Evolution and Rimuru vs Hinata

Chapter 18:

"Alright Raphael let begin"

Ten thousand Souls was released from Rimuru imaginary space and were floating around Rimuru.

Raphael said "harvest festival will now begin"

Rimuru immediately started to feel sleepy and dizzy before falling unconscious.

Raphael said "the individual Rimuru Tempest will be evolving from the slime race to demon slime race,successful"

Raphael said "strength,speed,durability,endurance and agility has been greatly improved"

Name: Rimuru Tempest

Race: Demon slime

Title: Chaos Creator

Intrinsic skills: Infinite Regeneration,Universal Detect and Universal shapeshift


Resistance: Pain Nullification,Physical Attack Nullification,Adnormal Condition Nullification,Natural Effects Nullification,Mental Attack Nullification,Holy-Demonic Attack Nullification,Spiritual Attack Nullification.

Raphael said "evolution has been completed"

Time skip:

A little over two hours has past since Rimuru evolution to a demon lord had finish,Rimuru slowly started to open his pair of golden eyes before holding his head.

Rimuru was still a little daze after his evolution had finished,he started to look around before realizing he was still in he room.

Rimuru slowly started to get up from where he were and went in front of his mirror to check himself out.

Rimuru said "well from my physical appearance I had gotten taller than before and my hair is a little bit longer,but the reason why I wanted to evolve was to get stronger and I sure did accomplish that"

"But I will need to test out how stronger I had gotten from my evolution,I will test out my strength when Raphael is finish with my new sword"

"But I can't lie I do look more handsome than before,maybe still on the feminine side but I still look good tho"

After Rimuru had finish admiring himself in front of the mirror,he went to take a shower to clean himself and to put on some new clothes.

After Rimuru was finish taking a shower he went to change into new his clothes,the clothes Rimuru was going to wear was a armless top with double white stripes in the middle,a black sleeve with gold design at the top on both arm,black long pants and white boots.

After Rimuru was finish putting on his clothes he went toward the living room to meet his subordinate who were waiting for him.

Rimuru said "I surprise you guys aren't fighting"

Testarossa said "don't look at me look at those three over there"

Diablo said "those three? You mean those two trouble makers over there"

Carrera said "I am not going to say anything and just stay quiet"

Ultima said "so lord Rimuru are you ready to go?"

Rimuru said "We were going to have a meeting before we go,but I decided not to instant,Moss and Venom!"

Moss and Venom said "yes lord Rimuru" appeared

Rimuru said "you two and the other watch over this place while we are gone and you may go"

Moss and Venom said "understood lord Rimuru" disappeared

Rimuru signal to the primordial demons that they are leaving,the four primordial demons understood and got up for their chair and stood next to Rimuru,Rimuru then created a portal to the living world and enter it and was followed by the four primordial demons entering as well.

Rimuru POV:

After me and my subordinate had enter the portal we exited and had reached the living world,I could have also tell that we were in the Jura forest.

I then side eye my subordinate and I could see a little smirk on their face they were really Itching for a fight with someone.

Rimuru said "go have your fun but it you kill anyone collect their souls from me"

The primordial demons smirk even more after hearing what I had say,they immediately bow and response.

Primordial demons said "as you wish lord Rimuru"

The primordial demons then just disappear leaving me here by myself.

Rimuru thoughts "who should I go visit...I can go visit one of the other demon lord or go visit Velzard or go exploring"

"Exploring sound boring,visiting Velzard might start a fight and I don't think I can still win even with my evolution and visiting a other demon lord sound fun but which one do I visit?"

"Maybe I should visit demon lord luminous and see how she reacts when she see the one who is causing the problems. Demon lord luminous hope you allow sudden visitor"

I then flew up in the air and started heading toward the direction were demon lord luminous was located.

After ten to fifteen minutes of flying I could finally see a large kingdom in the distance I slowly approach the kingdom and landed at the front of the entrance,but as always I never like to barge into someone kingdom without them knowing so I decided to ask around. But before I could move I had sense multiple incoming attacks all aimed toward me.




