Repercussions: 8.¿Confías es mi?

Chapter 8

I dropped my purse on the table and leaned against the wall. I looked at my father and I couldn't help it, I ran to him. He stood up and opened his arms for me and I jumped in them saying sorry over and over again. He pulled back, pushed the hair out of my face, and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

He whispered, "Ti amo, la mia bambina." (Italian:I love you, my little girl.)

He used to call me that when I was younger. He hasn't called me that in years, but that will always be my name to him.

I pulled out of his arms and went to hug my mom and then Gabriel. I had to try not to laugh when I went to Gabriel, but I couldn't help it.

"Gabe, wonder who gave you that bruise."

He gave me a flat look, "I'm pretty sure it was you."

I gave him my puppy dog face, "Mi dispiace."

He shook his head, "Saying I'm sorry in Italian and the face isn't going to work."

I didn't budge because in

"Ok you win I forgive you."

I laughed, "Love you."

He smiled, "Yea, yea doesn't everyone." Now it was my turn to give him a flat look. If you haven't noticed I only hugged 3 out of the 7 people in this room. I only hugged my parents and Gabe because I'm not really mad at them. I wish they weren't here but I'm not mad at them.

I was turning away from him when he pulled me down and whispered in my ear, "Just hear them out." I looked at him for a while before nodding.

I sat in the chair across from the others and stared at them, waiting for them to speak. I got tired of waiting so I started.

"Alright, since none of you are going to start, I am. I'm going to point to each one of you, the person who I want to talk. If someone is talking do not interrupt, only I can interrupt. I just want to hear you guys out so I know your reasons." I said looking and Zach's face.

Everyone seemed to understand so I pointed Ariel and motioned my hands for her to speak.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't want to make you upset I just wanted to help. I could see how this situation was bothering you and I don't like seeing you upset. I just thought that if I brought Zach I could help or we could help."

"I love that you care, but you knew that I wasn't ready to talk to him and yet I come here thinking I was talking to you, Caden, Lily, and Gabe but came to see him and my parents. You know what I felt when I stepped in this room yesterday?" I didn't give them time to speak, "I felt betrayed."

"That's not why he was here I just wanted to help you guys work it out. It's not worth it to give up over something that small."

When she said that, I realized she didn't know why I spent the night with Lily. I turned to Zach, "You didn't tell them?" He shook his head.

"I spent the night here because Zane came over for the event we had to do the next day. Zach and him had a heated discussion at the door so I took him to the side of the house to work on it. I wasn't as into my work as I usually was so Zane tried to cheer me up. He did and I gave him a hug, but I accidentally kicked him so he started spinning me around which made me laugh. Zach over here went on a punch spree and they ended up fighting. I was pissed off at both of them so I came here." Nothing wrong with changing it up a little.

They all took a while before everything settled in. I thought they would judge me, but they didn't. Instead Ariel and Lily attacked me with hugs. I accepted it because I knew they knew how I felt, we were just that closed.

"Forgive us?" The asked at the same time. I laughed and nodded a yes. I looked to see Caden staring down at his hands and Zach looking pissed off?

I looked at him, "Why are you pissed?"

"You can forgive them so easily, but not me, your husband." He said putting an emphasis on the word 'husband'

"Are you kidding me right now? I was about to go talk to you to sort this out so I can come home. What is your problem?"

Instantly his eyes filled regret and he immediately engulfed me in a hug. I hugged him back and we stayed like that for a couple of minutes. I pulled back and nodded towards my brother. He understood and let me go.

Without a word I pulled Caden up and took him to a separate room.

"Tell me, now."

"How could you continue working with him?"

I was confused when he asked this question, "Um because I have to?"

"No, idiota. How can you still work with him after that?"

I got it now, "Honestly?" He nodded. I was about to speak again when I heard shuffling by the door. I sighed loudly and walked backwards towards the door. Caden looked at me confused until I said, "Están escuchando." (Spanish: They are listening.) He nodded in understanding.

I usually speak spanish more when I with my brother, I don't know why it's just what we do.

I remembered where we left off, but this time I started talking in Spanish. "Yo no sé." (Spanish: I don't know

"¿Qué?" (Spanish: what?)

I repeated what I said, "Yo no sé."

"¿Cómo no sabe?" (How do you not know?)

"Confío en él." (I trust him.)

"¿Por qué? ¿Cómo puedes? No me gusta Zane." (Why? How can you? I don't like Zane.)

I rolled my eyes, "¿Confías en mí?" (Do you trust me)

He sighed and nodded his.

I smiled, "Buena! Vamos." (Good! Let's go)

He shook his head at me and got up. I used my hand and told him to stop. I took 3 big steps to the door and swung it open. I put my hands on my hip.

"Now, now children. Shame on you. Time out, both of you now!" I said acting like a reprimanding mom. Ari and Lily glared at me with scowls on their faces.

"Shut it! It's not like we understood everything."

"I know that's why I started talking in Spanish, duh." I said with a smile tugging at my lips. I found myself amused when they gave me the bird but still made no move to get up.

" this the knew statement." I smirked, motioning my hands around them.

They looked confused and then looked down, a look of recognition crossed their faces. "Yea, you didn't know? Wow, Adri! Thought you knew." Ariel said, "cough lame cough."

"Shut up and get up, idiots." I shook my head at them and walked towards the living room.

"Wait, Adri!" Lily yelled. I turned around and stared at her expectantly, "You are an idiot." I looked at her confused,

"How am I an idiot?"

