Chapter 55

But first, food.

I sat in the kitchens, munching on a large batch of crepes that apparently were left over from breakfast. A cup of orange juice and a mug of coffee sat beside it, as I had been continually switching, the cold orange juice feeling good on my sore throat while the coffee was the only thing that was keeping me awake. The house elves had been accommodating, serving me with timid but genuine smiles.

The vial that had once held polyjuice potion now sat empty in the sink, drained of its blue-ish liquid. Once more I had sunk into the role of Alecia Longbottom, however grudgingly.

"Could we get an- Alecia!" Lavender's voice rose in surprise, and I looked up in time to see her step through the kitchen entrance, holding an empty pitcher. I smiled weakly.

"Hey, Lavender."

"Oh thank Merlin, you're alive!" She cried, running forward and wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug. I grimaced, patting her hand in an attempt of fondness. Her bone-crushing hug had my Sectumsempra wounds rubbing uncomfortably. Wanting to avoid reopening them, I leaned away, trying to smile.

"Of course I'm alive." I chuckled weakly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. When I realized it was behind my left ear though I quickly untucked it, no matter how much it bugged me. Thatcher had picked up on all my habits. Now I'd have to be more careful. I had to suppress a groan at the thought.

"Well of course, but- You're already standing! Thatcher made it sound like you were dying or something- A long recovery at least!"

"Well, Thatcher's obviously a liar." I muttered sourly, scowling as I moved to sit up. My body ached in protest. "I'm perfectly okay. I'm looking to speak with him, actually, so if you've seen him around-"

"He was in here this morning." Lavender said, her eyes wide. "Looked like hell, you know. I think he was on at least his fifth cup of Firewhisky."

"Never pegged him for a drinker." Though after last night, anyone would, I added as an after thought, mentally sighing. Lavender shrugged indifferently.

"Neither did I. But people are surprising. C'mon, lets get you back to the common room- I'm sure everyone wants to see you!" She said, linking her arm in mine and all but forcing me to follow after her, the empty pitcher left forgotten in the kitchens as we walked down the halls.

"I- How many people? Are you all having breakfast?" I asked as we walked, grimacing. Lavender nodded quickly.

"Oh, yes- We snuck in some of Hufflepuff house, too. You think the Carrows would notice after awhile- Especially with their whole 'No big groups' thing or whatever, but here we are, all enjoying breakfast on a fine Sunday."

"Yeah. Odd." I hummed. Lavender stopped us in front of the portrait, said the password and quickly lead me inside. The common room was crowded- People sat on the couches and on the floor, eating and talking. I could see Neville talking to Ernie Macmillan, while Ginny, Parvati, Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones were talking on the couch.

I was desperately hoping to sneak through- maybe people were wrapped up enough in their own conversations that I could go to my dorm and relax for a little awhile. But Neville glanced up at the right moment and caught sight of me, eyes widening in surprise. I watched as he excused himself from the conversation before walking over, moving past a small group of huddled second years and wrapping his arms around me without a word.

"Gentle, Neville." I said, my voice tight despite my small laugh. "I'm still a little woozy."

"I heard what happened- Baneberry potion, right?" He asked, pulling back and gripping my shoulders gently. "Are you okay? The way Thatcher made it sound-"

"Yeah, apparently he thought I was dying. Drama queen, am I right?" I smiled weakly, reaching up and gently patting Neville's hand. "I'm fine, Neville. A little worse for wear but I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Neville. I'm actually tired, somehow. I just want to go up to my dorm and relax for awhile. Breathe." I chuckled softly. Neville's concern softened, and with a small smile he nodded.

"Alright. But don't stay up there too long, okay? We're planning on breaking into Snape's potion cupboard later," Neville's voice dropped, "And I'd really like to discuss some of the aspects of it."

I suppose I was once more filling all my roles; Spy, rebellion co-leader, Longbottom relative. I suppose breaks were impossible.

"Okay, I'll be there. Send Ginny or Lavender or someone to get me when you need me if I'm not up." I said, patting his shoulder kindly before quietly escaping up the stairs, glad to be in the comfort of my dorm.

It was gray out, but soft light flooded in from the window and for a moment I let myself bask in it, sighing softly. Even though there was no warmth, it felt good to not be in the dark.

I couldn't even bring myself to close the drapes as I curled up in bed, not bothering to pull the covers up. I wasn't in clean clothes away, still dressed in the jeans and blue sweater, both having been repaired assumedly by Snape while I was passed out. They did appear clean, but they didn't feel clean. I buried my face into the pillow, inhaling deeply and closing my eyes.