3 Person POV:

Rimuru was suddenly attacked and multiple attacks was launched toward Rimuru in the intention to kill,a attack was aim toward Rimuru but missed causing a explosion to happen making smoke appear to stop Rimuru from seeing,then multiple sword slashes was launch toward Rimuru but Rimuru blocked all incoming attacks.

Rimuru dashed out of the smoke to clearly see what is attacking him,Rimuru could see three individuals in front of him.

Rimuru mind "one of the individual was a tall man with blond hair wear regal clothing,the second person was as same the first one but wearing a priest robe and the final individual was a...stunning and gorgeous women with short black hair and violet eyes wearing knight armor with a white coat cover over it and holding a rapier in her hand."

But before Rimuru could kept on admire the gorgeous women in front of him,he was once again attacked by all three individuals.

????? Said "steel strength and shadow motion!"

Both of the men wearing the regal clothes and the priest robe attack strength and movement speed had greatly increased and dash toward Rimuru.

Rimuru immediately activate thought acceleration and block the incoming attacks while cutting off one of the individual arm off both individuals had back away from Rimuru to recover.

Rimuru look toward the individual who arm he had cut off as it regenerate itself back like nothing.

Rimuru mind "self Regeneration is going to be a pain to deal with if both of them have it"

????? Said "not paying attention in battle will be your down fall"



Rimuru mind "she is strong and fast but I am confident that I will win this fight"

Rimuru said "If I may ask,who are you?"

????? said "you are asking a question like that when you are fighting someone"

Rimuru said "I am just curious on who my attacker are and the name is Rimuru Tempest"

Hinata said "the name is Hinata Sakaguchi and the person who is going to kill you Rimuru Tempest"

Rimuru said "a lot of talks and claims but I see no action to back up those claims"

Hinata said "you son of a bitch!"

Hinata dashed toward Rimuru at full speed with all the intention to kill him. Hinata launched a incoming sword slash toward Rimuru head but Rimuru had ducked underneath the attack and immediately turned around to launch a counter attack at Hinata.

Rimuru sword imbue with black flames launch multiple slashes at Hinata with tremendous speed and force pushing Hinata back a little,Rimuru didn't let Hinata rest and continue the onslaught of attacks with each attack being faster and more powerful than the last one.

Rimuru knew if he keep Hinata on defense she will sooner or later used one of her powerful attack against him.

Rimuru kept on swinging his sword at Hinata who look to be get tire from all the incoming attacks that were launch at her,but she didn't stop fighting and kept on going without with no remorse.

Hinata had noticed that Rimuru didn't look tire at all since they started to fight each other,so she immediately wanted to end this fight as quickly as possible.

Hinata had jumped away from Rimuru to get some distance away for Rimuru.

Hinata said "spirit summoning!"

Five spirts had appeared behind Hinata and they all immediately went to attack Rimuru,the spirts were hard to kill because of their speed and height. Hinata gesture her hand in a praying way.

Hinata said "I lift this prayer up to god,I desire the power of the spirits"

A bright orange and red magic circle started to form underneath were Rimuru was fighting the spirits.

"I beg thee,heed my wish,put an end to all"

The circle underneath Rimuru had gotten bigger with more layers being added atop of each other.


After Rimuru had finish dealing with the last spirt he look up in the sky to see a beam of light from the heaven was fire to obliterate him that was standing in it range. Rimuru let out a smirk and look at the attack before saying.

Rimuru whisper "devour it all AZATHATH: GOD OF VOID"

Before the beam could hit Rimuru a black tornado appeared from Rimuru hand and started to devour the beam of light until there is nothing left of it.

Hinata could only stare at the sight in complete shock after witnessing her Disintegration was devoured like nothing. Hinata then shifted her attention to Rimuru who was still standing in the same spot as before and had defeated all the spirits.

Rimuru then vanished from Hinata vision and reappeared in front of her with a powerful sword slash aiming toward her.

