Chapter 5

(Kayden's POV)

Doing my regular patrols around our territory Reed, my wolf, kept bugging me to step outside of our territory towards a hiking trail that became abandoned long ago.
'Okay! Okay! I'm going!' I sigh at my wolf as I hear him yip happily.
I follow the trail to a beautiful meadow and the most intoxicating scent drifts toward me. It was a mix of lilacs and Ocean breeze.
I spot a human figure at the base of the tree with its eyes closed. It's a girl with purple hair.
'Mine' Reed growled as he pushed his way forward so that he was in control.
He walked up to the girl who looked calmly back at him.
She raises her hands up as If she surrendering,
"Sorry Wolfie I'm not what your smelling. Believe me I smell it too,"
Reed chuckles and noses her hand, begging to be pet.
She laughs and scratches us behind the ear as he purrs happily.
"Aw your not a big bad wolf are ya Boy?" She states looking at us with humor in her green orbs.
She was the most prettiest girl I have ever seen.
She was pale, with plump, cherry lips, big doe like green eyes, and her purple hair reached the middle of her back. She was breathtaking.
If I could I would stare at her all day.
She starts to reach into her bag as we lay down with our furry head on our paws. Reed's blue eyes staring at her expectingly.
When she looks back at us she shows us her Snowflake white Polaroid camera and starts to snap pictures of us. And lastly she takes a selfie of us together.
'She is just to cute!' Reed laughs in my head.
I silently agree with him but I can sense that something' about her. She smells different than other humans. Not mate different but..supernatural different. I can't explain it.
Once she puts her camera away its immediately replaced with her red iPod. She plugs in her earphones and begins to sing.

And it was mesmerizing.

She spent a long while talking to me. Mostly about her life since I can't talk back.
I learned that she was 18, she was just starting college because she graduated early two years ago, her real name was Sagittarius but she prefers Sage, and she mostly lives alone in her house without her mom.
She glances at the time on her phone and her green orbs widen in shock. She picks up her bag and fast walks down the trail opposite of the way I came.
"Bye Wolfie I have to go!" She calls as she disappears into the tree line.
'What are you waiting for! Let's go and get what's ours,' Reed growls.

What's ours.

Hey guys! Sorry I can't post two chapters today! I've been over at a friends house all day patiently waiting for her to let me update. And sorry if there are mistakes I had to write this on my phone and it's not the best at picking up mistakes. Stupid auto correct. Hope you guys like this book so far! Feel free to comment what to think!

-River πŸ’‹
