Chapter 27(Alternate)

((Long story short, I messed with the plot line a bit. My bad!!!))

Chapter 27

“Hey ‘Mione-”


“What! You don’t even know what I was going to ask!”

“Fine. What?”

“Can you help me with my Transfiguration report?”

“No, Ronald!” Hermione said briskly, and I chuckled slightly at the antics of my friends. I sat in the Gryffindor common room with Harry, Hermione and Ron, talking and laughing. The weekend had arrived, and we had put aside most of our homework to just relax and talk for a little while, something we didn’t do as often as we’d probably like to.

“It’s not that hard, Ron.” I pointed out, but Ron waved me off.

“A little extra help would be nice..” He muttered under his breath, and rolling her eyes, Hermione slapped him over the back of the head with her book.

“Ow!  Bloody hell Hermione!”

“You were asking for it..” I chuckled. Harry smiled slightly, though the dark circles under his eyes were prominant as ever. It also kinda scared me, being that the next time he had a meeting with Dumbledore would be the last. It literally gave me goosebumps. Obviously my discomfort was evident as Hermione looked at me suspicously.

“Are you alright?” She asked slowly, and I nodded, waving her off.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.” I promised, forcing a smile. Hermione eyed me warily but nodded.


“Good...” I said slowly as a first year walked into the common room, looking up at me.


“Hey Alec. What’s up?”

“The sky.” He answered before waving it off. “Anyways, Dumbledore wants to see you.”

“Oh. Thanks.” I nodded, and Alec smiled toothily at me before walking up to his dorm. Sighing, I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder.Harry frowned slightly.’

“Why does Dumbledore want you?”

“How should I know?” I shrugged, chuckling slightly before walking out of the door and down the hallway, humming softly to myself as I walked.

Walking into the Headmaster’s office, I was surprised to see Dumbledore, Snape and Draco all in the room, Dumbledore’s smile contrasting with the solemn faces of Draco and Snape. Neither would look me in the eye.

“Hey....what’s going on?” I asked hesitantly, raising an eyebrow. Dumbledore turned to me.

“Ah, yes. Lily. We need to talk. We have some.. arrangements to make.”

“Okay... what?”

“You need to leave Hogwarts.”

Pardon me?” I asked incredulously, feeling stunned. Leave Hogwarts? Are you kidding me?

“You need to leave Hogwarts.” Dumbledore said again calmly, and I gave it a few seconds for my brain to process that thought before I replied.


“Lily, it is necessary-”

“I don’t give a damn if it’s necessary I’m not going!” I said firmly, jumping in surprise when Draco stood up, towering over me. Oh crap.

“You will be going and that’s final. It’s not safe here, you know they’re coming and I’ll be damned if I let something happen to you!”

“I can take care of myself!”

“You died last time you fought a Death Eater-”

“I was pushing Sirius out of the way! And I came back, didn’t I?”

“But you won’t again and you know it!”

Aw crap, he had a point. I was thinking up a retort when thankfully Snape interrupted. Sadly though, he apparently didn’t agree with me.

“Lily, it’s important for you to leave. You are a target now, just as much as your cousin or any Order member. It’s what is safest.”

“I don’t care about safe! I’ll be of age this August, and you won’t be able to stop me!” I sang tauntingly. Maybe it was immature, but I didn’t really care.

“Lily..” Dumbledore said slowly, and I winced before turning to the headmaster. “We aren’t asking you to disappear. As your duty to the wizarding world, I am ordering you to stay low for a little while.”

“But Albus! I’m already behind in school-”

“Are you really concerned about your education?”

“Shut up Draco.” I snapped before turning back to Albus, crossing my arms. “So, where would I be? Grimmauld?”

Silence. Oh no..

“What, you’re not sending me to my home? Then where?” I asked hesitantly, and Dumbledore let out a small sigh.

“We’re sending you to a muggle apartment a few blocks away. You’ll still be near the Order, and a person will be with you at all times- but it is important that you stay low for awhile.”

