Chapter 56

You didn't have to be a seer to predict how awful that Monday would be.

Neville and I sat together at the Gryffindor table that morning, both barely touching our food. I could feel the warmth of his hand through the fabric of my sleeve, which I had pulled up to slyly disguise my sweaty palms. Since the Baneberry potion, I seemed to be either too hot or too cold. At the moment I felt like I was burning up, and I could feel my hair sticking to the back of my neck.

"Do you see them?" Neville asked quietly, glancing up from his untouched bowl of oatmeal. I shook my head after briefly scanning both the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables.

"No- Heard anything about Seamus?"

"Not a word. I hope he's alright."

"Snape wouldn't do anything too harsh, I think." I mumbled, using my free hand to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. I shifted restlessly, letting out a soft sigh. I was eager to be done with breakfast- The sooner I could leave, the sooner I would be able to corner one of the Hufflepuff girls and see if Hannah had come back to the common room at all last night.

Neville was so tense with worry, one could mistake him for granite. I could see him glance up quickly, more often than I think he knew, to search the Hufflepuff table for Hannah. As reassuringly as I could I squeezed his hand, glancing up one more time.

The Slytherin table was, as usual, the most crowded, but even then I could still catch sight of Thatcher, sitting next to a rather amused-looking Theodore Nott. I could only guess that it was Blaise Zabini that sat across from them, his back turned to me.

"You're not very subtle, you know." Neville commented, sounding mildly irritated. He was unamused by my previous run-ins with the Slytherin seventh year, and disapproved me even breathing in his direction.

"Shut up. Ginny!" I said brightly, smiling as the redhead came and sat down across from us. Ginny smiled gently at me, looking tired. While she hadn't been part of our scheme last night, she had been there when we planned it, and I'm sure she had spent a good part of the night worrying.

"Hey guys." Ginny's voice was soft, and I watched as she reached across the table to take hold of an apple. "Any sign of the others?"

"No." Neville replied miserably, and I turned to look at him, smiling as encouragingly as I could.

"Don't be such a downer- They might be okay." I said, taking his hand in both of mine and attempting to smooth out his clenched fist, wincing when he squeezed a little too hard on my fingers.

"But we don't know. The Carrows, they're- Oh, Merlin." Neville's sentence cut off in a choked gasp, and following his gaze my own eyes widened. Michael Corner and Hannah Abbott had entered the room, both looking completely torn up.

Michael's right eye was swelled shut, and had turned an ugly black color. His shirt was ripped in several places and stained with small patches of blood. Hannah looked as though she was having trouble standing, and after a brief glance down at her feet I realized her ankle may very well be broken, as she was refusing to put weight on it and was leaning on Michael instead.

"We have to-" Neville moved to rise from his seat but I kept my grip on his hand solid, keeping him at the table with me.

"Neville, they're not just examples, they're probably bait- The Carrows are smart, they probably know whoever helps them is part of the D.A." I said tightly, feeling miserable as the two injured students separated and sat down at their respective tables.

Seamus was still missing.

"But Hannah-"

"Hannah will be okay. Alecia is right, Neville- We can't help them now." Ginny said, her lips pulled into a grimace. Neville let out a soft groan, hanging his head. Biting my lip, I made my decision quickly.

"I have Transfiguration first today, remember? With Hannah. I'll pull us out of class and help the best I can- If you try and get to Michael. See if he knows where Seamus is. We'll fix them up, they'll be fine." Probably, I added mentally with a grimace. Hopefully McGonagall wouldn't mind me and Hannah skipping her class- She, of all the teachers, supported us whole-heartedly when she could. As long as the Carrows didn't catch us, we'd be fine.

"That's risky, 'Lecia-"

"Hey, Hannah means a lot to you. And she's sweet. And I want to help, so I will. Okay?" I smiled pleasantly. Besides, I was banking on the fact that even if I did get caught, Snape would pull me from detention. He was right about my sectumsempra wounds not being healed completely yet. I considered myself lucky I had Ginny to apply new bandages this morning, as the other ones had been soaked with blood. Obviously I moved way too much in my sleep.

