
Shorter chapter but GUESS WHAT?


you know what that means?



Peter felt sick as he trudged around school the next day. He had made it through half of his classes before stopping at his locker before lunch.


Uh, oh. That's not Harry's voice. Peter turned around just in time to be face to face with Wade Wilson. Peter's eyes widened as his words got stuck in his throat.

Wade pushed Peter back against his locker roughly, making Peter squeak in surprise.

"You hung up on me last night," Wade growled angrily.

"I know," Peter snapped back, covering up his exhaustion and shock easily.

"How come you didn't tell me I-- that you're pregnant?" Wade seethed, pushing Peter's shoulders back into the locker. Peter gritted his teeth at the slight pain.

"I never said that," Peter spat back.

"You never denied it!" Wade said, frustrated.

"Where did you even hear that?" Peter asked curiously.

"Everyone is talking about it! Dammit, why did this happen to me-"

"To you!? Why did this happen to you?" Peter scoffed, pushing away from the lockers as Wade stepped back.

"Yes! You didn't tell me-"

"You took advantage of me! How was I supposed to tell you!? You-"

"Hey! Get away from him!"

Peter stopped his rant to see his best friend coming towards him, fuming with anger.

"What the hell are you doing?" Harry snapped at Wade, pointing a finger at his chest accusingly.

Wade snarled and pushed Harry's hand away from him.

"Watch it, Osborn. This doesn't concern you," Wade growled.

"Yes, it does," Harry snapped, "So shove off and find someone else to molest!"

Wade rolled his eyes and shoved past Harry. Harry just ignored it and turned his attention towards Peter who didn't look so good.

"Pete, are you okay?" He asked, seeing Peter sway back and forth slightly.

Peter opened his mouth to speak, but quickly clamped his hand over his mouth, feeling bile rise in his throat. He darted down the hall to the nearest bathroom, throwing himself into the nearest stall to vomit.

Harry came barreling in after, seeing Peter's head ducked over toilet. Peter had tears in his eyes as he threw up everything until the only thing that was coming up was stomach acid.

Peter groaned in pain as Harry sat there rubbing his best friend's back. Peter finished, flushing the toilet, before turning around miserably.

Harry hated seeing Peter look this way. His eyes were red as a few stray tears still streamed down his cheeks.

"Come 'ere," Harry whispered softly, pulling Peter to him. Peter wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his hoodie before falling into Harry's arms.

They hugged in the tiny stall, Peter feeling awful. His throat burned, his stomach was empty, and his eyes stung as tears continued to flow down his cheeks.

"Shh, Pete. You're gonna be okay," Harry soothed.

"I d-don't think-k I will," Peter cried into his shoulder, "I-I can't do th-this."

Harry pulled away from him and studied his face. Peter sniffed and wiped his eyes. He stared at Harry with a tiny bit of jealousy.

Harry didn't have to deal with this; Peter did. So why was he here? It's not like this was Harry's child he was carrying. Part of him actually wished it was Harry's. Then, at least, Peter would know that the 'father' actually gave a shit.

Unlike Wade.

"You need to tell your dad," Harry suddenly.

"What?" Peter's voice cracked, a sob catching in his throat.

"Wait, Pete. Please don't cry anymore. Just hear me out," Harry said quickly, pulling Peter back to him.

Peter sniffed, holding back his tears, "O-okay."

"I'm going to help you through this, okay? In anyway I can. But, what about when you need hospital visits? And, geez Peter, what about when you get bigger? What are you gonna tell them?"

"I don't know, Harry! Dammit, I don't know. I didn't ask for this!" Anger hitting him in a sudden wave.

"I know you didn't, Gorgeous. And I'm so sorry this happened to you, but you need to them."

Peter's anger instantly sobered. He knew he needed to tell his parents. Harry finally managed to get through to him. Peter sighed and slid down the wall of the stall, his exhaustion hitting him in a wave.

Maybe he could ask his dad to pick him up?

"Fine," Peter breathed, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Thank you," Harry sighed, squishing himself in a sitting position next to Peter.

Peter dialed his dad's number slowly. He chewed on his bottom lip nervously as the phone rang.

"Hey, Peter? Is everything okay?" Tony asked once he picked up.

"No, Dad," Peter sniffed, "Not really."

Peter heard some shuffling on Tony's end and his voice came out more serious, "What happened?"

"I feel really sick and I, uh, just threw up," Peter sniffed. Harry laid his head on Peter's shoulder, comforting the boy.

"Aw, Pete. You want me to pick you up?" Tony asked concerned.


"Of course. I'm on my way."

"Thanks, Dad."