I needed good dreams desperately. Nothing sad, nothing bittersweet.

I just wanted nice, old-fashioned good.


"Alecia- Lily, Lily wake up."

"Ginny?" I mumbled blearily, opening my eyes. I couldn't make out the details at first, only copper hair and brown eyes, but soon Ginny moved into focus, and I could see her expression of both amusement and concern.

"Hello, Lecia." Ginny said pleasantly, reaching down and brushing some of the hair out of my mouth. I sputtered gracelessly.

"I- What- What time is it?" I asked, sitting upright in my bed. Had I overslept? Had I missed lunch?

"Oh, calm down- It's only eleven, you've been sleeping for maybe an hour and a half. Neville wants to speak to you though."

"Right." I muttered, running my fingers through my hair. "Has the common room become a bit more.... Quiet?"

"If you mean have people left, yes. It's pretty quiet down there- Now come, get up. I'll let you get dressed, but then you must meet Neville and I downstairs."

"Fine." I rolled my eyes, smiling weakly as Ginny left the room and I slid from my bed, going to my trunk. I pulled out comfortable clothes- A pair of black pants I think I had stolen from Tonks at some point, and Draco's black shirt.

Peeling my shirt from the night before off was more complex than I thought, and I barely could muffle a small whimper as it stuck to the still-healing skin, the bandage pulling uncomfortable as I lifted it over my head. Draco's shirt was much-looser and soft, and I nearly sighed in relief as the pressure was off my numerous cuts and scars.

Slipping on the pants and a pair of shoes, I slipped my wand into my back pocket before skipping down the steps to meet Ginny and Neville. As Ginny said, they were in the common room, however instead of the normal spot on the couch they stood in the corner of the common room, talking in hushed tones.

"Hey guys." I greeted tiredly, running my fingers through my hair. Neville smiled weakly at me.

"Good to see you back on your feet."

"It's good to be back on my feet." I said with a weak grin. "So what are the plans for tonight?"

"We're going to the D.A room to discuss." Neville said, giving a small shrug. "Just a small group of us- Seamus, Ginny, Michael Corner and Hannah Abbott."

"That seems like an awfully large group to be sneaking up to Snape's office, Neville." I said warily. Neville grimaced then, looking hesitant.

"Well, it won't be all of us."

"Then who?"

"We'll probably be sending just you and Seamus up, if anything. Maybe Michael. The others will keep watch. But you need to go- You know what ingredients we need, no one else, and if someone else goes there's a chance we could get the wrong ones. And I'm bloody sure we only get one shot at this."

I had to stifle a whine. "Neville, I just got out of detention- My bandages aren't even off-"

"Bandages?" Neville questioned. With a roll of my eyes I lifted up my shirt, enabling him to see just the beginning of the large patch that was wrapped around my torso. His eyes widened.

"Hell, what happened to you?"

"Doesn't matter. Now are you sure you need me?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer. Neville, of course, was right- I knew what we needed. Making someone else bring a list, or memorize it was pointless when we had me. But I was still disappointed when he gave a quick nod.

I nodded back with a sigh. "Very well. Let's go then."

Together we left the common room, walking down the halls in somewhat of a hurry. None of us wanted to be caught by the Carrows,or Snape, or heaven forbid, a spy for them. We tried to take some of the lesser-known halls, nearly getting lost twice before we at least managed to get to the seventh floor of the castle.

"Just knock, Gin- Michael should open it up for us." Neville said. Ginny gave a swift nod, turning to knock when there was a loud cough from the hallway, and with dread we all turned. Walking towards us stood a very irritated-looking Theodore Nott, his hands clasped behind his back.

"What do you want, Nott?" Ginny asked, subtly turning away from the spot where the room of requirement was so we appeared to be standing there casually instead of trying to sneak away. I only hope he didn't hear us talking.

Nott stared at the three of us with mild contempt, his lips pulled up on one side in something that wasn't so much a smirk as it was a grimace.

"You know I hate to waste my breath on any of you, but if I could borrow the brown-eyed Amazon for a minute, that'd be great." He said. It took us a moment to realize he meant me. I sighed.

"What do you want, Nott?" I repeated Ginny's question, but Theodore only shrugged.

"You'll have to talk to me to find out, Brownie."

