
Cry now.

Last chapter.

Song: Before You Start Your Day by TØP


"He's in here. He's gotta be," Wade panted once they reached it. A large holding chamber that looked impenetrable.

"How do we get in?" Tony asked.

"The question is: how do we know it's Steve?" Clint asked logically.

"Oh, wait. Look," Peter said pointing to the dimmed, transparent screen that was on the side of the chamber. "It looks like video feed."

Tony's heart sped up as he rushed to his son's side to check the footage. To check and see if his lover was really being held captive inside. He held his breath as he pressed the pad of his thumb to the play button.

"Struggling won't get you out. You're soul is stuck here for eternity," a voice taunted, not showing himself to the camera.

Tony gasped as he saw Steve's arms tied back to the wall in chains. Seeing him at least alive and moving alone made Tony's heart ache.

He wanted him back.

"What'd a man like you do to get stuck down here? Did you cheat on your wife?" The man snickered.

Steve's head lifted as he gritted his teeth at the man.

"I don't have a wife. I had a husband," the confidence in Steve's voice was clear even through the fuzzy video feed.

"Oooh, a husband?" The grin could practically be heard on his face. "Was he a twink? A little fairy? I've always favored those."

Steve's eyes burned with hate as he pulled harshly on his restraints.

"Don't talk about him like that," Steve spat. He could handle any homophobic insult thrown his way, but what he couldn't handle, was this man talking about Tony like he was a piece of meat.

"Turn it off," Tony said angrily now. "How old is this footage?"

"Film date reads as only hours ago," Peter worried, "Do you think he's still in this large, pressurized container?"

"Only one way to find out," Clint chimed in, drawing his bow and arrow.

Peter quickly found out that this arrow, too, was also specially made. The minute it hit the containment wall, it released some sort of red acid that quickly melted a huge whole in the wall.

"Who's there?" Came a deep voice from the other side.

Tony and Peter quickly rushed into the cell through the large gap Clint created. Steve's dead eyes seemed to brighten a bit when he saw the loves of his life. He stood up from his sitting position put the chains wouldn't let him move too far.

"I-Is this real?" The blonde man wondered.

Wade and Clint then entered the cell and Steve knew it was real. This was a rescue mission.

"I never thought I would see you again," Steve spoke quietly.

"Well, I'm right here, aren't I?" Tony smiled through the tears. "I am so sorry I let this happen to you, Steve. We're gonna get you out of this dump so we can go home."

"How?" Steve asked as Clint poured pure necrosis, the purple liquid used to kill the Soulless, onto the dark chains.

"That's a good question, Steve, because Bruce only made us enough potion for four people to return," Clint explained.

"Wait, what?" Peter asked shocked.

"We came to save your boyfriend, so we have enough potion to bring us and your boyfriend back. That was the plan."

Peter wanted to scream in frustration as he ran his hands down his face. It was true, he wanted to save Wade, but finding his Pops. He never thought it was possible, and now there was no way he would leave either of them behind.

"I'll stay," Tony said after a while.

"What? Tony, no-"

"Steve, stop," Tony interrupted him. "It's my fault all this happened and we're down here in the first place-"

"No! I was the one who wanted to come to the Cimmerian and find Wade," Peter objected, "Let me stay."

"Absolutely not," Wade and Peter's parents disagreed at the same time.

"But wait, could we even take Steve if we had enough potion?" Clint wondered.

"What do you mean?" Tony furrowed his brow.

"Just think about it," Clint said sheathing his bow, "Steve's body is already on Earth. It's just his soul that's trapped here. Our potion may not even work for that."

"No," Peter cried, "Are you saying that my Pops is stuck here forever? We can't bring him back?"


Clint was interrupted as two Soulless dressed in dark orange passed by the gaping whole in the cell wall. They starting shouting things in an their unknown language. Clint quickly grabbed his bow from his back, loaded two arrows, and shot in less than five seconds.

"The necrosis that I just shot them with freed their souls forever. Are you following?" Clint explained quickly.

"I think-" Tony started.

"I don't," Peter squinted his eyes in confusion.

More footsteps echoed from outside the cell and Clint knew that in a minute, none of them would make it home.

He sighed, yanking an arrow out of his quiver that was soaked in the purple necrosis. In one swift movement, he stabbed it into Steve's chest.

"What the hell!?" Tony shouted angrily as Steve fell to the floor, glowing purple from the inside.

"What did you do to him?!" Peter screeched, rushing to his Pops' side.

"I'm saving all of us. Drink the damn potion," Clint rushed, hearing more marching steps coming their way.

Tony took out the bottle of potion and took his sip before passing it to Peter. Peter sipped then passed it on to Wade, who then gave it to Clint. Clint took his swig to empty the bottle and instantly felt its effects.

The travel back home was made alone. They didn't all transport together, but rather felt alone and spinning until finally -

They hit the floor.

Clint groaned as he felt the pain of the impact in his chest. He slowly opened his eyes and accustomed them to how much more light they were receiving now then in the Cimmerian.


The hunter knew that voice anywhere. He blinked his eyes into focus until he was looking up at the beautiful man in the wheelchair. His white, blondish hair was a bit unkempt, but his eyes were filled with love and relief.

"Easy as pie," Clint groaned, picking himself up off the ground. He looked around to see Peter, Tony, and Wade doing the same.

"Oh my gosh," Wade breathed slowly as his eyes met the ones of his beautiful twins, still being held in Pietro's arms.

"Beautiful, right?" Peter smiled lovingly.

Wade took his babies thankfully from the kind Russian man. He cradled them close to his chest as the tired newborns laid on their father contently.

Wade smiled as he felt arms circle around his waist and the slight pressure on his back from where Peter was leaning his head against him.

"I love you," Peter whispered softly into his back.

"I love you too," Wade smiled and turned to him. "What'd you name them?"

"I didn't. I couldn't do it without you," Peter replied truthfully.

"I think-"


Everyone practically jumped at Tony's excited outburst. Sure enough, in came Steve, feeling too heavy for his own body. Bruce was kindly helping into the kitchen with everyone.

Peter and Tony both rushed to hug Steve and Steve was so glad to have them in his arms again.

"You still didn't have to stab me like that," Steve said to Clint over Tony's shoulder.

Clint laughed and shook his head, Pietro's hand being held in his own.

"Actually, I did or else Einstein here-"

"Watch it, Barton," Tony threw an empty threat causing Clint to laugh it off.

"He would've tried to plan every little detail and tried to understand everything. And guess what? We didn't have time for all of that," Clint shrugged.

"I guess, either way, thank you," Steve replied genuinely. He didn't know what he would do without his family.

And Wade wouldn't either.

"Kaden," Wade said proudly.

"What?" Peter asked.

"The names," Wade smiled and handed the baby boy to Peter. "His name is Kaden and her name is-"

"Kaitlyn," Peter filled in.

Wade smiled and leaned over to kiss Peter's cheek before kissing both of the twin's foreheads.

"I love it. Kaden and Kaitlyn Wilson."



Omg I hope everyone enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. I don't know if I'm going to write another book yet.

I have a really good idea for a Hawksilver one....but idk yet! I'll let you guys know XD



