Repercussions: 6.My kissing buddy, Knight

Chapter 6


"You heard me. Why was Zane Saviano calling your phone, not once but five times?"

"I work with him."

"Oh so he isn't your kissing buddy?"

Oh that's what this is about.

"My kissing buddy? Are you serious right now?"

He glared at me. "Deadly."

"If you must know, I was supposed to call him because we have to do our job, tomorrow. Which, before you ask, is a Sweet 16. And yes he is as you say it "my kissing buddy" I said putting air quotes around my kissing buddy.

His emotions did a reverse from angry to apologetic. He engulfed me into a hug and repeated sorry over and over again.

Moody much?

Right? I replied to myself

I pulled back,"Its fine, but you can't keep bringing up the kiss every time we argue. Ok?"

He nodded his head, but something said this wasn't the last time I'm going to be hearing this.

I took my phone and went in the kitchen to call Zane, but I heard a knock on the door.

Who's that?

I opened the door and was surprised to see Zane.

"Zane? What are you doing here?"

"You said you would call me but didn't. And then you didn't answer my calls so I got worried and came to check on you and how it went." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"I forgot my phone and went to see my friend, sorry. And it went fine..."

My sentence was cut short when the door was ripped opened. I turned to see a seething Zach staring murderously at Zane.

"What are you doing here?" Zach said venomously.

Zane didn't look fazed at all. "I came here to see Adriana. Is that a problem?"

"Yes it is, seeing as your lips can't stay away from her's"

"1. I apologize, I understand she is married. 2. I have a job I need to do and that requires Adriana's help so I need to speak to her." When he saw Zach wasn't going to move he said, "Without you being a fucking guard dog, thank you."

I knew something was going to happen so I stepped in.

"Zach it'll take 10 minutes, 20 the most. Wait for me inside, ok?"

He sighed and left but not without kissing me hard on the lips. When he went inside I sighed and shook my head. I motioned for Zane to follow me to the side of the house. We sat down on the grass and he pulled out the papers that we needed to know what was going on tomorrow.

I reached for the papers, but he pulled them away. I looked at him and reached for the papers but he pulled them away so I couldn't reach them at all.

I sat back and sighed, "All right. What do you want?"

He laughed, "Well first I want to see that smile again and I didn't get my hug." He fake pouted.

I gave him a fake smile. He shook his head and the next thing I know is he is tickling me to the point where I couldn't breathe.

When I calmed down, I smiled at him.

He smiled back, "There it is. And I also wanted to say sorry fo..."

I cut him off and gave him a hug. I pulled back, "Thank you."

"Your welcome, Princess"

"Why do you call me Princess?" I asked.

"If you don't want me too..."

I shook my head, "No, I was just curious. I like it, but I need a nickname for you." I thought about it, "Knight."



"Why Knight?"

"Because you always are there for me when I'm hurt or sad. You are like my knight in shining armor."

"I am aren't I?"

I laughed and nodded. "Shouldn't I get a hug, for my awesome nickname?"

He pulled me into a hug. He pulled me off of my feet and twirled me around and I started laughing, but stopped when I was ripped away from Zane.

"What the he..." But I cut my sentence short when I saw Zach punch Zane in the face. I was stunned at first but when Zane responded and they were rolling around punching each other, I snapped out of it.

"Zach!!!! Zane!!! Stop!!"

When they kept going I walked up to them and ripped them apart. When they tried to fight each other again I kicked them in the stomach.

"Zach what the hell was that. There was no reason for this to even be started."


I put my hand up, "I do not want to hear it." Zane looked smug.

"Oh you are not off the hook either. You did not need to punch him back." When he started to speak, I shook my head "Don't even start."

I turned to Zach, "Go in the house and clean yourself up. No I am not going to help you because you decided to go on a damn punching spree."

I turned Zane, "Go in your car and go home, I will see you tomorrow." When Zach was out of sight I pointed towards the end of the road telling him to wait there. When he didnt get it and walked right by him and said "Wait at the end of the road."

I walked into the house and went upstairs to my room taking pj's, 3 pairs of underwear, 2 bras, an outfit for work, and an outfit for after work. I grabbed my toothbrush, make up, and anything else I needed.

I was half way down the stairs when I heard Zach.

"What?" I asked

"You aren't staying?"

"No, I'm going to Ariel's or my parent's house."

I walked out before he could respond.

I pulled up next to Zane's car. I got out and walked over to where he was standing.

"I'm not mad at you, I just had to act like that. Although, I wish you guys didn't fight."

"I know and I'm sorry. It's just he pissed me off when we were at the door and then when he punched me, I couldn't help it."

I nodded, "I understand. Go get cleaned up. Ill see you tomorrow. I'm staying with Ariel tonight." I groaned.

Zane looked at me, "What?"

"I forgot she was having Caden, my brother who is also her boyfriend, over."

"Do you need a place to stay?"

I shook my head, "No, I will just go to Liliy's, my other friend. I don't want to go to my parents."

"If you need a place to stay just call me."

I nodded, "Okay."

Today has been the longest and worst day ever. Hopefully, the rest of the month isn't this bad.

I pulled up to Lily's house only to see she isn't there. I groaned again,

I forgot she went to Gabriel's.

I'm definitely not going to my parent's. That leaves....

Oh you have got to be kidding me.

I pulled out my phone.




How are you guys? What did you guys think?

I can't wait for the next chapter.

Do you guys want to see more of anyone/anything?


Love ya,

