
Yay, Friday !

Updates on Fridays are great.


School was exhausting. Peter made it home, doing his usual routine of slinging his bag to the floor and grabbing a snack from the kitchen.

He heard his dad's voice from down the hall, talking to someone in his office. Peter was partially glad for that because he got to escape to his room without any questions like 'how was school?' .

Peter grabbed his laptop, looking up other things about pregnancy. He still couldn't believe he had done it with Wade Wilson. He didn't plan on telling Wade that he got him pregnant because he thought Wade would be freaked out. But then again, he didn't want to tell anyone.

After about an hour of searching online, he decided to clear his history just in case his dad came in. He put his laptop back on his desk and found his headphones.

He connected his headphones to his phone and laid down. Gently this time, not just throwing himself on the bed. His exhaustion and recent stress taking a toll on him as he drifted into a comfortable sleep.

His sleep was interrupted by a loud knocking on his bedroom door. Peter woke slowly, realizing his music playlist had ended. He yanked the ear buds out, and went to open the door.

"Hey Pete, how was school?"

Steve stood there in a fitted white tee and snug fitting jeans. Peter mentally rolled his eyes at that awful question before looking behind himself at his desk clock.

"It's 6:23?" He said confused. Not because of how long he slept, but because Steve was actually home. On time.

"Yeah?" Steve responded, a bit confused himself. "I brought pizza. We're going to eat it in the upstairs living room and watch a movie."

"Um, okay," Peter shrugged. He followed his Pops down the hall into the upstairs living room which contained a large flat screen TV on the wall.

The beginning credits were already starting. Tony was cuddled up on the far couch with a blanket and a slice of pizza in his hands.

Peter smiled and grabbed a slice, sitting on his beanbag in front of his dad.

"Hey, Pete. Have a good nap?" Tony asked.

Peter nodded as he got comfy. Steve dimmed the lights before he sat down next to Tony. Steve put his arm around Tony and Tony gave in, even snuggling into his arm a bit.

Peter smiled as he noticed this. He liked seeing his parents getting along. However, this didn't last long.


Peter tried to focus on the action film, having a hard time with his ears buzzing with his parents whispering.

"Well, we could be doing this more often if you came home every once and a while."

"I'm sorry for trying to work to support my family."

"We miss you, Steve! Do you ever think of how we feel?"

"I'm doing this for you!"

"And what about Peter?"

"Why do you always flip this back on Peter? He's old enough to-"

"Every kid needs their parents!" Tony snapped, making Steve snap his jaw shut.

Peter scoffed and looked at them, "You guys act like I'm not right here."

"I'm sorry, Pete-"

"No, just stop," Peter said frustrated, "I swear, sometimes I don't even think you guys love each other."

Tony's mouth was open slightly in shock and Steve wore a similar expression.

"What? Peter, of course I love your Dad," Steve said flabbergasted.

"Yeah, Pete. Why-"

"Because you're always arguing! You can't even sit down and watch a movie together with me," Peter stressed, "I thought we were actually having a 'family moment'."

When his parents just stared at him with a guilty looks, Peter rolled his eyes.

He never rolled his eyes at his parents.

That's because he respected them enough not to. But now? Now, he was just angry. Angry and sad. He didn't know if his parents would ever get better. If they would ever stop fighting.

"Peter, wait-"

Peter didn't wait. He ignored his Pops and ran down the hall to his room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Peter bit his lips harshly, willing himself not to cry. He tried to do something instead, but his brain wasn't cooperating. He ended up pacing around his room anxiously and running his fingers through his messy hair.

"Peter?" He heard on the other side of the door.

Peter tried to say something, but it didn't come out because his throat was tight from trying not to cry. He cleared his throat and tried again.

"Dad, please. Just-" Peter's sentence was cut short because his voice cracked and he couldn't continue.

"Okay, well um. Goodnight," Tony responded slowly.

Peter knew it was hurting his dad not to be able to talk to him. He knew it pained him to have to give him some space. Tony hated Peter being mad at him, but he couldn't do anything about it tonight.

Peter listened to his dad's footsteps echoing down the hall to his own room. He sighed, wandering into the bathroom.

He looked tired. His brunette hair sticking up in random places from were his fingers messed it up. He had dark circles under his eyes and his T-shirt hung a little too loose on his skinny torso.

Peter chewed his bottom lip in thought before deciding to take the baggy shirt off. He looked back at his reflection, trying to suppress grimace as he looked at his body.

He wasn't muscular. If anything, he had just enough meat on his bones to cover his ribs so he didn't walk around looking like a skeleton. He wondered how much weight he would gain to have the baby.

The baby.

Peter still couldn't believe it. He rubbed his flat belly with the palm of his hand, imagining a baby growing inside him. He was terrified.

Suddenly, his phone rang. Peter tossed his shirt into his dirty clothes basket before snatching his phone of his bed.

"Hello?" He mumbled groggily, flopping down on his bed.

"How come you didn't fucking tell me!?"

"Who's this?" Peter's voice asked, more alert now.

"Wade," he snapped over the receiver.

Peter's eyes widened as he sat up in bed. "Wade?"

"Yes, Peter."

Peter gulped as his heart rate sped up. Wade sounded mad, and his words were slurred.

"Um, what did I not tell you?" Peter asked.

"How come you didn't tell me you could get pregnant!?"

Peter paled, becoming speechless. Wade was rambling on about how it wasn't normal and how Peter tricked him into a relationship that he never asked for. Peter's head was spinning because he couldn't keep up with everything that Wade saying. Until finally he caught the last sentence of Wade's rant.

"Did I get you pregnant, Peter?"

The sentence came out a lot calmer than the rest of the rant. Peter was actually taken aback by this. He was also scared. He wished he could ask his dads for help, but they were still on his list of unsolved problems. So Peter did the first thing that he could think of.

He hung up.


Ily bye!
