Chapter 14


A visit to Hogsmeade and Words of Comfort

After the snowball fight, Sirius and I walked back to Hogsmeade soaking wet, though Sirius was in dog form so it didn’t bother him much.

“Hm. I still win though!” I laughed, and ‘Snuffles’ shook his head. I frowned.

“Fine. Have it your way then.” I said as we entered Hogsmeade again, just as Remus, Caiden and Harry were leaving. Caiden ran up to hug me, but stopped when he saw I was soaked.

“What happened?” Remus asked, and I pointed at Sirius, who gave a dog-like grin back at me. I was explaining the snowball fight when a flash of brown hair caught my eye.

“Oh! Excuse me, one moment.” I said, running off to follow Tonks.

“Tonks! Dora! Ton- NYMPHADORA!” I cried, and Tonks turned around, her gloom face breaking out into annoyance, until she saw me.

“Don’t call me Nypmha- Lily! I thought I wouldn’t get to see you!” She cried, hugging me. I smiled.

“I’ve been busy. How are things going?”

“They’ve been ok. I’m sorry I haven’t seen you since the train ride, but things are so busy right now... how are things with Draco?” She asked, and I grimaced. 

“We broke up the first day.” I shrugged, and Tonks wrapped an arm around me.

“I’m so sorry Lils, that’s an awful way to start the year. I’m sure it’ll get better though, right?” She said, and I nodded.

“Of course, sure it will.” I sighed, when Sirius trotted up to us, his head in the air and his tail wagging. Tonks gasped.

“Sir- Snuffles? What are you doing here?” She asked, and we heard calls from behind us as Remus and Caiden walked up. Tonks paled, and I patted her back.

“Why not you go on?” I suggested, and she smiled gratefully.

“Thanks Lily. Bye!” She called, hugging me one last time before jogging off. Remus sighed, watching her dreamily, and I smacked him over the head.

“What was that for?” He asked, and I crossed my arms.

“For being an absolute git, Remus Lupin. That’s what it was for.” I said matter-of-factly, and before Remus could get another word out I grabbed Caiden, and he, Sirius and I made our way to honeydukes, leaving Remus thinking about Tonks. 

Hopefully that’ll knock some sense into him.


I was sorting through the books in the library, trying to find one to read. I don’t visit the library often, but it was one of those days where it was too cold to go outside, and there’s no where to go.

“Romeo and Juliet?” A voice asked from behind me, and I turned to look at Fred Weasley. I nodded, stepping off of the stool.

“Yup. Classic romance.” I said, and Fred considered it before shaking his head.

“I don’t think I will ever read that. Ever.” He said, and I let out a small laugh.

“Sure you don’t Weasley. What are even doing here, by the way?” I asked, puzzled. Fred and George had left last year. He should be at the store.

“Visiting. Maybe scouting for a new place. Just needed a break.” He shrugged, and I nodded.

“And you came to the library, why?” 

“I don’t know, really.” He said, looking confused.  I shook my head, checking out the book before walking with him outside.

“Well, good luck with searching for that new shop. How long are you gonna be here?”

“Till Wednesday. Hey, later why not you come down to Hogsmeade and you can help me search for store locations?” Fred suggested, and I considering it for a moment before nodding.

“Sure, I got nothing to do. What time should I be there?”

“Um, how about around six? We can go for dinner later, if you want.” Fred added, and I nodded.

“Ok. I’ll see you then. Bye Fred.” I waved, and we split directions as I headed back to the Gryffindor common room. Slipping inside, I smiled, sitting next to Harry.

“Hey Harry.” I greeted, and Harry looked up, smiling at me.

“How you been feeling?” Harry asked, and I frowned.

“I feel.... fine. Great, actually.” I realized with a jolt, and Harry’s smile widened.

“Good to hear.” He said, and I smiled.

“By the way, I need to borrow your invisibility cloak tonight, I need to get to Hogsmeade.” I said, and Harry nodded, no questions asked.

“It’s in my trunk.” He said, and smiling, I walked upstairs, walking over to his trunk and sifting through everything until my fingers grasped the soft fabric of the cloak. Pulling it on, I wrapped it around myself so I looked like a floating neck and head with arms. Swiftly, I walked downstairs.

“What do you think? New fashion trend?” I asked, and Harry let out a small laugh and nodded.

“Oh ya, totally.” He agreed, and I grinned, kissing him on the cheek before I left the common room, pulling the cloak over my head. I was wearing jeans and a Mrs. Weasley’s hand knitted sweater, I realized with a jolt. It was warm too. Nice.

Sneaking around the hallways, I left through the courtyard, making a break for it once I was on the hill, running down. Sliding to a stop, I laughed as Fred walked up.

“See you’re on time.” He said, grinning. We walked around for a bit when he turned to the left, showing me an abandoned warehouse. Stepping inside, it wasn’t too damaged. A nice three-story house, it had plenty of built-in-shelves, good design. I nodded.

“This is really nice.” I said, and Fred nodded, looking around.

