Surprise At The Beach

Sunset's POV

It was now morning time, and I slowly woke up. I noticed that Raph was still asleep. I wasn't feeling any signs of morning sickness, which honestly felt good. Raphael then yawned and woke up. "Morning," he said, smiling at me. "Morning to you too," I said as I kissed him, "no nightmares?" Raphael smiled and said, "Not this time. You hungry?"

 "Definitely," I said. "What're you in the mood for?" Raphael asked as he got up to stretch. "Waffles sound good right now," I said, since that's what I was craving at the moment. "Alright, let me do my routine morning exercise, then I'll get the waffle maker started," said Raphael as he started to do pushups. I smiled and got up, walking to the table. After Raphael finished his morning exercise, he started the waffle maker that Pinkie Pie got us as a wedding gift. Thankfully, Raph had mastered cooking to where nothing burnt or was undercooked. Thank Celestia for Home Ec.

30 minutes later, Raphael made waffles with syrup for us. They were fluffy, gooey, and sweet, and I loved eating them. After breakfast, we got cleaned up and got dressed. Well, I got dressed. I wore a nice summer dress with some sneakers and socks. I was definitely going to need to lay off the high heeled boots for now. Raphael wore nothing but his shoulder and knee pads, his belt, and his red bandana. We then went to the portal at the high school, waiting for Princess Twilight and Garrett. A few minutes later, Princess Twilight and Garrett came out of the portal, in their human forms. I helped Twilight up and said, "Hello princess." Twilight smiled and said, "We came as soon as we got your message." 

"What's the surprise?" Garrett asked as Raphael got him up. "The surprise will be at the beach," said Raphael. "But we don't have any swimsuits," said Garrett as he blushed a little. "Don't worry, we bought swimsuits in your size bro," I said as I smiled at my little brother, "let's stop at home so we can change." And that's where we went. Raphael and I looked for the swimsuits, and found some Spider-Man swimming trunks with blue sandals for Garrett, and a Batgirl bikini with pink sandals for Twilight. "Where do you want us to change?" Garrett asked, a little shy. "There's a bathroom upstairs and downstairs," said Raph. Garrett took the upstairs bathroom, and Twilight took the downstairs bathroom. We smiled and went to the bedroom. We've seen each other naked plenty of times, so there wasn't a problem as I changed into my purple bikini with red sandals and Raphael changed to his red swimming trunks, keeping his mask on. A few minutes later, Garrett and Twilight came out in their respective swimwear. Garrett and Twilight looked at each other, blushing. "You look nice in your swimwear Twilight," said Garrett, trying to look at Twilight in the eyes. "So do you Garrett," replied Twilight as she looked at my brother's chest. He had abs, and his arms were as fit as Raphael's biceps. I can't blame Twilight for being aroused by this.

"Come on, let's go," said Raphael as he brought the basket that had our towels, sunscreen, and wallets. We then walked to the beach. A few minutes later, Sci-Twi, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Spike all walked in, wearing their swimsuits and flip flops. Well, except for Spike. "Hey girls," I said, smiling at everyone. "Oh, I see you brought Princess Twilight and your brother," said Sci-Twi as she waved hello at her doppelganger and my brother. "Hello other Twilight," said Garrett, "I haven't seen you since the wedding." Sci-Twi smiled and said, "Yeah, sure was a long time." 

"So what's the surprise sugarcube?" Applejack asked as we all sat down on the sand. "Well, yesterday Twilight and I found out some big news," I said, "and I told Raphael of course. Now I want to tell all of you. But first, I want to congratulate Garrett." My brother looked confused and asked, "Congratulate me? What for?" I gave Raphael the nod, and he said, "Garrett, you're being congratulated because you've been promoted to the status of uncle!" I could feel Garrett's emotions. They were in ranges of confusion, surprise, realization, and then... "You're pregnant???" Pinkie asked, realizing what was going on. I smiled and said, "100% pregnant." 

"Oh my gosh, that's wonderful darling!" Rarity said in excitement. "We're so happy for you!" Fluttershy said happily as she held Dash's hand. "I'm gonna be an uncle!" Garrett said in excitement. "There's more Garrett," I said, "although I don't want Mom and Dad involved with the baby, I want you to be the godfather." Garrett nodded and said, "I would be honored to be your baby's godfather." Raphael smiled and said, "Perfect." We then decided to have fun at the beach. We swam, surfed, splashed, relaxed, and had ice cream and other cold stuff. Much later, this lifeguard came over. He looked peculiar. He had yellow green skin, blond hair, baby blue eyes, freckles, wore an orange tank top, a red whistle, red swimming shorts, and red sandals.

He looked like a cross between Greg Cipes and Finn Jones. Raphael gave a look that expressed a feeling of deja vu. I could feel those emotions in him. "Sup ladies and gents?" the lifeguard asked, his voice sounding like Beast Boy. "Oh, we're just relaxing on the beach is all," said Dash. "Awesome. Say, who's your friend with the pink hair?" the lifeguard asked, eying Pinkie. She looked at the lifeguard, and blushed, smiling. "Oh, I'm Pinkie Pie," she said shyly, "are you a new lifeguard here?"

 "Yeah, started on the first day of summer," said the lifeguard, "name's Mikey Devos. But you can call me anytime." He winked at her, causing Pinkie to giggle and blush. Raphael looked at Mikey and asked, "Uh, excuse me Mikey... Would your name happen to be short for Michelangelo?" Mikey looked at my husband and said, "Actually, yeah. It is. Have we met before, dude?" Raphael shrugged and said, "You just remind me of someone. Just a feeling of deja vu."

"I get those feelings too man. Like I've seen someone in my dreams, and they look familiar," said Mikey. "That's deep man," said Garrett. "Wait, I know who you are!" Mikey said in realization, "You're that MMA fighter, Raphael Hamato! Dude, I'm a big fan of your fighting!" Raphael smiled and said, "Well I'm flattered Mikey. Mind if I introduce you to my wife and friends?" And so that's what Raph did. And something tells me Pinkie might have a crush on Mikey.