"Thank you, Lily." Neville said under his breath, and with a smile I leaned up, pressing my lips to his cheek gently.

"Anything for you, Neville."


"Hannah, hold still, please." I pleaded gently, wincing in sympathy when Hannah let out a small shriek. We sat in the Room of Requirement, having successfully snuck out of McGonagall's class- Or not so much having snuck out as she saw us and gave the quick little nod of approval.

"I'm sorry- It just hurts." Hannah sighed, biting her lip. I couldn't blame her. Her ankle was so much worse than I thought- Not just broken, but completely shattered. I was impressed at how well she had concealed it earlier.

"I know, I know. But if you're not still, the magic could go wrong, and I really don't want to make this worse." I said, looking from where her ankle sat in my lap. Hannah gave a brief nod, resting her head back against the pillows.

If her ankle had only been broken, I would've been able to perform a simple healing spell- Quick and easy. But with the amount of damage, I didn't want to risk her tendons or cause even more blood loss.

"So while we're here- Tell me about yourself. I don't know very much about you, aside from what Neville's told me." I hummed softly as I worked, trying to not pay too much attention to the open wound in her ankle as I carefully, piece by piece, reassemble her ankle correctly. Thank Merlin I got to use magic for that, and not my hands.

"Neville's talked about me?" Hannah's voice came out in a surprised squeak, and glancing up I saw her cheeks flush pink. I had to conceal my grin, trying to keep my smile shy.

"Of course." I said casually, watching as the Tibia, Fibula and Talus slowly mended back together. "Why wouldn't he?"

"I- I just thought, you know, he's got so many people to organize-"

"And you're just as important as any of them. But yeah, he talks about you- You like herbology, right?" I asked, and Hannah nodded with a small smile. She really was a pretty girl, and a kind one. Silently I thanked my best friend for having good taste. I would hate to disapprove.

Not that it would really matter. It's not as though Neville approved of who I had dated in the past.

"Well, that's great. You two have a lot in common." I said, pleased that her ankle appeared to be at least pieced together, and carefully I muttered the spell that would keep them together. Hannah's nose crinkled up slightly, but she didn't say anything as her ankle mended itself the rest of the way.

"Thanks, Alecia."

"No, problem, Hannah. But- Just one thing."

"What is it?" Hannah said as she rose from her spot on the couch, testing out her ankle carefully. I smiled.

"He cares for you a lot. Just so you know."


I was in Charms class when I first felt the burn. Severus had been right- The ring didn't completely burn, like I thought it might, but when you knew what to feel for it certainly stood out. Carefully I worked it off my finger, glad I was sitting in the back of the class where Filch was less likely to see me.

Since Flitwick had been caught trying to heal a punished second year last week, the Carrows had instructed Filch to attend some of his classes to keep an eye on him.

Leaning back in my seat, carefully I peered at the script inside the ring. In Sirius's familiar handwriting, there was only one sentence.

'Tonight, same place, midnight'

Not cryptic at all. With a frown, I lifted the ring up to my lips, thinking very hard on the word 'okay' and watching it appear into the ring- And, wherever he was, Sirius's- before I slid it back onto my finger.

I had another meeting with the Order tonight.

But the last one had only been a week or two ago?

Trying not to frown I feigned paying attention, meanwhile trying to mull over what they could possibly want to discuss. And how the hell was I going to sneak out- He was certainly in no mood to let me go anywhere.

And I couldn't get caught by the Carrows.

I nudged Neville in the ribs lightly, startling him out of his note taking. I admired his ability to still study.

"What?" Neville mumbled, eyes darting to me without ever turning his head. We had been caught talking in class before, and I had no wish to relive the experience.

"I have a meeting tonight." I muttered, letting my fingers tap lightly on my desk. Neville frowned but nodded.

"What time?"


"Hogsmeade again?"

"Naturally." I hummed, ducking my head as Filch passes by our desks, grumbling under his breath. Neville and I held our silence for a moment before he sighed and nodded.

"Alright. What do you need?"

"I'm thinking one hell of a disillusionment charm."