"That is incredibly uncreative. It's almost disappointing." I snorted, shaking my head in distaste before turning to Neville and Ginny, who both looked as though they would rather hex the Slytherin instead of letting me go with him.

"It's alright, guys- This'll only take a minute, I'm sure. I'll distract him, you guys go on inside. I'll be in as quick as I can." I said, and before I could protest I walked towards Nott, arms crossed over my chest. As it had been with Thatcher, I was almost the same height as Nott, give or take an inch. My own body wasn't horribly short, either- But it certainly was different.

"So what is it, Nott?"

"Walk with me."

"Ask nicely." I sneered. Nott rolled his eyes.

"Please, Brownie. I have a few words your ears might fancy hearing."

"Lead the way, Nott." I said sourly, and he obliged. I was irritated when he didn't start speaking until we had gone somewhat down the hall, in the opposite direction of Ginny and Neville. I was very aware of the wand in my back pocket, and in the silence was figuring out ways to grab it as quick as possible if something were to happen.

About three minutes in I lost my patience.

"If you're going to say something Nott, please spit it out. I've not got all day."

"Irritable today, Brownie?" Nott asked with a sly grin. "But fine. What happened in your detention with Thatcher? The big ugly one you smooched with."

"I know who he is." I hissed, trying to resist smacking his arm. "And I don't know. It was dark, and it was horrible, and I'm pretty sure I was unconscious for most of it."

"That must've been some kiss."

"I meant the damn detention, you ass!"

Nott considered this.

"Well, whatever you did, Thatcher was pretty shaken up about it. And I really don't appreciate you bugging my friends."

"Well I don't really appreciate you breathing, but-"

"I'm being serious, Mudbitch." Nott snapped, turning to glare at me. We stopped in the empty hall.

"Whatever you did, it's got him really riled up, he won't shut up ab-"

"Why should I care? And how was it something I did? The Carrows picked on him too, so if you're looking for someone to blame, they would be perfect. I didn't know a bloody thing, Nott." I said sharply, voice rising. Nott rolled his eyes.

"Get your broomstick out of knot, Brownie. I just want you to promise me something, then I'll leave you and your lot alone- for the most part." He added. I scowled.

"What is it, Nott?"

"I want you to leave Thatcher the hell alone. Don't speak to him, don't go near him, hell, don't even breathe in his direction."

"And why should I do that? He came to me."

Nott smirked. "Because, Brownie, I know for a fact you and your little friends over there are part of the uprising against Snape. And I'm sure you wouldn't want the Carrows to find that out. Would you?"

I grit my teeth to keep from yelling. "You have no proof."

"Yeah, but the Carrows take any hint of a threat seriously. And you have 'REBEL AGAINST THE DEATH EATERS' written all over you, it's almost pathetic you're trying to keep it secret, really. One would think you Gryffindors would at least have one brain amongst all of you."

"Piss of, Nott." I said, this time not hesitating before I hit his arm roughly. He winced.

"So I suppose we have a deal, then?"

"You have your damn deal. But leave the rest of us alone." I said before turning on my heel and marching off without a word. I was furious- I was seething! I absolutely hated that jerk! That dumb, stupid, bastard jerk. Yes. That's exactly what he was.


After passing a few halls, I checked behind me to make sure I wasn't being followed before I turned into the corridor that lead to the Room of Requirement. Knocking twice on the wall, I waited.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three- The door opened, revealing a relieved-looking Neville Longbottom.

"Alecia! There you are- Get in." He said, nodding inside. I stepped in quickly, letting out a soft sigh as the door shut securely behind me.


"I'm not sure how I feel about tonight, Neville. Don't you think it seems.. Risky?" I asked, using my spoon to scoop idly through my soup. In reality, it was more of a broth, a couple of vegetables placed into and maybe some chicken. I wasn't sure why the house elves were so light on food this afternoon. Maybe it was on order from Snape or the Carrows. But all the same, it did taste good.

"It'll go fine, Alecia." Neville said gently. He sat across from me, his back to the wall I faced. Normally I preferred to face out, to be able to see all the students, but I couldn't deal with anyone else right now. Even the noise the students made, the gentle murmuring, picked at my senses. I wondered how long it would take for me to be back to normal.

Maybe I would check up with Snape later and see if he had anything for side affects from the Baneberry potion.

"And everyone knows what they're doing?"

"Everyone knows the plan. It'll go fine."

"But what if it doesn't?"

"You're going to stress yourself out, Alecia."