“I think so too.”

“Fred, where’s George?” I asked after a moment, and Fred shrugged.

“Somebody had to take care of the shop.” He said, and I nodded, walking into a small office space. The paint was chipped and the shelves and floor were dusty, but it was ok. Coughing, I sat down at a chair, opening the drawers. Inside were maps of the store. Sifting through them, I grinned.

“Maps to all the secret passages from this store into Hogwarts.” I said, handing them to Fred. Fred’s face lit up as he studied them.

“These are brilliant. This is perfect.” He realized, and I nodded.

“You should get this place, it has everything built in already. But you do realize that if Death Eaters figured out about the passageways, they could-”

“Get into Hogwarts.” Fred interrupted, and I nodded.

“A whole other reason to get it, my dear child.” He grinned, and I rolled my eyes.

“I’m not a child, Weasley.” I said as we left the store, and Fred shrugged.

“You’re under age, I’m not. You are a child.” He reasoned, and I rolled my eyes.

“Brilliant.” I said as we entered the Hogs Head. Aberforth was cleaning a glass as we walked in and took our seats. 

“I’ll take a butterbeer.” I decided, and Fred though for a moment.

“I’ll have a firewhisky.” He said, and Aberforth nodded, walking into the back of the store.

“I really would hate to see what he keeps back there.” I mused, and Fred nodded.

“Probably nothing good.” He decided, and I grinned, shrugging.

“You never know. So, how’s work been?” I asked, and Fred shrugged.

“It’s been good, buisness is booming. It’s really the only open buisness on the block now, so I guess that’s why. But yea, we’ve been busy.” 

“Good to hear.” I smiled, taking a sip of my butterbeer. Fred nodded.

“What about you?” He asked, and I sighed.

“Well, I found out I have a godfather, Regulas Black, Sirius’s dead brother, my boyfriend broke up with start of the year, grades have been ok, D.A.D.A..... interesting, potions is ok, but this year’s just kind of odd.” I summed up. Fred thought for a moment.

“Regulas Black?” He asked, and I nodded.

“Sirius’s younger dead brother. Apparently he was a friend of my father’s before he died, and he was named godfather.” I shrugged. Fred nodded.

“Boyfriend?” He asked, and I sighed, shaking my head.

“I’m over it. Draco just isn’t right for me.” I shrugged, though the words sounded wrong coming from my mouth. I didn't like saying it. Fred snorted.

“I could’ve told you that.”

“Well gee, thanks for the sympathy.”

“Hey, you said you were over it.” He shrugged, and I sighed.

“Fine. You win.” I said, and Fred grinned.

“Don’t I always?” 


“Hey!” Fred cried, and I finished up the last of my butterbeer. I shrugged.

“Just telling the truth, Weasley.”

“Fine. You win.” 

“Don’t I always?” I grinned, punching him lightly in the shoulder as we left the Hogs Head. Fred grinned, shaking his head as we walked to the top of the hill. Pulling the Invisibility cloak out of my back pack, I pulled it over myself, startling Fred.

“Bye Fred! Good luck with the shop!” I called as I walked passed the gates and into the halls of Hogwarts. 

Sneaking through the halls, I quietly reentered the common room, pulling the invisibility cloak off and sitting down next in the chair, looking at Ron, Harry and Hermione who were all sitting on the couch.

“Where were you?” Harry asked, and I grinned, shaking my wet hair. Bloody snow got it soaked.


“Why?” Hermione asked, and I shrugged.

“I was with Fred. They might be looking for a new place in Hogsmeade, he asked me to join him in looking around, since George is back at the shop.” I shrugged, and Ron raised an eyebrow.

“You were with Fred? Like just the two of you?”

I rolled my eyes, slightly appalled he would come to that conclusion. “Yes, Ronniekins. It wasn’t a date though, keep that in mind. More like a scouting party, I guess you could call it.” I said, shuddering slightly at the thought of dating Fred. It would be like dating Harry.


“Oh, ok, good.” He said, and I rolled my eyes as I walked upstairs, changing into pajamas. Falling on my bed, I smiled, closing my eyes and drifting off into a peaceful dreamland. 


The next morning I woke up to a snowy day, a cloudy sky, and an empty room. There was nothing to do. And I was thrilled. I could do whatever I wanted, and so finally I decided what I wanted to do, and actually did.

“Hermione?” I asked after I was done.

“What is it Lily?” Hermione called from the other room, and I walked in, grinning sheepishly as she took in my new hairstyle. I had shortened it slightly and had added layers. I was completely thrilled with it.

“Oh Lily!” Hermione gasped, and I scratched the back of my  head.

“Ya. I just needed a change.”

“You look lovely.” Hermione smiled, walking up to me and inspecting it. “Wow.”

I nodded, grinning. “Like I said, a change.”

“Well, it’s wonderful.” 

“Thanks!” I smiled as Parvati and Lavender entered the room. They were talking about something when they set eyes on me. Lavender gasped.