Neville's frown only deepened at that, his quill stopping on the paper as he took a moment to consider the idea. "Just a disillusionment charm?"

"Well, there aren't exactly any invisibility cloaks lying around." I said glumly. I missed my cousin. Neville let out a sigh sigh but nodded in agreement, glancing over at me.

"Alright. We'll work it out after class- Come find me in the common room later, alright? We'll go from there." He said decidedly, and with a small grin I nodded once, dropping my gaze as Filch passed by again.


As it ended up, before Neville and I could discuss tonight, we had more important tasks to deal with. Sometime between charms and lunch, Seamus Finnegan had been found dumped in front of the Fat Lady's portrait, unconscious, covered in blood and obviously in pain, but breathing all the same.

"Seamus- Eyes open, please." I said with a grimace, sitting on the edge of the Gryffindor couch. He let out a loud groan as I worked on pulling off his shirt, the white material sticking to his skin from the mix of sweat and blood. Cuts and bruises made up his torso- Hexes or knives? The cuts were thinner, leading me to believe knife- Alecto, for sure then- and there were several bruises around his neck that were harsh enough to have me believing they definitely strangled him.

This was my fault, and the guilt was insurmountable.

"Lavender, get me some healing potions- They're by the drawer in my bunk, bottom shelf. The blood replenishing one- It's red, you can't miss it- And the blue one too. Dark blue, not light. It'll keep the wounds clean." My voice sounded tight and demanding as I rattled off instructions to my dorm mate, and despite all the mess around me I briefly wondered when my voice had become so authoritative.

Lavender was quick on her feet, and I could hear her hurry up the stairs to get the requested potions. Meanwhile I used what I could of Seamus's shirt to wipe some of the blood off his body, trying to ignore the way it stained my skin and uniform.

"Is there anything else we can do?" Neville asked. He had been pacing for the past ten minutes, looking deeply troubled. I couldn't blame him. I'm sure I looked the same. But with a sigh I shook my head, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as it fell from my ponytail.

"I'm doing everything I can- If we could get Madam Pomfrey to help-"

"There's no way, the Carrows will be watching. Damnit!" Neville swore. I jumped, just slightly- It was rare for Neville to swear, much less vehemently.

"He'll be alright, Neville- Oh, thank you Lavender." I sighed in relief as the asked-for potions arrived. They had been some of the few we had stolen from Madam Pomfrey's cupboard last week, and while I had felt bad about taking them then, I was already planning to get more now.

Seamus let out a loud groan again, his voice sounding strained, and I grimaced, careful to make sure he was propped up alright on the pillows.

"Seamus.. Seamus, look at me. I need you to drink this." I said gently, lifting the blue potion. He groaned in response. With no protest, I gently pressed the glass vial to his lips, careful to make sure it wouldn't flood down his throat. He seemed responsive enough, sipping from it on his own.

"Shouldn't you give him the blood replenishing one first?" Lavender's voice was curious. I shook my head.

"Nah- With open wounds still, it would just cause even more blood loss. We have to wait until I can get the cuts to close."

"Oh." Her voice hummed as I started working on said cuts, watching as they slowly healed one by one, the magic working its way down his body. I couldn't help but smile slightly, glad to see the spell was working well.

His breathing had started to even out, becoming less raspy with each exhale. He'd be shaky for a couple of days, but he'd be alright.

"He'll be fine. Lavender, have him take the blood replenishing potions, will you?" I asked, rising from the couch with a soft sigh. Taking a moment I glanced down at myself again, trying not to cringe at my blood-soaked shirt and skirt. "I have to go change."

"Please do. You look as though you've come from a muggle horror film." Lavender said, her nose crinkling up as she took a spot next to Seamus, picking up the mentioned potion. "Now, go on. Before you frighten a first year."

"Thanks, Lavender." I said with amusement before heading upstairs. The girls' dorm was empty, and without hesitation I stripped, leaving my bloody clothes on the floor and ruffling through my trunk for a new pair of clothes. My bandages were gradually getting smaller, and I was starting to feel comfortable wearing tighter shirts and sweaters again. However, I knew the scars were something that was never going to go away.