"I'm already stressed out!" I hissed, but Neville didn't reply, turning back to his soup and herbology book. I let out a frustrated sigh, rising from my seat. Then he did look up at me, questioningly.

"Alecia, where are you going-"

"For a walk. I need fresh air." I said, not bothering to hear him reply as I turned away, walking down the aisle and out of the Great Hall. I headed towards the courtyard. I felt like I hadn't been properly outside in forever- Always stuffed somewhere inside. Hiding.

The crisp November air bit at my skin, at my arms- I hadn't bothered with a coat, after all, Draco's shirt providing the only protection against the cold- but it felt good in my lungs, and as I walked over the grassy hills I inhaled as deeply as I could, to the point where it stung.

Finally I collapsed under a tree, letting out a loud sigh. It was more only lunch time, but it seemed dark out, clouds covering the sky. I was just thankful it wasn't raining. I rested back against the rough bark of the tree, closing my eyes.

I just needed time to relax.

I rubbed at my eyes, opening them when I felt something wet hit my nose. And then my cheek. And then my forehead. I nearly cried when the sky opened up, rain pouring down to the ground. I pulled my knees up to my chest, resting my chin on them with a small frown. Uhg.

And then it all stopped.

I could still hear the rain pelting the ground around me, even still hitting the branches of the tree I sat under, but none of it touched me. Raising my head, I raised an eyebrow when I saw Marcus Thatcher appear, still standing out in the rain despite the dry spell he had caused over my head.

"Can I help you?" I asked. Thatcher shrugged, sliding his wand into his back pocket.

"Mind if I join you? It's awfully wet out here."

I eyed him warily for a moment before I nodded, gesturing to the spot in front of me. He nodded, entering the dry circle.

"Don't make yourself too comfortable." I said as he sat down, running his hands through his wet hair. He rolled his eyes, stretching his legs out that they nearly touched my feet. I scooted mine back to make sure they didn't.

"Such a good host."

"If you've come to sass me, Thatcher, you can leave." I said sourly, hiding my face. "I'm not supposed to talk to you anyway."

His eyebrows raised at that. Apparently he was surprised to hear the news. "And why's that?"

"Well, common sense, for one. And two, your friend has decided that I'm unhealthy for you. No idea how he came to the conclusion, but-" I shrugged, smiling wryly. "Oh well."

Thatcher considered this, frowning lightly as he thought. His eyes were dark, staring at the ground. "I'm pretty sure my friend can't tell me what to do. Or you, for that matter."

'I'm pretty sure he can, the blackmailing bastard.' I thought sourly before sighing. "Yes, but see- I don't really want to talk to you Thatcher. Outside of a couple questions I have for you, of course."

Now Thatcher looked amused, staring back up at me. I stared back evenly through narrowed eyes. Shifting slightly, Thatcher rested his elbows on the ground, leaning back. He sat in a tense sort of laziness, his shoulders relaxed but something in his eyes that threw me off as he stared back at me evenly.

"What kind of questions?"

"Was there-" I wet my lips, trying to figure out how to phrase my question without sounding like a nut job. Not that I should care- It was just Thatcher. He had already seen me screaming, crying and bleeding out, so I guess weird questions weren't out of bounds any more. "Was there anyone, at any point, in the cell with us?"

"You mean like Snape?" He asked, his expression twisting into one of confusion. I scowled.

"No, dumbass."

"No need to be rude." He said sharply, eyes narrowed. "No. There wasn't anyone."

"Are you positive?"

"Yes." His voice was strained. "We both know what that potions does, Longbottom- You were probably imaging it. Merlin knows what your minuscule brain could come up with anyway."

"Shut up, Thatcher." I said, glaring at him. He rolled his eyes, letting his head tip back so he could stare up at the sky.

"What's your second question?"

"What did you see in there. Under the effects of the potion." I said it more like a demand then a statement. Thatcher's lips twitched, craning his head back to stare at me as he considered my question for a moment before he answered.

"I lost a fight." Was all Thatcher said after a moment. "And there were consequences."

"What were they?" I asked curiously, scowling when Thatcher shook his head.

"Wouldn't you like to know. Last question, Longbottom. And make it good, you're starting to bore me."

"Fine." I snapped, staring at him for a moment. I had many more, and having to pick only one was infuriating. After a moment I spoke. "You got drunk this morning."

Thatcher rolled his eyes. "That's a statement not a question, Longbottom."


