Author's Note #2

Hey Wattpaders,

                       I just wanted to slide in this little note to tell you a few things. First off, its taking me some time to finish up Chapter 15 because lately I haven't been able to put my ideas together correctly. I keep writing and then deleting before I just stop all together. I am trying not to confuse you guys or even me for that matter, so writing Chapter 15 is taking longer than I expected. Secondly, I just wanted to thank people for reading my book. I know I am not that great of a writer, but I hope you guys are still enjoying reading it and keep reading my story. Thank you for all of you people out there giving my story a chance. I know it might seem a little boring in the beginning but it gets better over time. So, once again thank you and  an update is coming as soon as I can make it happen. Comment.Vote.Follow

Love You Guys,