Wanting to check, I carefully peeled the cream-colored bandages away from my skin, grimacing as it pulled slightly on the scar tissue. But everything appeared alright. Thankfully the wounds hadn't opened again. The marks on my skin, once red and irritated, had gradually become a pale pink, still very noticeable but at least not as painful as before, if you didn't count the occasional aches and hurts.

With a sigh I pulled a long-sleeved shirt over my head, not wanting to bother with bandages again. It was best to let some injuries breathe, right? And it's not as though I was at risk for infection anymore. And if it bled- Well, I didn't care too much for this shirt anyway.

I threw on a pair of worn jeans and sneakers before taking a large dose of polyjuice potion. I was amazed I had yet to run out- But, of course, much had been made, each dose and time calculated precisely. Though I was never a fan of the potion, it had become a constant thing- I had no choice but to deal with the off-taste and weird consistency.

Finally I returned downstairs, glad to see Neville had stopped pacing at some point and was now standing by the fire, staring at it with a blank expression. Lavender still sat with Seamus on the couch. He definitely appeared better, and I was thankful for it.

"Neville. We need to discuss tonight." I said as I came to stand by his shoulder. He sighed, then nodded, the movement jerky as he turned to look at me.

"Right. Want to go the Room of Requirement?"

"Please. I need the space." I said with a sigh. Neville smiled slightly then, completely understanding.

"Alright, c'mon then." He said, offering me his hand. I took it gratefully. Holding hands had never really been a thing for me- Sweaty palms, for one, and why was it such a big deal if you intertwined your fingers?- But with Neville it had become a habit out of comfort and reassurance.

The hallways were near empty, save a few students- I could see the Patil twins talking as they walked from the courtyard, and I saw a flash of pale blonde hair that, after one heart stopping moment, made me realize I was looking at Luna Lovegood, who appeared to be talking very animatedly with a bemused looking Ernie Macmillan.

Obviously people were just getting out classes- As a seventh year I had free period- and were currently flooding into the halls. My grip on Neville's hand tightened as we passed the group of Slytherin seventh years, though none paid much attention to me. It almost stung when Marcus Thatcher, after a brief glance in my direction, didn't so much as breath towards me as we passed.

But I had no right to be hurt- What the hell was wrong with me?

Thankfully the seventh floor was less crowded, and it was relief that we approached the Room of Requierment corridor. Neville opened it while I waited patiently, glad when the door finally revealed itself.

"So any idea how you're going to get out tonight?" Neville asked as we entered the room. I walked in, heading straight for the comfortable-looking couch while Neville made sure the door shut tightly behind us.

"I figured I'd take the front entrance. They won't expect that, will they?" I asked, letting myself drop onto the couch with a heavy sigh. Neville smiled amusedly, and I moved my feet back so he could sit down before I propped them back onto his lap.

"I suppose not. That doesn't seem the best option though."

"Well, what's your suggestion? There's the Carrows and Filch, not to mention they've got freaking Dementors at every damn entrance. Do you know if disillusionment charms work on them?"

"I'm not sure they do."

"Well. I'll figure something out. I'll wing it."

"You'll figure something out.. By tonight?" Neville's tone was both concerned and amused. I grimaced, giving a small shrug.

"I don't really have much of a choice, do I?" I hummed softly, sighing. Neville smiled weakly, his fingers tapping lightly against my ankle.

"I suppose you don't."


"And you have everything."

"Yes, Neville! I'll be perfectly safe. Stop worrying- It's just Hogsmeade."

"Hogsmeade. Under high security, with both Death Eaters and Dementors roaming the place." Ginny said, her eyebrows raised. I smiled weakly.

"It'll work."

"It better." Neville said with a soft sigh, pulling his arm from my shoulders. I gave a weak shrug, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. Ginny sighed, pulling me away from Neville and wrapping her arms loosely around my shoulders.

"Just stay safe." She said, smiling warmly at me. I let out a quiet laugh, squeezing her shoulders tightly before I nodded.

"Of course. I'll be back soon- I don't think it should take too long." I said, stepping away. Ginny nodded.