"Because I was tired and weary and upset. It's not fun to hear someone screaming, pureblood or not." He said, eyes flashing darkly. "Merlin, Longbottom, you must think I really don't have any human decency. That hurts you know."

"Don't be a smartass."

"Then don't be dumb. It's unbefitting. You must be smarter than that." Thatcher snorted, eyeing my carefully. I scowled at him, ready to kick him out of my dry circle when his expression changed, eyes staring at me quizzically. "You're wearing that shirt again."

I glanced down at myself before back to Thatcher, eyes narrowed. "So?"

"So it looks good on you." Was all he said before rising from his spot on the ground. Brushing off his pants, he turned to me, brown eyes unreadable. "Care to walk back with me?"

"Nah." I said, shaking my head. "I'm fine here."

Thatcher smirked. "Scared I'll corner you again, Longbottom?"

"If you try anything like that ever again, Thatcher, I'll hex your lips off."

He paused, then smiled just briefly, barely a twitch of the lips.

"Warning noted."


"Oi, are you sure he's out?" Seamus's voice whispered in the dark, and I blindly reached out to smack him, pleased when I hit his arm.

"I'm positive- Now shut up, or we'll get caught anyway." I snapped, staying crouched by the hall. I knew for a fact Severus was out tonight- Death Eater meetings had a tendency of taking his attention away from his office. Of course, I hadn't told him I would be breaking into tonight, but I figured what he didn't know couldn't hurt him.

"Fine, fine." Seamus said, and I could hear him sigh. Finally I waved him forward and together, quietly, we made our way to the entrance of the Headmaster's office.

I took a deep breath before whispering the password, feeling like even at a low volume my voice echoed around the halls. "Wormwood."

The eagle bowed before it began to turn, and I winced at the sound of the granite rubbing against itself. Seamus and I stepped onto the staircase, letting it lead us to the door. I was pleased to find it was unlocked, and carefully I stepped inside, Seamus on my heels, and closed it behind us. We didn't get much further than that though.

"Stupefy." Severus's voice drawled, and I watched as Seamus froze and fell over, stunned and unconscious.

I let myself drop out of my defensive position, going to glare at Severus with annoyance. "Severus! I thought you were out!"

"So you thought you could break into my office? As if I wouldn't have it charmed?" Severus asked, eyebrows raising as he rose from his seat. "Just what do you think you are doing here, anyhow?"

"I- I need potion ingredients. Ones that I know Slughorn doesn't have." I said, sighing softly. Severus narrowed his eyes.

"And what makes you think I have them?"

"Are you saying you don't?" I returned evenly, crossing my arms. Severus pursed his lips for a moment, staring at me for a moment before he rose, crossing the room.

"Very well. I will assist you- Just this once, mind you, you foolish girl. What is it you require?" He asked, and fumbling for a moment I pulled the list out of my jumper pocket, thrusting it out to him. Severus took it from my hands, studying the list for a moment before he nodded.

"You are correct in assuming I would have what you needed."

"Then can I have them? Please." I added quickly, rocking onto the balls of my feet. Severus sighed.

"What is their use to you?"

"Healing potions- Nothing big, I swear. But something that'll help the students that go through rough detentions. Something to at least get them back on their feet."

Severus stared at me for a moment before he sighed, nodded, and stepped aside, allowing me access to his private storage, a small part of the room that had once held many of Dumbledore's old belongings. I smiled gratefully before walking forward, careful to not take too much.

"You could always try the more convenient method of asking, in the future." Severus sighed heavily, glancing down at Seamus with contempt. "I would appreciate it if you didn't bring your friends along with you into my office."

"Hey, I had no idea what charms or wards you had on your ingredients. I thought Seamus might be able to help."

"By what, blowing them up?"

I scowled, turning back to Severus as I placed the last needed ingredient into my pouch. "Something like that."

"Well, make me aware for the next time- If you are so insubordinate to request more- you decide to sneak into my office. It is a nuisance to have the charms go off when in the middle of a meeting the with the Dark Lord. At least you have Mr. Finnegan with you. I would not wish to see you back in detention so soon."

"I- what? No- no you are not putting Seamus in detention!" I protested, mouth falling open. Severus rolled his eyes.

"And tell the Dark Lord what, exactly? That a cat must have snuck into my office? Surely you realize I must have suitable explanation for leaving so early. Finnegan has provided me with just that."

