Chapter 12

As Ash was getting dressed up in his bikini I sat outside, sitting on top of a large, grey rock, gazing at the beautiful wilderness around me.

The "House" was not a house at all, more like a mansion. And right outside were little cottages all spaced out enough to be called home.

This whole area was basically a clearing in the woods, large pine trees surrounding it.

I could smell a lot of different scents but they were all stale, are they apart of a gang or something?

"How's your arm?" I hear a kinda familiar voice ask from behind me.

I turn my head to look at Kayden. Honestly I forgot all about my arm and it being 'broken'.

"Perfectly fine. I think I should take it off,"

He gazes softly at me in complete silence, obviously thinking about what I said. It was kind of adorable, whenever he thinks about something really hard his nose scrunches up a bit.

"Fine, but you have to wait till tomorrow," He says, sitting down next to me.

I smile a bit and turn back towards the pine trees.

"It's amazing right?"

I nod my head and say the first thing that pops into my mind,

"One time when I was 5 I had sneaked away from my mother while she was tending to her garden and I ran into the woods that's right outside our house. And not only 5 minutes later I saw a large black wolf with red eyes literally looked the size of a horse, but when I ran away screaming for my mom she just stood there and laughed at me,"

I shudder at the memory and close my eyes.

I hear a small growl erupt from his chest. Wait.......A growl??

I open my eyes and look to my left, over at Kayden, who is staring at me with a really dark gray eyes.

"What exactly is your mom's name?"

"Leilany, why?"

His eyes widen a bit and he stands up, walking away from my spot on the rock.

I sigh and rub my eyes. So many things have been happening in the past two days.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and easily pick me up, another pair of hands pushing a cloth into my nose.

I suck in a breath to scream but immediately my eyes droop and darkness envelopes me in its dark veil.

Hi! How do you like this UNEDITED chapter??  I think it went very well! And what about Sage and her mom huh? Till next time my lovelies!!

River ♥️