"Of course. And I'll see you in a bit." Ginny said, walking with me and Neville to the portrait. It was eleven-thirty and I was completely wired on both caffeine and a sugar quill Ginny had managed to get for me as a pleasant surprise.

I managed a smile back at my friends before the Fat Lady's portrait slammed shut, and I let it fall from my face. Turning to look down the dark hallway, I let out a soft sigh. Right.

The walk wouldn't be terrible if it wasn't at night with Filch and the Carrows prowling the halls. It was peaceful at nighttime. A breath of fresh air where the air was cool and the moon lit everything up.

I was most nervous about opening the door. It had never been the quietest entryway in the world, but it was the most obvious- And therefore the least obvious- Option in the world. Stopping by the staircases, I lifted my wand, closed my eyes and circled it over my head.

The feeling of the disillusionment charm could be described with two words: Cold and icky.

I felt like an egg had been cracked over my head, but as it rolled over my body I only had to look at my hands to know that it had worked- Cause I wasn't quite sure I was looking at my hands. Completely unseeable.

Carefully I stepped down, walking to the front door. I was surprised to see it was unlocked. Perhaps it was obvious enough to be easy.

I turned the doorknob, careful to keep the large door from being noisy as I stepped outside. Nothing bad had happened yet beside the temperature dropping insanely low. I let out a breath, surprised to see that my breath showed.

The rest of the journey was fairly easy, despite the dementors. But as long as I kept low to the ground they left me alone, floating depressingly up in the air while looking for something to feed on. Goosebumps had risen on my skin, and I inhaled sharply every time one flew overhead. But they all seemed focused on the castle, on the energy it radiated.

Hogsmeade was dead silent, all the windows shut and lights off. I crept through it as stealthily as possible. I didn't know how the Caterwauling was set off- By movement, sudden movement, somebody breathing. I tried to creep as slowly as possible in the places that were concealed by shadows, making my way to the shack that I had met Fred in last time.

It looked abandoned as usual, and carefully I turned the knob, opening the door just enough to slip through before I shut it behind me. It took me a moment to let my eyes adjust, but soon I could pick up the moonlight that streamed through the windows, lighting up the stairway- And the person that stood on it.

I felt the charm slip away, and inhaling sharply I spoke up, keeping my hand on the doorknob in case I had stumbled into the wrong person.

"Hello?" I asked quietly. The figure looked up, seeming frozen for a moment- And then they moved, the stairs creaking under their feet as they hurried towards me. I didn't have time to brace for impact as arms wrapped around my waist, nearly lifting me up off my feet.

"Thank Merlin!" Fred's voice was hushed against my hair, and with a sigh of relief I let my arms wrap around him, trying to ignore the painful way my cuts rubbed against my shirt.

"Hey- Hey, you alright?" I asked, grateful when he set me back down on my feet.

"I- Am I alright? Are you?" Fred said, his hands placed firmly on my shoulders as he stepped back, taking in my appearance quickly. I grimace, crossing my arms.

"I'm fine. Why would I be otherwise?"

Fred stared at me as though I had grown a third eye. "I heard about your detention- Baneberry potion, how could Slughorn let them-"

"The Carrows and Snape can do whatever they like." I said, put-out. I was hoping to heal and move on without anyone outside of Hogwarts gaining knowledge of it- Obviously a Professor must be in contact with the Order or something. McGonagall, perhaps.

"I know but- Hell, Flower. That's serious stuff. C'mon, I got some stuff set up in a room- Take a look at you, make sure you're healing properly."

I flushed, very aware of what would entail. "What? No- no! I'm fine, thanks."

Fred rolled his eyes, obviously amused by my protest. "Calm down, Flower. It's just to be safe. The Order can't have their best spy dying of improper care, can they?"

I scoffed. "And yet they sent you."

"It was either me or Bill, and it was figured that you might be a bit more comfortable around someone you know- Better, at least. Please, come. I want to make sure you're alright." He said, and even though I couldn't see them, I could definitely feel his eyes burning into me. With a sigh, I gave in.