"No- Severus, please. That's not right, it's my mistake, you should-"

"What? Hand you over to the Carrows? Hardly. You wouldn't survive another night enduring any form of punishment. And I mean that in a very literal sense, Potter, your wounds will be barely healed even by tomorrow morning. You are an asset I can not afford to risk. Finnegan, however, is durable and I assure you he will be just fine, if you give him a proper healing potion." Severus said coolly, staring down at me. "This is not about morals or right or wrong. This is about surviving, as you must do."

"This is exactly about morals, Severus-"

"You are a spy!" Severus hissed then, and I shrunk back from the angry Headmaster, grimacing as he towered over me. "You do not have the luxury of right or wrong, of morals. You do what you must to succeed, and then you shove what feels wrong deep down until you no longer feel it. You suppress that which makes you vulnerable and distracting, do you understand?"

He only let up when I gave a quick nod, anger and hurt making my eyes burn with tears. Severus stared at me passively before he nodded towards the door. "We will discuss this more later. You have what you need. Now go."

Without so much as a glance back I did, leaving the office quickly. I all but raced through the halls, tears trailing down my face even as I wiped them away angrily. I would not cry.

"Alecia, what's happened? Where's Seamus?" Neville's voice came from the third hall that I passed, and with relief I came to him, throwing my arms around his neck tightly. It was, for the most part, for dramatic effect, but I did appreciate the way Neville's arms looped around my back without question. He was a good friend. I hated lying to him.

"I barely made it!" I said breathlessly, pulling back from Neville to wipe at my face again. "I had just gotten it when he- When Snape- appeared. I made it out the door but he stunned Seamus."

"Damnit!" Neville hissed, shaking his head. "Poor Seamus- But we need to go. If he's with Snape there's not much else we can do, and I don't fancy getting caught. C'mon- Hannah and Michael are just down the hall. We should meet them."

I nodded wearily, letting Neville take my hand and pull me down the ha. For a moment as we turned down a corridor, I thought I saw movement, a shadow- But it was gone as fast as it came, and I focused once more on keeping up with Neville's quick pace.

We made it down one hallway, coming to the meeting point for Michael- But he wasn't there. Panic erupted in my chest, and I gripped Neville's arm tightly, stopping the both of us.

"He's not here." I whispered, grimacing. Neville gave a quick nod.

"Hopefully the Carrows haven't got him- We best make sure Hannah is okay." Neville's voice tightened on her name, and I smiled weakly, giving a small nod. This time I walked first, pulling Neville quickly along behind me.

The panic in my chest tightened as we saw Hannah was not in her spot either. Neville inhaled sharply, his face paling. My fingers tightened on his arm.

"Neville, we need to go- We need to go now." I hissed. Neville looked like he wanted to protest, his mouth opening and closing as though he couldn't find the right words to use.

"Neville, c'mon." I muttered, giving him a sharp tug in the right direction. I don't how we started, but soon we were sprinting down the halls, noise be damned. The Fat Lady's portrait was a welcomed sight, and in a hushed breath I said the password, climbing in and pulling Neville quickly in behind me

We didn't even get to the main part of the common room before we collapsed, breathing heavily. Neville let out a soft groan, rubbing his face anxiously.

"We lost them, Lily." He whispered, his voice quiet and somber. "The Carrows have them- Merlin, what they could be doing to them right now. Oh, hell-"

"Neville, breathe. We don't know what happened- They might've just left to go back to their common rooms. We don't know."

"They wouldn't just leave-"

"They're not dumb. The Carrows might have found them, sent them back- We don't know. But don't get all depressed. We don't know, things could be okay, we just- We just need to relax. We'll find out in the morning."

"What if they hurt her." Neville's voice was soft, and I smiled weakly, scooting closer and resting my head on his shoulder. His arm came around mine, and I heard him sigh deeply.

"She'll be okay, Neville." I murmured, letting my eyes close. We fell asleep like that, in the tunnel. Cold and tired and worried, and we'd wake up in the morning with stiff backs and necks, but in the end it was something we both needed, something so simple but so damn difficult to find these days; Comfort.


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Okay! Above all real quick I want to apologize for any mistakes- I only briefly edited this, and I'm posting it now in under five minutes. Oy!

Secondly, I'd love to promote TomeikaBond and her story, Marauders: Kate Potter as it's pretty cool and you should totally check it out!

Thirdly, for those who are fans of the Girl Marauder series I am planning to hopefully begin posting it come later-spring/early summerish.

And last but not least, please vote and comment, as I always love to hear what you have to say :)

Luv ya,