Hinata only barely realize what just had happen before her was able to react in time to block Rimuru incoming attack. Hinata then jumped back a bit to be able to regain her composure and to continue this fight.

Rimuru this time was actually taking the fight more serious and rushed toward Hinata with tremendous speed giving her no time to react launching multiple black lighting attacks toward her while launching a barrage of powerful slashes at her.

Hinata was barely able to dodge the barrage of black lighting and was really struggling against Rimuru sword slashes,Rimuru kept Hinata on heavy defense while having full control over the fight.

Rimuru kicked Hinata in her stomach sending her flying into a wall,Rimuru dashed toward Hinata for another kick but Hinata just in time had moved out of the way.

Rimuru and Hinata had been fight for thirty minutes straight with Hinata having no opportunity to counter attack against Rimuru and Rimuru being in full control over the fight.

A injured Hinata was standing a distance away from Rimuru who had zero scratches on his body,Rimuru and Hinata stared at each other before dashed toward each other again.




Rimuru was surprise that Hinata could still keep up with his speed for this long in her current condition,Rimuru connected a powerful kick at Hinata sending her flying,Rimuru then disappear and reappear behind Hinata who was still recovering from the first kick kick her in the back sending her flying into a other direction.

Rimuru mind "it is time to end this"

Rimuru triple his speed and dashed toward Hinata with full intention to end this fight.

After Hinata had gotten kick in the back,she was able to recover by landing on her feet and immediately turning around,she turn around to see Rimuru dashed toward her and in a Instant his sword almost by her neck.

Hinata mind "is this really how it end,am I going to lose like this...pathetic"

Hinata felt a strong shockwave hit her body but didn't felt any sword made contact with her body,Hinata slowly open her eyes to see someone had blocked Rimuru sword. Hinata turn her attention to the individual to see a women shape figure with sliver hair and is wearing gothic dresses.

Hinata could easily tell that the individual in front of her was demon lord luminous Valentine.

Hinata said "lady luminous!"

Luminous said "why hello there Hinata,I see you have gotten yourself  in some trouble"

Hinata said "y-you could say that"

Luminous said "haha I will speak to you later but right now we have a guest"

Luminous turn her full attention toward Rimuru who had already put away his sword and was just waiting .

Rimuru said "why hello there,you must be demon lord luminous"

Luminous said "who would have thought that the person naming primordial demons and causing all of our problems would come to visit me"

Rimuru said "I just want to have a chat that is all"

Luminous said "follow me then if you want to have a chat with the two of us"

Luminous then ask Rimuru to follow her for a private conversation between the two of them,Hinata also stay by luminous side because she still doesn't trust Rimuru even though luminous trust him.

After Rimuru,luminous and Hinata had enter luminous castle,Rimuru while following luminous was admiring the beauty of the castle,luminous had notice that Rimuru was looking around the castle and decided to say something.

Luminous said "is the castle beautiful?"

Rimuru said "A beautiful castle for a beautiful ruler"

Luminous immediately stop and had a faint Blush across her face,Hinata was shock by luminous sudden reaction from Rimuru comment.

Hinata said "lady luminous you can't be serious right now"


Hinata said "lady luminous"


Hinata said "lady luminous!"

luminous was lost in her thoughts as she wondered,when was the last time someone had call her beautiful and actually meant it. As she was lost in her thoughts she could hear someone calling her name,lady luminous...lady luminous!.

Luminous immediately came out of her thoughts and had recompose herself once again before turning around to see a shock Hinata and Rimuru who had a expression of you should have seen the look on your face.

As the three were walking,they had finally reach the room where they will have their conversation,Hinata then open the door for both luminous and Rimuru who she didn't want to open the door for but because of luminous wanted to talk to him she decided not to anger luminous and just open the door.

Hinata immediately left after the both was in the room and went back to her duties. Both luminous and Rimuru took a sit to begin their conversation.

Luminous said "before we start do you want a drink"
