Who's That Guy?

Sci-Twi's P.O.V.

It's been a few weeks, and Sunset told me that the two guys that Pinkie and Rarity are seeing are the reincarnations of Raphael's brothers, Donatello and Michelangelo. Well I'm happy for Raph now that he has some of his brothers back. Anyway, I just finished my shift at the hospital, and I'm about to head home. Suddenly, I notice this stranger near my car. He looks like Sunset's brother, except he looks different. He's wearing a dirty green trenchcoat, grey jogging sweats, and mismatched shoes. He has this confused look on his face.

And are his eyes a mismatched color? I waste no time as I walk over to him and ask, "excuse me sir, are you okay?" He looks at me and asks, "w-where am I? Is this Canterlot City??" His voice is different from Garrett's. I looked at him and said, "Yep, you're in Canterlot City. Do you have a name?" He looks at me, slightly blushing. "My name is Leonardo," he replied, "but my friends call me Leo. What's yours?" I looked at him bashfully and said, "oh, my name's Twilight Sparkle, but my nickname is Sci-Twi. Are you from around here?" Leo shook his head and said, "Not exactly. It's complicated." I took his hand and said, "I know people who can help you. Would you like to come with me?" Leo blushed when I touched his hand, then said, "sure, I guess." We then went into my car, and I decided to start driving to Sunset and Raphael's house. When we stopped at a light, I texted Sunset, letting her know that I found this Garrett Shimmer look-alike, and that I was headed to her house right now.

"Alright, the door's open for you and this doppelganger." Sunset texted back. I then drove until we were outside Sunset and Raphael's house. We then got out of the car, and inside the house. It was just Sunset sitting on the couch. She had a small bump on her belly. "Sunny? Where's Raph?" I asked as Leo looked around. "He's in the bathroom," said Sunset, "is this the doppelganger?" I nodded and said, "yeah. Leo, this is my friend, Sunset Shimmer. Sunny, this is Leonardo." Sunny and Leo gave each other confused looks. "You weren't kidding Twilight," said Sunset, "this guy really does look like my brother." Raphael then walked in, and asked, "hey guys what I miss?" Leo gave a look of surprise and asked, "Raph? Is that you??" Raph gave that same look and said, "wait, why do you sound like my brother Leo?"

"That's cuz it's me bro," said Leo. Raphael's eyes narrowed as he said, "oh yeah? Prove it. Prove that you really are my brother by telling me something only my brother Leonardo would know." Leo thought for a minute and said, "I know you're afraid of cockroaches. Remember that little spy camera on that one cockroach, and it mutated into a large monstrosity? And Mikey teased you by posing as the monster."

I looked at Sunset and whispered, "uh, do the thing?" Sunset gave a look of realization and said, "oh, right!" Sunset then touched Leo's head, her eyes turning white. She then gasped and said, "Raph, baby... It is your brother, Leonardo!" Raphael and Leonardo looked at each other, and then Raph hugged him, crying. Leo was put off guard, but then hugged back, tearfully smiling. "I thought you were dead..." Raph said tearfully. "I'm alive now," said Leo, "we got a lot to talk about Raph." Much later, Raphael and Sunset explained what happened after Leo had been abducted and the others died. Sunset explained where she was from, and how Raphael went back in time to save her life, and how they fell in love. "I'm really happy that you got married," said Leo, "and that you're going to be a father. Splinter would be proud."

"I just got one question for you. How did you end up in that body?" Raphael asked. This I would like to hear. "Well, it all started when The Kraang invaded Canterlot City several years ago," explained Leo, "the human doppelgangers of Sunset's family were driving around when the Kraang caused their car to crash. The only one to survive was your brother's doppelganger, Garrett." Sunset nodded and said, "So that's why we never saw my doppelganger. She was dead by the time I came here. I'm sorry Leonardo, I didn't mean to interrupt. Please go on." Leo smiled a little and said, "it's alright Sunset. Anyway, the Kraang saw Garrett and abducted him, taking him to Dimension X. He became my cellmate. For five years, this one insane Kraang scientist named Wahnsinnig did all sorts of inhumane experiments for the both of us. Wahnsinnig had our brains switched into different bodies. Which explains the heterochromia." I covered my mouth and said, "That's horrible... I'm so sorry that you and Garrett had to go through all those inhumane experiments... What happened next?" I unknowingly held his hand, causing Leo to blush again. "Garrett and I agreed, one of us needed to escape," continued Leo, "so we made a plan, we got out of our cells to try and get out of Dimension X. Garrett elected to sacrifice himself, as he felt he had nothing to lose knowing that his family was gone. While I ran away, Garrett was gunned down by The Kraang. He died in my body. If that's not messed up, I don't know what is." We all looked at him sadly. Poor Leo. And poor Garrett... "Then I ended up here," said Leo, "and now I find out that you're married and expecting a child Raphael, and Donnie and Mikey are reincarnated."

"What matters is that you're back Leo, and I couldn't be happier," said Raph as he smiled. "I'm happy too," said Leo, "I just wish I could find a place to stay." I awkwardly raised my hand and said, "if you want, you can stay with me. I hope you don't mind dogs. I also have clothes that might fit you." Leo smiled and said, "Thanks Twilight, I really appreciate that." Raphael gave Leonardo a pat and said, "It's good to have you back bro." I smiled at them. Sunset then whispered to me, "you are so asking him out, aren't you?" I blushed and giggled, "maybe..."
