Repercussions: 3. Princess

Chapter 3

"You are kidding right?" I laughed

"Nope, not at all."

"That's hilarious. So they just kept going?"

Zane nodded, "It is not funny, that scarred me? Who wants to see that?"

I laughed "You got me there."

Right now I am at Edo's Japanese Steakhouse. He said a fancy restaurant wasn't as cool as this. Funny thing was, I loved this place especially the hibachi so I'm glad he took me here.

He just told me how one time he walked in on his parents doing IT when he went to tell them he was going out and they never stopped. They kept going and even asked what he wanted while doing the deed. I found that absolutely hilarious, I mean who wouldn't.

"So tell me an embarrassing moment that happened to you." He said while eating his food.

I thought about it, "Well I was in college and me and my boyfriend at the time were having sex in an empty classroom on the teacher's desk. We locked the door, so when there was someone jiggling the door handle we thought nothing of it. Well apparently the teacher had keys so when he walked in, we stopped but my boyfriend never removed himself from my premises. The teacher was stunned and we just stayed there frozen. The most shocking thing was when he closed and locked the door and then asked to join in."

Zane burst out laughing, "He wanted to have a threesome? How old was he?"

I looked down at the table, "51."

That made him laugh even harder. I just stared at him flatly waiting till he was done laughing. It wasn't even that funny.

A look of realization flashed across his face, "Adriana, I didn't know you were so naughty. On a teacher's desk. Tsk tsk tsk" he said waving his finger at me.

"Hey at least I wasn't in public that time." I put my hand up to stop him before he could say anything else. I had a question of my own. "How many women have you slept with?"

"Honest or a lie?"

I thought about it, "Surprise me and I'll guess."

He nodded, "I've only slept with two women."

I stared at him, studying his face and was very surprised at what the answer was. "Your telling the truth." I said shocked.

It was his turn to look shocked, "How did you know?"

I laughed,"When you lie your mouth turns up slightly, when you are being honest about something you either look down and then back up or you tap your thumb and index finger together on you're left hand."

I looked up and he was staring at me intensely.

"Only my parents, brothers, and sister know that, how did you figure it out?"

I looked down shyly, "You do it a lot." I laughed at myself, "Wow I sound creepy."

He shook his head, "No it's just not even my best friend knows that and you know that within a week, it surprised me that's all."

I let out a breathe I didn't realize I was holding.

After that we just joked around. All in all I was glad I went to this dinner with Zane.


Today I took the day off because I have my first doctors appointment. Sadly, Zach got stuck at work so it's just me.

I walked into the doctor's office and signed in. I was the third person there so it wasn't long, before I was in the room.

"Hello, Adriana. It says you think you are pregnant?"

I nodded, "I took a test and it said, positive."

"Sometimes the take home test are not accurate so I am going to need you to urinate in this cup and I'm going to take some blood work."

I nodded and did as she asked.


It seemed like forever until Dr.Callen came back into the room. She told me to take a seat. The words she said next made my mood change in seconds.

I walked out of the office in a daze and sat down on the bench that was outside.

When it sunk in that's when the tears started flowing down my face. I took out my phone and called the first person that came to mind.

10 minutes later and I felt someone's arms come around me.

"Princess, what happened? Why are you crying"

Then I started crying all over again because I remembered why I was crying in the first place. The whole time he just whispered soothing words to me.

"If I'm going to help you, I need to know what's got you so upset."

I nodded, "It's just I thought...I was...because it said I was...then I go in today..."

"Princess, you aren't making sense." He looked confused.

I started crying again and he held me and rocked me back and forth. I managed to tell him, "T-they said I w-wasn't pregnant at all, Zane. I got my hopes up and now, now I just don't know what to do."

He didn't say anything just picked me up bridal style and carried me to his car. He drove for about 20 minutes before we came to a two story home. He got out and came to my side. He opened my door and helped me out.

When we got into the living room he went into what I assumed was the kitchen. When he came back out he had a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"It's just I was so happy to have a baby. And Zach was ecstatic. We've been trying and I feel like I'm not good enough..."

I have no idea why, but I always have these insecurities when it comes with Zach.

Zane cut me off right there, "Don't you dare finish that sentence. You are absolutely perfect and if Zach can't see that then he doesn't deserve you. Just because you aren't pregnant doesn't mean its the end of the world."

"But what if..."

He put his hand over my mouth,"No buts. No what ifs. Princess you are absolutely amazing and don't you forget that."

For the first time I smiled, "Thank you."

All I remember is looking into his eyes and then he started leaning in closer and until he kissed me.

The thing that was so bad was I didn't pull back, instead I kissed him back.

Hey again,

There you go. So Adri was never pregnant and Zane and Adriana shared their first kiss.

Did anyone guess it would be Zane she would call?

Do you think that kiss will happen again?


Love you guys,

