The encounter of Demon Lords

Chapter 5:

After walpurgis had finished,all the demon lords left except for Milim,Dino and Ramiris that were heading toward the Jura forest to investigate the crater in the forest cause by the individual.

Dion said "where are we exactly?"

Rimiris said "we are in the Jura forest near where the shockwave happened"

Milim said "Ooo I am so excited to meet this person!"

Ramiris said "Milim don't forget that Guy never gave us permission to fight this person,but to only investigate the crater and locate the individual understand"

Milim said "But but bu-"

Ramiris said "No but!"

Milim said "Hmph! Fine I will not attack the person"

Rimiris mind "she is one hundred percent going to start a fight with the person"


Milim said "what is that over there?!"

Rimiris said "O we found it!"

Milim said "we found it?!"


Rimiris said "you found it Milim"

Milim said "that is what I thought,but this is petty big crater"

Rimiris said "yea you are correct on that"

They then went closer to the crater and could sense powerful nuclear magic radiating from the crater and the closer they got the more power radiated from it.

Dino said "there is a lot of nuclear magic radiating from there and the further you go in the stronger the nuclear magic gets"

Milim said "I sense five individual not far from here!"

All of a sudden Milim flew up at high speed and went to the direction of the individuals she sensed.

Rimiris said "Milim where are you going?!"

Dino said "Come on Rimiris let follow her fast!"

Rimiris said "Right!"

Rimuru and the Primordial Demons POV:

Rimuru mind "I sense three very powerful individuals at the area where we set off those nuclear magic"

Testarossa said "is there something wrong lord Rimuru?"

Rimuru said "no there is nothing wrong Testarossa,I was just thinking about something that all."

Testarossa said "ok then"

Come on Carrera is this all you got?!

Carrera said "Shut up Diablo! I will kick your ass you hear me!

Ultima said "How long have they been doing this hand to hand fight for?"

Rimuru said "about two hours now"

Testarossa got up from sitting down and said

"Alright that is enough you two"

Carrera said "But I was about to beat Diablo ass!"

Diablo said "In your dreams Carrera!"

Carrera said "how about I make these dream come True!"

Testarossa said "Enough you two!"

Both Diablo and Carrera just stay quiet and stop fighting each other.

Testarossa said "Good and go sit down!"

The two went to go sit down next to Rimuru,Ultima and Testarossa before they could sit down Rimuru scream"

Rimuru said "Watch out!"

Diablo and Carrera immediately sense something coming at high speed toward them and barely gotten out of the way.

Boom!...A large crack appeared in the ground caused by a individual that was a little girl showing a lot of body and with two  pink ponytail.

Rimuru mind "who is she?!"

Raphael said "the individual in front of you is Milim Nava a ancient demon lord and the second most powerful demon lord out of the seven demon lords!"

Rimuru mind "there are more than one demon lord in this world?!"

Raphael said "Correct!"

Rimuru said "well this will be a pain to deal with!"

Rimuru mind "Raphael activate Thought Acceleration!"

Raphael said "Activating Thought Acceleration"

Rimuru Thinking speed increased by one million making him able to analyze the situation in seconds

Milim launch her fist that was infuse with magicules at individual face but Rimuru barely was able dodge the attack,Milim launched multiple powerful punch toward Rimuru.

Rimuru barely dodged the attacks sent at him by Milim,that was getting faster and faster each punch. Rimuru pull out his sword trying to deflect and counter Milim attacks.

The primordial demons was in the air watching the fight from a distance so they don't interfere with the fight against their master and the demon lord,but they really wanted to help their master in the fight but they knew if they joined the fight,they will just getting the way.

Rimuru thoughts "this is not good! If I keep this up like this,I don't have a chance in winning against her and she probably has years of combat experience than me"

"But I am still able to keep up with her speed and strength for now"

Rimuru took a step back and ready his sword waiting for Milim to make her next move.

Milim dash toward the individual sending a kick toward him with great force. Rimuru readied his sword to block the incoming attack that was sent high speed toward him,but immediately got surprise on what happen next.

Milim mind "gotcha"

Milim immediately fake her kick and instead went with a powerful punch toward the individual stomach with great force and speed sending him crashing into multiple trees.

Milim said "This is so much fun!"

Rimuru mind "Ahhhh that fucking hurts! She is just playing with me at this point"

Dino and Rimiris POV:

Rimiris said "where is she!"

Dino said "she is up ahead fighting with a person"

Dino and Rimiris finally reached Milim but before Rimiris could do anything,Dino saw the four individuals in the sky and quickly Grab Rimiris and cover her mouth and hiding behind a tree.

Rimiris said "Milim I told you to no-"

Rimiris try to break free from Dino grip but Dino told her to shush for a bit

Rimiris said "what was that for? I was going to tell Milim to stop fight but you stop me from doing so"

Dino said "stay quiet for a bit and look at the four individuals over there"

Rimiris look toward the four individuals and was in total shock to see four primordial demons in the sky next to each other. She couldn't tell if her eyes were playing a trick on her or if those persons were real.

Rimiris said "the four primordial demons? Noir,Blanc,Jaune and Violet What are they doing here?!"

Dino said "I don't know why they are here but if they are here we shouldn't show our self"

Rimiris said "but would is Milim fighting over there?"

Dino look over to the fight to see Milim and someone fighting but wasn't not because the person she was fighting was send into multiple trees before stopping.

Rimuru and Milim POV:

Milim said "you are petty strong for someone I have never seen before"

Rimuru said "you are very powerful yourself!"

Milim said "mind telling me your name individual?"

Rimuru said "My name is Rimuru Tempest"

"And what is your name?"

Milim said "My name is Milim Nava"

Rimuru said "well it is nice to meet you Milim" with a smile on his face

Raphael said "you are not going to be able to continue this fight any longer"

Rimuru said "I know Raphael,but longer can I keep on fighting for?"

Raphael said "only for two more minutes"

Rimuru said "Wait really! I guess I will have to hurry things up a bit"

Rimuru look toward Diablo and signal him to create a portal to the underworld and fast.

Diablo nodded to Rimuru and told the other to get ready to leave.

Testarossa,Carrera and Ultima didn't ask any questions why but only nodded to Diablo request.

The four then disappear and reappear behind Rimuru before creating a portal to the underworld

Rimuru said "I would love to continue this fight with you Milim,but right now I can't so I hope we can meet sometime again in the future ok" with a smile on his face

But before they could leave,Dino came out from behind the tree and launch a attack toward Rimuru but Diablo immediately block the incoming attack and directly stare toward Dino with the intention to kill but couldn't do so,because he have to protect his master at any cost.

Diablo said to Dino "you are very lucky that I have to go Dino or you would have been a dead man walking"

Dino said "are you four with the blue hair individual?"

Testarossa said "the blue hair individual you speak of is our master,and we wouldn't tolerate you speaking bad about him"

Diablo said "since you are here Dino,how about reporting this to Guy that the four newly named primordial demons are now call Diablo,Testarossa,Carrera and Ultima"


Dino said "you have been named?!"

Ultima said "yes we have and we pledge our upmost protection and loyalty to our new master!"

Diablo said "we will be leaving now,but before we go don't forget to tell Guy what I said Dino"

Rimuru had already left the living world before the primordial and Dino had a chat with each other before they enter into the portal leaving the living world.

Dino and Rimiris run toward Milim to discuss what just happened.
