Repercussions: 1. Surprise!

Chapter 1

"Oh come on, he can't be that bad."

"Ariel, trust me he is. He is just so cocky. It gets on my nerves" I said.

Since its the last month of summer and a day before my 3 year marriage anniversary, Saturday August 17, I'm at a pool party at my parents house. My younger brother Caden, my parents Julianna and Liam, and our friends Liliana, her 4 year old Isabella, Ariel, and Gabriel are here.

"Auntie Adri!"

"Hey sweetie. How's my little Izzy Rose doing?" I said while picking Isabella up. Her full name is Isabella Rose Castelo and her mother hates it when I call her that.

Izzy has straight long blonde hair going down her back, she gets that from her father, green eyes she gets from Lily. And she is a little fashionista just like her momma.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call her that?" Liliana said pretending to be angry.

Lily had Izzy at 24 and has been a single parent from the start. She was in an abusive relationship, but when the father found out she was pregnant, he beat her up one last time and walked out of her life.

We, meaning Ariel and I, knew about her relationship. We had tried to tell her to leave him, but it's not exactly easy to just drop a relationship like that. So she stayed and endured the beatings for 2 years straight. She was broken, she still is, but with Izzy in her life she is happy. She still has the scars and the memories, that she can never forget, but she got better over the years. She no longer has those nightmares of him coming back and hurting both her and Izzy. She still has that thought in the back of her mind, we all do, but she doesn't let it get the best of her. She doesn't live in fear.

Her main focus is Izzy and she will do anything to protect her, we all will.

"You love it and you know it. Plus Izzy loves it, right Izzy?"

"Yes!" Izzy said giggling.

"Bella why don't you go say hi to Julie and Liam" Lily said. Lily calls her Bella, like the princess Belle because she is her little princess. Izzy said an okay and ran off to find my parents.

"Hey guys, so where's Zach?" Lily asked.

"He's with Gabe and Cay."

"Guess what Lil." This time Ariel spoke. I wonder what she's gonna tell... Oh wait, it better not be what I think it is. " Adriana likes another guy."

I looked at Ariel shocked "Excuse me, I am happily married and second I said the complete opposite of that. But of course you heard different."

"Ooooo, gossip. Ok what's the scoop?" Lily asked.

Oh lord, my friends are like teenagers.

I laughed while shaking my head "There is no scoop, no gossip. All I said was that there was this new guy at work and he is cocky, arrogant, and annoying that's it. Oh and he is going to be my partner, until further notice."

"I like Ari's version better. Your's is boring."

I looked at Lily and shook my head. Ari was about to say something when Zach came in. I looked at him and smiled. "Hey honey." I said against his lips.

He pulled back. "Version of what?"

I looked at him confused "Huh?"

"Lily said something about Ariel's version."

Ari started to say something "Oh we were talking about..."

"Nothing. Nothing important. Just girl stuff, right?" I gave Ari the look like "make something up, now!"

I would rather Zach not know. Its not because I plan on doing anything with Zane, its just Zach will start getting jealous and more protective. I know this will happen because it happened before.

Zach and I started dating in 2008 and since Gabriel was like my best guy friend, he still is, I would be around him a lot, Zach started getting jealous and didn't want me hang out with Gabe.

Long story short, it was a big mess but now they are close friends, so it worked out.

She looked at me confused so I shook my head and then she got it. "Oh yea, nothing important."

Zach looked at her weirdly. "Ok...anyway, babe we gotta get going so we can pack and be ready for tomorrow."

I got up and gave everyone hugs and said my good byes.

I can't wait for tomorrow.


Today has been absolutely fantastic. Every year is the same but always different. When I say that I mean every year is a surprise but always different places. This is my favorite so far.

This year he took me to the place he proposed. It took 5 hours to get from NY to Maryland. I remember when he proposed like it was yesterday.

I put on a floor length strapless chiffon navy blue pleated bodice style dress with silver heels and he was wearing a dark blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. He had his hair slicked back while I had my hair in curls with the sides pulled back.

We were in Maryland for my cousins wedding.

We left the hotel and headed towards a fancy restaurant. While we were eating dinner, I could tell he was nervous, but I couldn't figure out why. I started to get nervous.

"Honey, are you ok?" I asked. He didn't even hear me. I grabbed his hand and he jumped up like he didn't know I was there. I looked at him, "Zach, what's wrong?"

"Huh? N-nothing is wrong. Why do you a-ask?" He stuttered. He only stutters when he is nervous. "A-are you ready to go?"

I nodded my head, he paid the bill and we walked out. We started strolling towards the park. It looked like he was calming down. We were talking walking past the water fountain when he cut me off saying "Marry me?"

I abruptly stopped at the water fountain, turned to him, and saw he was on one knee.

"I love you and only you. I remember when I first met you and you turned me down before I even said 3 words. I remember my friends laughing at me saying things like shot down and burn. Thats one of the many things I love about you. I had to chase you and I still do. I love your spitfire attitude, how sweet you can be, and the love you have for your family and friends is just amazing. I hope you have room in your heart for one more. So, Adriana Valentina Marciano will you become Mrs. Zachariah Beau Luciano?"

By the end of his speech I was in tears. I pulled him off his knee, jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck kissing him passionately. He pulled back, both of us breathless, "I'm hoping that's a yes"

I laughed and nodded.

Earlier we were at USA Water Park. And that was fun except for when a couple girls started to flirt with him right in front of me. They were trying to show off stuff they don't have, which i found funny.

Now I'm getting ready to go out to dinner. And I have a surprise for Zach...I just don't know how to tell him.

This time I put on floor length champagne chiffon halter neck styled dress with a beaded band under the bust with gold high heels. I straightened my hair and pulled my hair to the side, letting it fall over my shoulder using a fancy clip to keep it in place. I put on light make up and I was ready to go.

I went down to the lobby where I'm supposed to meet Zach. I walked out of the hotel to see Zach in a brown button up shirt, dark grey dress pants, and black shoes holding a bouquet of roses and a square black box.

I took the roses and he opened the box revealing a beautiful charm bracelet and diamond necklace "Happy Anniversary , Baby!"

"Aww Zach they are beautiful. Thank you!" I said with a kiss.

When we got to the restaurant, we ordered whatever we wanted. I decided to tell him while we were eating dinner.

"So how's your food?" I asked.

"Amazing. Just like you."

I smiled "That was cheesy."

"Do you want some wine?"

I guess now is as good as never. "Do you want your anniversary gift now?"

He smiled, "You didn't have to get me anything. So what is it."

"I hope you like it because its non-refundable. Do you want to have a baby?"

"Of course. What is this all about?" He asked confused.

I smiled "Surprise, You are gonna be a daddy. I'm pregnant!"


This is the first chapter of my second book. The first was a bust so I deleted it. I hope you like this one.

There is a slideshow on the side of some of the characters

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