“Oh, wow.” Parvati murmured, while Lavender regained the ability to speak.

“You cut your hair?” She asked, and I nodded. Parvati smiled.

“It’s looks lovely, Lily.” 

“Thanks Parvati.” I said, and Lavender smiled.

“You look great.” She confirmed, and I waved as I walked out the door and into the common room. Harry and Ron were sitting on the couch, so I snuck up behind Harry, my hands over his eyes.

“Lily.” He said immediately, and I grinned, sitting down next to him.  Harry blinked.

“Did you cut your hair?” Ron asked, and I rolled my eyes.

“No Ron, it grew shorter.” I said sarcastically, shaking my head. Harry smiled.

“I like it.”

“Thanks!” I smiled, pulling a jacket over my shoulders. Ron nodded dumbly, looking confused. Grinning, I walked out of the portrait hole.

“Morning Lady.” I waved, and the Fat Lady smiled as I turned down the hallway, ignoring the stares I was getting. Smiling, I sat down next to Ginny at the Gryffindor table, and Ginny beamed.

“Lily! Your hair- it looks great!” Ginny smiled, and I grinned, nodding.

“Thanks Gins. How’s your day been?”

“Oh, it’s been fine. Quidditch is good. I still wish you had joined though.” She sighed, and I smiled wistfully.

“So do I. But hey, there could be an opening soon.” I said, recalling Katie Bell’s incident, that was surely going to happened sometime soon.

“Maybe.” Ginny agreed, and I bit into a piece of toast, smiling.

“So, how has your week been?” I asked, and Ginny shrugged.

“It’s been ok.” 

“You meet any boys?” I asked, and Ginny blushed slightly.

“N-no! Of course not, pfft, why would you think that? I have to go.” She said, smiling at me before leaving the table. Picking up my bag, I slung it over my shoulder and stood up, walking into the hallway.

“You cut your hair?” A voice asked, and I turned to see Draco looking at me. I rolled me eyes.

“No, it’s just a trick of the light. Yes, obviously” I confirmed, and Draco nodded.

“It suits you.” He said before disappearing around the corner, and from where he had disappeared, I was guessing he left to the Room of Requirement. Smiling, I made my way towards the library when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Are you going to come watch the game?” Harry asked, and I smiled.

“Of course Harry.” I said, and together we walked off to the quidditch field.


After the quidditch game I was heading back to the Gryffindor common room when I felt a hand on my shoulder, shoving me into a broom closet.

“What the bloody hell!” I yelled, stomping on Draco’s foot. Draco flinched but said nothing, and I crossed my arms.

“I need to talk to you.” He said, and I glared at him.

“Next time you want to talk to someone, I advise against shoving them in a broom closet!” I hissed, and Draco nodded.

“Point taken, though it worked the last time.” He said, and I frowned at him before putting a hand on the door to leave, but Draco stopped me, grabbing my wrist.

“You need to leave.” He said, and I rolled my eyes.

“Well that’s what I’m trying to do!”

“No, I mean leave Hogwarts.” He said seriously, and I shook my head.

“No thanks, I’m happy here. Can I go now?” 

“You need to leave, you’re in danger.” Draco warned, and I sighed, smiling grimly.

“Aren’t I always? Don’t underestimate me, Malfoy, I can take care of myself. Now, why not you go skip off, and leave me alone?” I hissed, opening the door and stepping out. Draco made to follow me, but I pulled my wand out and held onto it until I turned to the corner, Draco vanishing from sight.

I felt bad afterwords, but I didn't need to fall for him again. Then I'd be in an even larger mess.

Walking in the halls, I frowned as I heard a small sob come from an empty classroom. Frowning, I walked inside, nodding when I realized what had happened.

Hermione was sitting on the floor, looking quite distressed.

“Mione?” I asked, and Hermione turned to me, quickly moving to wipe the tears from her face.

“Hey Lily.” Hermione greeted somberly, and I sat down next to her.

“Ron?” I asked simply, and Hermione hesitated for a moment before nodding, and I put an arm around her.

“It’s ok. He’s just a blind git.” I smiled sadly, and Hermione nodded. I handed her wand back to her, helping her up when there was a gasp from the door, and I saw Ron and Lavender standing there.

“Oh, sorry.” Lavender said, while Ron looked dumbly at Hermione, oblivious when Hermione stood up, pointing her wand at him.

“Oppugno Avis!” She yelled, and a flock of birds appeared, flying straight for Ron. Lavender shrieked before pulling Ron out the door, and the two disappeared. Hermione sat down again, and I wrapped an arm around her comfortingly.

“It’s ok, Mione. Thing’s will work out. I promise you.” I smiled, and Hermione looked up at me.

“How could you possibly know that?” She asked, wiping her face off. I shrugged.

“I have my ways. Now come on, let’s go.” I encouraged, helping her off the floor and leading her out of the room, promising her chocolate and books the entire way.


So that's all for now :) This might be my last chapter of this story I'll be posting until after Christmas.... just a heads up if I don't post  Friday.



