
Decided to update.

Ik I'm great.

Even made an edit for you guys.


"Dad," Peter called out from the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Tony jogged into the kitchen.

Peter frowned, holding his 'medicine' bottle upside down. A few drops of the dark blue liquid dripped on the counter.

"Empty," Peter deadpanned, "And I only had a month left."

"Well, we need to get more. You're supposed to be taking it everyday-"

"-until the baby is born. I know, Dad."

"What's wrong?" Steve asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Peter needs more," Tony said, taking the bottle from Peter's hands and waving it in Steve's face.

"Did you take any today?" Steve asked his son.

"Not enough. There was hardly a dose left," Peter frowned, unconsciously placing a hand on his large belly.

"Okay, pack an overnight bag. We'll leave when Wade gets back from school."


"Ugh, you guys again," Clint scoffed and rolled his eyes as he opened the door.

"Whatever," Tony scoffed back childishly, pushing the cabin door open so him and his family could enter. "Where's Bruce?"

"He's in the kitchen. Peter's okay, right?"

"I'm fine, Pietro," Peter smiled down at the man in the wheelchair. Clint plopped back down on the couch and continued watching some fuzzy cartoon that hardly came through while Pietro led them to the kitchen.

"Peter's back!" Pietro spoke with happiness that was foreign to have in their situation. Bruce looked up from what he was writing and pushed his glasses up on his face.

"I see," he stood up, "I assume it's for more of your potion? I actually just finished making some."

The short man wandered to the opposite side of the kitchen, searching for the capsule.

"So, once I finish this dose, the baby should be Untouchable when she's born?" Peter clarified. He just wanted to done with this whole thing and have his baby girl safe in his arms with no one trying to rip her away.

"Yep, and you, my dear boy, will also be an Untouchable," Bruce informed, making a small 'ah-hah' noise when he found the right potion.

"I will?" Peter asked in confusion. He looked over at Wade who just shrugged.

"Why, yes. The potion has to go through your body to get to your baby's," Bruce explained, handing the boy the bottle of dark liquid.

"Oh," Peter replied, looking down at the odd shaped bottle in his hand. He felt the baby kick again and he instantly placed his hand over the area.

"You okay?" Wade asked, noticing his boyfriend's eyebrows furrowed together in a look of confusion and pain. Tony and Steve noticed took notice too.

"Yeah, I just- she's kicking again," Peter grimaced, "Really hard."

"You want to sit down?" Tony asked. Peter just shook his head. He felt that if he moved, the sharp pain would get worse.

So, he stood there awhile. All eyes were on him as he breathed through his nose calmly. The pain began to subside before whipping back at him full force. Peter used the counter as support as his knees nearly gave out at the amount of pain he was feeling.

"Shitshitshit," Peter mumbled as he groaned in pain. Wade was by his side in a heartbeat, helping the boy keep his balance.

"Peter, is it-?"

"Yes, fuck. Dad, it hurts so bad," Peter whined helplessly, tears starting to blur his vision. He felt like twelve knives were being stabbed into his gut.

"Oh my gosh. This is it? The baby's coming?" Wade asked in disbelief and shock.

"Yes," Peter cried, "Yes, somebody please help me."

Everyone's heart broke at the plea from the young boy who had tears streaming down his face now.

"What's going on?" Clint asked puzzled as he came into kitchen.

"Clint," Bruce ordered, "You and Steve go clear the living room and put Peter on the recliner. Tony, help me get my tools. Wade, you need to keep talking to him so he doesn't go into shock."

Clint immediately rushed to the living room, making room for Bruce to work on Peter by pushing furniture out the way. Steve gently picked his teary eyed little boy up and carried him to the next room. He placed him down on the spot that Clint cleared.

"It's okay, Petey. You're going to be okay," Wade soothed, letting Peter squeeze his hand in a death grip.

"I can't-- Wade. Hurts--so bad," Peter sobbed, his breathing labored.

"Why is this hurting him so bad?!" Wade called out in distress, "Hurry up!"

Bruce came rushing out the kitchen with Tony right on his heels. Bruce pulled a mask over his mouth and cleaned a scalpel.

"Since Peter's a guy, the baby can't go down so it's probably hurting him a lot because it's trying to get out," Bruce explained, lifting Peter's over sized sweater up above his huge belly.

"Wait, so you're gonna cut him open?!" Wade asked in panic when he saw Bruce position the scalpel at the base of Peter's stomach. Wade wanted Peter as safe as possible and this didn't seem safe.

Another sob ripped from Peter's throat, causing Wade to snap out of his thoughts.

"You're supposed to be soothing him, especially for this part. It's probably best if neither of you looked," Bruce advised as he leaned down to begin. Wade blinked out of a haze before looking over at Peter.

"Petey, can you hear me? Listen to me, baby. You can take this. Just breathe and keep your eyes on me," Wade advised, hooking a finger under Peter's jaw to turn his head to face him. Peter sniffed and blinked away the continuous tears as he stared at his boyfriend.

"Damn, I love your eyes," Wade breathed, "Even now, they're so pretty and full of emotion. You take a lot of shit you don't have too."

Peter sniffed and nodded. He tried smiling, but the pain of feeling cut open stopped him. It was all so overwhelming.

"I--I love y-you, Wade," Peter spoke in painful, broken sentences. Wade mentally cursed the water that began to blur his vision.

"I love you too, baby. Just hang in there-"

Wade stopped when he heard a cry. Not Peter, but a baby. It was a mixture between a cry and a scream and a whine. Wade immediately whipped his head towards the noise to see her.

His beautiful baby girl.

Wade sniffed and blinked, causing a tear to drop from his eye. He looked back down at Peter who looked just as amazed, but covered it with an exhausted face.

Before Bruce handed the kid off, Peter let out another scream of pain. Wade was instantly alert, snapping out of his haze.

"Why is it still hurting him?" Wade rushed, wanting the pain for his boy to be over.

"Shit," Bruce muttered, handing the crying baby girl to the closest person, who happened to be Tony. "There's another baby."


*insert evil grin*

Bye ;)
