Chapter 1

Important authors note at the end! Please comment if I have any misspellings! Thx! ^_^
My eyes flutter open at the feeling of someone watching me. I raise myself into a sitting position and look around my room.
My ice blue walls are covered with Polaroid camera pictures that I took of the forest and the nature outside of our house, my desk is positioned against the left wall along with my camera and computer placed on top, and my bed is pushed against the right wall up against the window with its messed up purple sheets splayed out everywhere due to my tossing and turning all night.
A black figure standing at the doorway leading into my bathroom grabs my attention as I stare into what I assume is its face.
'What do you think it is Lile," I ask the voice in my head.
She replies with a few words that I can't make out so I decided to do the most obvious.
I chucked one of my pillows at it.
As soon as it made contact with the figure, the figure and the pillow both exploded into a cloud of black dust and just vanished into thin air.
I sigh and run my hand through my purple hair. This has been happening a lot lately. Black figures lurking around the house. But if something comes near it it just vanishes.
I throw off my sheets and place my feet on the cold wooden floor. I walk towards my bathroom warily and when I know that the cost is clear I strip out of my clothes and take a long cold shower. I know what your thinking, why cold? Well my body heat has been raising higher and higher every day but I don't think much of it. I think it finally stopped rising yesterday.
As I lather shampoo into my hair I think about how my 18th birthday is in 5 days. Lucky me.
After I finish my shower I dry off and wrap a towel around my body. I step out of the bathroom and walk over to my dresser to pick out some clothes.
I put on a sweater some black jeggings, a beanie, some grey tennis shoes, and some black sunglasses.
I grab my leather backpack and stuff my drawing pad, Polaroid camera, a pencil, and my phone into it the sling it over my shoulder and head out the door.
I walk down the stairs and open the door,
"Bye! I'm going to....take a walk!" I yell but of course get no reply.
My mother is a alcoholic and she something's disappears for weeks without warning. Probably with some guy in Florida or something.
I grab my keys and head out the door. I walk down my driveway and see my beautiful baby, my ice blue jeep.
The top is already off so I climb into the drivers seat and start the engine.
I'm ready for an adventure.

Hope you guys liked the first chapter. Okay I'm gonna have a serious talk with you guys. The other reason I haven't been updating is because I'm losing confidence. I barely have any left. I keep looking back at things I've done and felt like I'm stupid for doing them. And when I write these are the things that run through me head

'They are never going to read this'
'This is horrible'
'They all are going to hate you and your story's!'

So if I don't update these are the reasons so I'm sorry if I write horrible stories. Thx for understanding.
