
I would like to thank greenewest for this awesome cover!

Do you ever get that feeling where there's something at the back of your mind. Like it's another person altogether. But when you try to reach it, it just evaporates into thin air, like its never been there. Or it's never coming back. But it always does.
Sometimes it tries to talk to me. But she's hard to understand. She says that I shouldn't worry, that it will all make sense in the future. But that's all she will tell me.
Sometimes I get scared of her. When she talks sometimes she sounds angry. I wish she would just stop being angry all the time. But it's mostly if I'm feeling sad or mad.
Is there something wrong with me? Should I tell someone? All these questions run through my head but they disappear as fast as they came. She's my only friend. I would never betray her. She tells me not to worry....

So I won't.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't published any chapters of my other books! I've been kinda down in the dumps lately. Well I hope you like it!
Love you guys <3