"Fine. Lead the way." I muttered, and with a quick nod Fred moved, rather light on his feet. Up the stairs and to the right there was a cleaned-out room, the only furniture being an old mattress and an oak desk, where a small assembly of potions and other objects I didn't recognize sat.

"Sit down- Anywhere, really." Fred instructed with a flippant hand as he entered, walking straight to the desk. Pointedly avoiding the bed, I sat cross-legged on the floor, waiting patiently for Fred to join me. It was only a few moments later that he did, bringing two glass vials and a bronze thing that looked similar to a stethoscope.

Fred sat down in front of me, his wand lighting up in his hand. It provided enough light for me to see his face clearly, and my eyes were almost teary when I did. I missed him. I missed my life outside Hogwarts. He looked as Fred like as ever- Same freckled cheeks, same eyes, same red hair, albeit a little shaggier than normal. It was close to falling into his eyes now as he looked at me.

"Take off your shirt."

"You did not just say that to me." My mouth fell open. Fred rolled his eyes good-naturedly.

"It's not even your body."

"It has been for the past several weeks!"

"It's not you. Besides, I'll be completely professional. Wizard's honor." Fred said it with a grin, but his tone was serious. With a small sigh I nodded, the lifted my shirt over my head. Cold air made goosebumps rise instantly, and I sucked in a quick breath, trying not to tremble too much as I tried to adjust to the temperature. It was November, after all, and one was not meant to be in their bra in the middle of it.

"Thank you." Fred hummed after a moment. I inhaled sharply when his hands pressed against my stomach, checking the marks with a somewhat quizzical expression.

"These are nasty looking, you know that?" Fred whistled lowly, and I could feel his finger trace over one of the longer marks, going from my navel and just to the beginning of my ribcage. I shrugged mildly, trying not to cringe under his cool hands.

"They don't hurt as much as they used to."

"Maybe so- Who healed you? They obviously knew what they were doing."

My lie was quick. "Luna."

"Lovegood?" Fred's eyebrows rose, but he didn't seem skeptical. I nodded quickly, wincing when his finger pressed down on a scratch. He pulled back instantly at my flinch, looking apologetic as he reached for one of the potion filled vials.

"Drink this." He said as he held it out to me, and without much protest I did. It tastes alright, though it left a faint tingling sensation in my throat that I certainly didn't appreciate.

"Thank you, Flower." Fred chirped, retrieving the vile from my fingers. Now he reached back for the bronze-stethoscope-thing,

"What is that?" I asked as it neared my skin, and I leaned away from the object carefully. Fred smiled.

"It's to make sure there isn't any left over damage from the potion- Spasms, ticks- Anything abnormal. I doubt there is as you seem perfectly fine, but procedure is procedure, and Sirius would kill me if I did anything less."

"You're probably right." I muttered. I watched curiously as he hooked the top part of the stethoscope-thing into his ears, but instead of placing the end near my heart, he instead placed it next to my temple. I could feel the pulse it radiated, making my head throb slightly. It wasn't as painful as much as it was just weird, and a little dizzying.

"You feeling alright? You're swaying." Fred asked, and over the feel of the numb throbbing I felt his hands gently take my shoulders, steadying me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little dizzy."

"Must be my devastating good looks."

The small giggle I let out was involuntary. I could hear Fred chuckle too, blue eyes glinting amusedly as he reached up, taking the bronze-stethoscope off my temple.

"Well, from what I can tell you're alright. Nothing that time won't take care- I'm sorry about the scars though. By the looks of em, they're not the sort to disappear quickly." He added, glancing downward. I tried not to mind it, shrugging weakly.

"They're horrible, aren't they?"

"Pretty bad. Mine are worse though, so I don't feel too terrible for you." Fred snorted, ignoring my gasp of fake offense. Scowling I leaned over, flicking his forehead soundly before he could pull away and stand up, going to get something from the desk. I watched him, trying not to stick my tongue out like a child.

"They are not!"

"You wouldn't know that, would you?" Fred let out a scoff, picking up a glass potion. Walking back over he handed it to me. It felt cool against my fingertips, and I watched as "You've never seen them."