“You can’t really be serious.”

“No, that would be me.” A new voice entered the room after a green flash from the fire place, and I sighed in relief.

“Oh thank goodness-”

“What are they doing here?” Sirius asked suddenly as he eyes both Snape and Draco warily, whom in return tensed dramatically, both look away from me as Sirius put his hands protectively over my shoulders, glaring slightly at Draco before turning to Dumbledore.

“Albus, what’s this about?”

“Sirius, I’d like you to meet the newest member of the Order of the Phoenix.... Draco Malfoy.”

“You’re joking.” Sirius said, looking surprised- and almost angry. (And we have officially reached 200 pages^^))

“I am not.”

“But- But why him?” Sirius asked, his grip on me tightening slightly. Draco sighed and stepped back from me upon a look from Sirius, looking away and over out the window.

“It’s fine, Sirius. That’s not what you should be upset about.”

“Then what-”

“Dumbledore wants to take me away!” I whined childishly before Dumbledore could see anything that would make this idea sound reasonable. “And keeping one some crappy muggle apartment  and take me out of school, and-”

“What? Albus, no.”

“Sirius, let me ex-”

“No, headmaster. This is where I put my foot down. You are not going to hold her against her will in some sort of muggle place-”

“She’ll be safer there-” Draco started, but Sirius cut him off.

“Stay out of it, Malfoy, before I forget why I haven’t hexed you yet.” Sirius snapped, and I couldn’t help but smile slightly as Sirius turned back to Dumbledore. “I believe that I am her legal guardian, Albus. You can’t do anything to Lily without permission from me.”

“It’s for her best interest, Sirius-”

“She is not going to be by herself. End of story.” Sirius said sternly, and Dumbledore sighed, looking put out while I was thanking my lucky stars I had Sirius as a guardian. But Dumbledore had one trick up his sleeve.

“Hogwarts may not be safe for Lily-”

“If Lily wants to stay, she can stay. She has proved time and time again that she can take care of herself.”

Dumbledore sighed, and I smiled discreetly. Sirius was brilliant, and I couldn’t help but grin as he wrapped an arm around me protectively. 

“Fine, Sirius. Lily will stay at Hogwarts as long as she stays safe.”

“I will! Promise.” I said quickly, trying to ignore the pained expression that was on Draco’s face as he stared at the floor. Sirius nodded.

“Good then.” Sirius said before turning to me, looking quite...well, serious. “Be careful alright? Just because I know you can take care of yourself doesn’t mean I want you throwing yourself in dangerous situations.”

“I’ll be careful, Sirius. I promise.” I said solemnly, and Sirius smiled slightly at me, kissing my forehead. “Good girl.”

“Well, it seems that it has been all sorted out. Draco, would you escort Lily back to her common room?” Dumbledore asked curiously, and Draco looked up at him for a second before he sighed and nodded. Both Severus and Sirius looked like they wanted to protest, but Dumbledore waved them down as Draco and I left the room.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, I spoke up.

“I can take care of myself, you know.” 

“There’s still Death Eaters, Lily.

“I know that, but you know it is possible to avoid them.”

“You just need to be safe. And it isn’t here.” He said seriously, looking up at me for the first time. His expression was troubled, his eyes pleading with me to understand that for some reason it wasn’t safe here. Biting my lip I looked away, down at the floor.

“I’ll be fine, Draco.” I said, sending him a small smile when a hand set itself on my shoulder gently.

“I’m serious, Lily. Be careful. You may know things, about the future and about people, but that doesn’t mean you know everything.”

“I’ll be fine.” I repeated, now resisting the urge to roll my eyes as I turned to him. "Draco, I'm not some helpless little girl. I know what I'm doing- or at least have an idea. Trust me on this."

Draco stared at me critically for a second before he sighed, nodding.

"Very well. But still, Lily, be careful-"

"I will, Draco." I chuckled, smiling wryly as I turned to enter the common room. "I always am, remember?"
