Congratulations, It's A...

Sunset's P.O.V.

It's been a week since we found out that Donnie Ditko and Mikey Devos are the reincarnations of Raphael's brothers, Donatello and Michelangelo, respectively. Raph's very happy to find out his brothers are alive. I'm so happy for him. I wasted no time writing to Princess Twilight and Garrett about all this. They're happy for Raph also. And it seems after our quadruple date, Mikey and Pinkie kissed, and now they're in a relationship. They're so cute together.

Anyway, I'm in the hospital with Raph. I just gave birth to our baby. Now we're just waiting for the doctors to give us our baby. A few minutes later, the doctor comes in with our baby. "Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Hamato," said the doctor, "it's a pony!" I uncovered the blanket, and it revealed a unicorn foal. I gave birth to a baby unicorn?!?!?!?!? Raphael gave a look of shock and asked, "Sunset, what the shell is going on?!?!?!?!?!?"

That's when I bolted awake, breathing intensely. It was all a dream... I sigh in relief. Raphael groaned and woke up. "Sunset?" he murmured, "are you alright?" I looked at Raph and said, "Sorry babe... I just had a weird dream is all..." I laid on my back. "What kinda dream?" Raph asked. "I dreamt about giving birth to our baby," I said, "in the dream, our baby turned out to be a baby unicorn pony." Raphael gave a confused nod and said, "I see..."

"Well, I am a former unicorn," I defended. "Oh I get it," said Raph, "you're concerned about what our baby's going to look like, you being a unicorn, and me being a mutant turtle humanoid." I nodded and said, "That's one way of putting it..." Raph held my hand and said, "look, our baby's probably going to inherit a lot of my traits. It's probably going to be a mutant-human hybrid, and it'll probably have my green skin. But hey, my dad, who was basically a human mutated into a giant rat, took me and my brothers in, and he loved us regardless. No matter how our baby turns out, whether it's a plain old human, a mutant humanoid, a mutant turtle/Alicorn hybrid, or even a basic pony, I'm still going to love that baby, because our child is going to have the best of us. And our kid will have aunts and uncles that will love them regardless." I smiled at my husband and said, "I'm so glad our baby will have someone as strong as you as their father, Raph. I love you." Raphael kissed me and said, "I love you too, Sunny." I then cuddled up to him, and we both went back to sleep.
