was four persons with him" in a Nervous tone

Luminous said "who was the four persons following him?"

The room went quiet after Luminous ask the question to Dino and before he said

Dino said "the four primordial demons were with him and they say that they have pledge their protection and loyalty toward Rimuru"

"Noir told me to tell you that the newly named primordial demons are Diablo,Testarossa,Carrera and Ultima"

Everyone-Dino,Milim and Rimiris "were very shock to hear the four primordial demons were following Rimuru Tempest and they have also been named"

Guy said "Noir,Blane,Jaune and Violet were following Rimuru Tempest! I understand that Noir will follow him but not the three primordial girls."

"How the hell did he manage to make them submit and also name them in the process!"

A portal suddenly open in the room and came out a gorgeous woman with two snow white ponytail with a yellow headband on the head wearing bright blue dress and white long sleeve covering the upper body with a blue star necklace around her neck.

The woman that had enter the room was Velzard The White Ice Dragon,the second True Dragon and oldest True dragon alive before saying"

Velzard said "may I join this meeting?"

Guy said "sure I guess,but what a True dragon doing at a demon lords meeting?"

Velzard said "this Rimuru Tempest person sound interesting so I want to know more about him"

Velzard then went to next to Guy and sat on his chair handle before the meeting resume itself.

Velzard said "so the four demons have actually name now,so who named them?"

Guy said "their new names are Diablo,Testarossa,Carrera and Ultima"

Velzard said "Interesting,is this all you guys gotten?"

Milim said "well I may have fought with Rimuru and had a somewhat a fair fight"

Everyone-Velzard,Milim,Dino and Rimiris said "WHAT! You had a fight with him and he was able to match your strength"

Milim said "Y-Yes"

Guy said "that may be a problem to leave unsupervised"

Velzard said "so coming to this meeting wasn't a waste of time after all"

Leon said "what are we going to do now?"

Luminous said "I think we should leave him alone for a while and see what he does"

Guy said "it's not a bad idea and I don't think they will want to go looking for him again" turn to Milim,Dino and Rimiris

Milim,Dino and Rimiris said "you are a 100% correct on that!"

Guy said "then we will take Luminous idea and leave them alone for a while"

Everyone nodded their head in agreement and Guy said"

Guy said "then this meeting is dismissed"

Everyone got up from their sit and began to leave while Velzard told Guy that she is leaving for a bit,Guy nodded and she turned into her True Dragon form and left"

Velzard mind "You sound very fun Rimuru,so I am looking forward to seeing you real soon Rimuru Tempest"
