Chapter 2

As I back out of my driveway I glance to my left and spot the dark wooded area that my mother warned me never to go in numerous times when I was little. The way the early morning mist made the pine needles shimmer made it even more magical. Like It was out of a story book. Something was urging me to explore every inch of those woods, that part of me was seeking the adventure, and the thrill of walking around in unknown land.

Lile was urging me to go into those woods, like there was something waiting for her in there, something big.

'Alright! Fine! I'm going! I'm going!'

I zoom out of my driveway and down the road, the woods getting closer and closer.

'Come on I know the turn is here somewhere,'

I mutter to myself as my leg bounces up and down nervously.

The road I use to get to my work passes the woods so every time I pass it I always see this abandoned road veering off of the main road.

I drive strait for a couple of seconds until I spot the road that I was talking about. I take a sharp left and put more pressure on the gas pedal. Good thing Jeeps are made to go over rough terrain. The road was so bumpy that I had to hold onto the seat to keep from sliding out of my seat belt.

I shiver and see my breath come out in wisps, yep thats how cold it is. Good thing I'm dressed warm.

The Road becomes a dead end but I see a thin trail that starts to go uphill. I guess today is my exercise day. I slip my bag back over my shoulder and jump out of the car. I feel Lile start to feel uneasy but I just ignore her.

After 30 minutes of hiking uphill the ground evens out into a large clearing with beautiful wildflowers and lilacs. In the middle of the clearing stands the most amazing tree I've ever seen. Wow that's my first time saying that.

I kneel down on one knee and take out my Polaroid camera and snap a quick picture. I take a few more pictures of the clearing then I pack it away safely back into my bag and walk underneath the tree. I plop down onto the damp grass and take a deep breath, inhaling the smell of Pine  needles and flowers.

I gaze around the clearing, absorbing all of its beauty and wishing that I could just run away and live here forever and never have to worry about anything. I sigh and shake my head, I could never just abandon my mother, she's family.

A strong breeze blows into my side, sending my purple hair whipping across my face. Ever since my body heat started to rise my senses became stronger and stronger, so as I took a deep breath I smell the most intoxicating scent I have ever smelled.  It was a mix of rain and freshly cut grass.

I hear a twig snap, and as I jerked my head in its direction I see its tall, dark shadow as it steps out of the dark woods.