"Um because I have to?" She said with her hands on her hips and with a dumb look on her face. Ari burst out laughing. I glared at Lily, because I realized she was repeating what I said.

"It was a legit answer."

They both looked at me like I was crazy. I yelled whatever to them and walked into the living room, immediately attacked by to little arms snaking around my waist.


"Hey sweetie! When did you get here?" I said while picking her up.

"I just got here, did you miss me?"

I laughed, "How could I not miss my Izzy Rose?"

"I don't know, because I am awesome!"

I smiled at her, "You sure are!" I said sitting her on my lap.

Lily and Ari came into the room and something crossed my mind.

"Ari and Lily!" I called, "How did Zane get here?"

They looked at me confused. Ari asked, "What do you mean?"

"Yesterday, he came but I never called him." Good thing Zach wasn't by me or he would have a fit.

"Ohhh I called him." Lily said.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Because you needed to calm down and I knew you didn't want to talk to us." She said

"How did you get his number?" By now Izzy climbed off my lap and went to play.

"Your phone, I got it when you started to attack Zach."

I went and hugged her and whispered 'thank you' in her ear. She laughed and kissed my cheek, then went to find Izzy.

I went and sat down next to Zach, hugging him in the process.

Everything is going to be alright. Everything is going to be alright.

Why does it sound like I'm trying to convince myself?

"I wanna get home so we can spend time together." Zach said wiggling is eyebrows suggestively. I shook my head with an amused look on my face and got up giving everyone a hug.

Caden gave me a long hug and whispered, "Te amo y confío en ti." (I love you and trust you.)

I couldn't help it I started crying. Cay is not one to say his feelings, so for him to say that makes me feel a million times better.

"Awwww Cay Cay!" I said with tears rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't help but pinch his cheeks.

"You had to ruin it by calling me that? I told you not to call me that."

I put on my best puppy dog face, "But, I love that name."

"Ugh, fine. But you can't call me that all the time. Got it?"

I laughed and wiped the tears off my face, "Ok, Cay Cay!" He just shook his head at me.

I walked to the car where Zach was waiting for me. I smiled at him and got in my car, waiting for him to pull out.


He kissed me hungrily and pushed me against wall. I ran my fingers through his hair and pressed myself closer to him. He unbuttoned my shirt and took it off of me. I pulled his shirt over his head and ran my hands down his body.

"I missed this, babe. I missed you."

I gave a loud moan in return. I looped my fingers in his pants and walked backwards up the stairs pulling him along with me. His eyes darkened with this lustful look in his eyes. The whole way up he stared at my breast and lips.

When we got into my room he pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top of me. I went to unbutton his pants, but he stopped me.

"I'm gonna pleasure you tonight as one of my many ways to say I'm sorry."

I smiled and nodded at him laying back down and relaxing, letting him take control.

He started planting kisses on my jaw down my chest right to my area. He pulled my skirt down and planted kisses on the inside of my thy. I moaned and pulled his head up to mine and crashed my lips to his. I couldn't take it anymore.

"I-I need you now!"

He looked at me, shook his head, and lightly put his lips to mine. I began to get impatient and growled at him and he smirked and continued to tease me. I flipped us over so that I was straddling him.

I smirked down at his surprised face. I leant down to his ear and whispered, "My turn." I nipped at his ear before planting light feathery kisses down his chest. I stopped at his abs and licked them. I made my way back up and bit and sucked on his bottom lip.

"You are killing me here." He moaned. I chuckled, "I know!" I winked at him and took off his pants and boxers off at the same time. He was aroused, big time!

"Babe, oh god! Yes!" He said as I pumped my hand up and down his shaft. I stopped when he was just about to orgasm. I put my lips right in front of his.

"Paybacks a bitch." I whispered against his lips and pulled back and threw on a shirt, since he never got my panties off. "Night, Zach."

He groaned, "You aren't serious right?" I didn't respond so he sucked on my earlobe. I pushed him away. "I'm sorry. Come on you know you want to finish."

I turned and kissed him on his lips before I pulled back and pointed to the bathroom. He mumbled something under his breathed and sluggishly walk to the bathroom.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I yelled out.

"Nothing, sweetie."

I smirked, "That's what I thought."

While he was in the bathroom, a sudden thought, well question, crossed my mind.

Why did I stop?

I thought about it and the answer popped in my head.

It wasn't because he teased me, no, it was something more serious than that. It's because something or more like someone else stopped me. I stopped because of him. I used him teasing me as a way to get out of it, as a way to cover it, but in the back of my mind and in reality, it was him.


Zane's face and body popped into my mind stopped me from finished the night of passion with my husband.

Why does that sentence sound so twisted?

Umm, because it is.

Not you again. Anyway I'm going to prove you wrong. I can and I will make love to my husband.

Maybe, but you aren't going to enjoy it.

I got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom. The shower was still running, so I pulled my shirt over my head and took my panties off. Zach didn't notice me get in with him. I kissed his back. He shivered and turned around.

I flashed him a smile and kissed him.

There, in the shower, I made love to my husband, but she, being my inner voice, was right.

I did not enjoy that night with my husband.

That, my friends, is where we have a problem

Hey guys,

It took me a while to make this chapter so I hope you like it. I enjoy writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it. I added that thing about Lily calling Zane because I realized I never added it in the chapter before this. So I hoped it cleared it up somewhat.

Did you like it? What didn't you like about it?

By the way, if some of the translations are wrong, I'm sorry, but I'm using a translator.


Love you guys,