"Fine, then! Let me see." I challenged as I sipped from the potion, ignoring the bitter taste on my tongue. Fred smirked lightly, obviously taking my request seriously as he pulled at the ends of his jacket, pulling it off his body easily. His wand was lying on the floor between us, allowing enough light that I could see that he was wearing a dark blue shirt underneath.

"It's pretty ugly, you know." Fred warned as he pulled it over his head, while I stayed in a somewhat stunned silence, watching. I had never actually seen him shirtless before- I mean, once, but he was on serious pain potions and wrapped in bandages, so it didn't count.

It wasn't like this.

Lean pale skin was mottled on the left by twisting scars,washed white in the faint glow from the wand. I couldn't see the freckles I knew dusted his shoulders, but there was one just above his right hip that I could see. There was no mistaking the muscle that was wired in his body. I bit my lip, my eyes ducking down before he could see me blush.

"You're right. It is worse." I admitted with a grimace, trying to act like I had not just been checking him out. I wanted to smack myself with a newspaper. Fred laughed as he came to sit down across from me, leaving his shirt off. I was almost grateful for it- At least we were on equal footing.

"At least mine don't hurt anymore- They're just ugly as hell. But how many pain potions are you on?" Fred asked as I handed him the now drained vial.

"Just one- And I'm taking less and less everyday." I said honestly, giving a weak shrug. Fred stayed silent after that, though I could hear him breathing in the dark silence. After a moment or two I spoke up, rolling my head on my shoulders and wincing when they cracked. I had to get out of the habit of staying still too long, or my bones just might knit together.

"Are the scars the only reason you're here?" I asked curiously, finally glancing up at him. He was leaning against the wall across from me, his shirt still off but drawn into his lap, his fingers lightly picking at the fabric.

"Well, we do have some questions for you."

"Then ask away, please. I need to get back, people are waiting up for me." Of course, I had told Ginny and Neville not to, but something told me they'd be asleep in the common room when I got back. Fred straightened up slightly, giving a small nod.

"Of course. How was the Halloween ball?"

"Hell, naturally. Snape's speech was all about turning the students against Dumbledore's Army- Offering a reward and all that. Nothing dangerous to the Order though, so I wouldn't fret. Just the usual spiel."

"Did you get your dress alright?" Fred asked, and in the light I could see the small grin he wore. Teasing.

"Yes, I did, and I looked amazing in it, thank-you-very-much." I said haughtily, enjoying the laugh I managed to draw from his lips.

"I'm sure you did." He said with kind of an amused sincerity. I smiled back lightly, not entirely aware my eyes had dropped from his face until my cheeks lit up bright pink on their own and I let my eyes go up to the ceiling, finding new interest in the cracks that seemed to weave across it.

"Feeling bashful?" Fred's voice was teasing, and if my cheeks weren't at least pink before, they were bright red now.

"No." I said slowly, groaning when Fred laughed, obviosuly enjoying my flustered state. I let him laugh, rolling my eyes in annoyance as I waited for him to stop. It took a moment for him to stop, but when he did he grinned at me.

"Well, you better look at me while you can. It'll probably be awhile before we see each other again." He said. I frowned then, sitting up slightly. That was sudden.

"What? Why?"

Fred shrugged, his grin turning into more of a grimace. "Things are getting tighter. People are breathing down each other's necks, the Death Eaters are getting stronger- My family and I, we're going into hiding."

My eyes widened as I nodded slowly, letting it sink in. "What about Ginny?"

The idea of losing my redheaded friend sickened me a little; Without her, I would lose a large part of my sanity while at Hogwarts. Fred sighed.

"Mum and dad are planning to pull her out during Christmas break. Make it less suspicious. If they tried to now, people would surely catch on. And we can't have that now, can we?"

"I suppose not." I murmured, chewing thoughtfully on my bottom lip. I didn't want to lose Ginny. Or Fred, for that matter, but if it's what was safer, I couldn't argue. I sighed, trying to plaster a weak smile. "So, are there any other questions?"

Fred smiled lightly, obviously appreciating the change of subject.

"Are there any other events coming up as of late?".

"None that they've announced. I'll alert the Order immediately if I do here of something, though." I promised. Fred smiled gratefully, picking my shirt up off the floor and handing it out to me.

