Where Were We Last Time? Oh Yeah...

Raphael's POV

 "I'm pregnant." My wife Sunset says to me. My eyes widen in disbelief as my jaw drops. I'm at a loss for words. But I manage to regain my speech patterns as I sputter, "p-p-p-pregnant?!?!?!?" Sunset giggled and said, "Yep! I'm so nervous, but I'm so excited!" I'm trying to recall when we did... "It." Then it comes back to me like Mikey throwing a nunchuck at me. "When did you find out?" I asked. Sunset sat next to me and explained, "when you went to do some training at work, I didn't feel too well. So because Sci-Twi is a nurse, I talked to her to see if I was alright. She and I found out I was pregnant! Do you want to hear its heartbeat?" I don't hesitate as I take off my mask and listen to the baby's heartbeat. I'm moved to tears by the sound of it. Sunset tearfully smiles at me. She asks, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

 "Music to my ears. Are you able to tell what the baby's going to be with your powers?" I asked as I look at my wife. "For once, I'd rather be surprised what it'll be," said Sunset as she took her boots off. "Aside from Twilight, who else knows?" I asked. "Just her for now," confirmed Sunset, "but we're going to surprise the rest of the girls at the beach tomorrow." She put her bare feet on my lap, and I massaged them. "Are you going to tell Princess Twilight and your brother?" I asked. "Oh definitely," said Sunset, "I know Garrett will be ecstatic to know he's gonna be an uncle. After lunch, I'll write to Princess Twilight and invite her and Garrett to the beach tomorrow." I smiled and said, "Perfect." As I stroked her toes, Sunset said, "but what to name our baby, that's the question..."

"Do you have any ideas?" I asked curiously. "Well, I like the name Nova for a boy," said Sunset, "what about you?" I thought for a moment then said, "Well, my father had an uncle named Hiro. I kinda like that name." Sunset gave that cute pondering look and said, "Nova Hiro Hamato..." I smiled and said, "I like it!" Sunset then said, "Now for the girl, what to name her... I was thinking Summer. What about you, Raph?" I thought for a moment, then said, "Well, I think I want to name her after my sister..."

 "Karai?" Sunset asked. "No, Karai was the name Shredder gave her," I said, "when she came home, she embraced the original name my father and her mother Tang Shen gave her, Miwa." Sunset smiled and said, "Miwa is such a beautiful name. How about if it's a girl, we name her Summer Miwa Hamato?" I hugged her and said, "Perfect. I'm just so happy that we get to be parents, Sunny." Sunset tearfully smiled and said, "Me too, Raph. Me too."