"Thank you, Flower. I suggest you put your shirt back on before you leave. It's a tad chilly."

I threw his jacket at him in response.


I had hoped to sneak back into the castle peacefully, but alas, it was not to be.

I had just made it past the front doors, sneaking carefully up the stairs when a hand caught the back of my shirt and pulled me back, the collar of my shirt nearly choking me.

"Just what do you think you are doing?" Severus asked, his tone incredulous. I let out a loud sigh, hanging my head. So close.

"I had a meeting tonight. Figured I wouldn't bother you with it."

"And what? Risk getting yourself caught?"

"You were pissed at me earlier- I didn't want to ask anything!"

"Remeber how I told you to suppress attachment and romantic feelings?" Severus drawled, letting go of the back of my shirt. "Add fear to that list. How in the world the Order thought you a spy, I don't know."

"No need to be rude, Severus." I mumbled sourly, rubbing at my neck. He scowled.

"Come with me."

"I'm tired."

"I don't believe I asked if you were." Severus said, removing his hand from my neck and going to wall down the halls. With a sigh I followed him, grimacing.

"Can't we talk tomorrow?"

"There is no better time than the present. Whom were you speaking with?"

"An Order member." I snipped, running my fingers through my hair. Severus looked like he might give in a roll his eyes, letting out a sigh as we got to the entrance of his office.

"Bitterroot." He watched as the statue spun, revealing the large staircase. I followed him onto it, annoyed when he didn't even stop on the stairs but continued climbing, making sure we were at the top and ready to step off when the staircase met with the office doorway.

He didn't speak again till he had closed the door, shutting it tightly behind us. I let myself collapse into one of the chairs across from his desk, sighing gently as he paced the room, coming to stand behind his desk.

"You were foolish tonight, leaving like that."

"I'm foolish a lot, apparently. Go figure." I said, staring up at the ceiling with boredom. I was too tired to be lecture now. Severus's lips thinned.

"You cannot afford to make mistakes. I expect that next time you have an Order meeting, you will at least have the common sense to let me know. If I had sent the Carrows after I got the signal you had left the castle, and not myself, we would be speaking under much different terms."

"So it is guarded?" I asked, amused. Severus stared at me.


"Don't look at me like that! It was easy to get through, I thought maybe since it was so obvious-"

"That I would have neglected to guard it?" Severus asked, raising an eyebrow. "Don't insult my intelligence."

"I'm not! I'm just- Well. Fine. Sorry." I muttered irritably, closing my eyes tightly. Severus sighed from where he stood behind the desk, and I'm sure his arms were crossed tightly.

"Is there anything of importance I should know?"

"Nope. No new information. They just wanted to know about the ball last week, and check on my Sectumsempra wounds. Somehow they found out. I was thinking McGonagall- And please don't go after her for that. I think it's sweet."

"Of course not." Severus said, but his tone wasn't indifferent. It was amused. Opening my eyes I turned to look at him curiously.


"Nothing of your concern. Now are you sure that is all?"

"Positive, Severus." I promised. Severus nodded once, sitting down in his chair with a soft sigh.

"Very well. Off with you, before the Carrows find you."

I smiled with a tired gratefulness, rising from my seat. "Thank you, Severus."

Severus sighed tiredly, opening up a large book as he waved his hand at me dismissively. "Go"

My lips thinned as I reached for the doorknob, a thought causing me to pause and turn. My concern was ridiculous, but all the same... "Severus, are you sleeping?"

He did look up at me then, eyebrows raised in surprise. "Sleep is irrelevant to my lifestyle."

"That is no excuse. Sleep is important-"

"Which is why I want you in bed in the next fifteen minutes. Now go, if you please." Severus said with a begrudging sort of affection. I stared at him dubiously before I nodded, opening the door.

"Very well. Night, Severus."

"Goodnight, Lily."


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Soo apologies for the filler chapter, but I wanted to get something out to you guys and not EVERYTHING can be super drama-fun-packed ;)

Anyway, please comment, fan and vote! I always love to know what you think.

Luv ya,

