
Update for Civil War day!

Jk I'm not happy about this at all.

No spoilers! I haven't seen it yet (usually I would've)

The song above is called Friend, Please by Twenty Øne Pilots

It's very intense to listen to with this chapter so you should listen to it


Peter woke to the sound of high pitched crying. The more he woke from his drowsiness, the louder the screaming cries became. Peter groaned in annoyance.

"Peter?" Wade's voices drifted through the boy's ears. Peter hummed in response. "Wake up, babe."

"Wade," Peter heard his Dad hiss, "Let him sleep. He's probably exhausted."

"I know, but I really want to share this moment with him," Wade explained. Tony sighed, but understood.

Peter had managed to shake the drowsiness off and awake in the time of the short mini argument. Wade saw his boyfriend's beautiful brown eyes open to look at him and immediately beamed.

"You're so beautiful," Wade whispered softly. He didn't mean for that to come out, but it was true. Peter flushed.

"My stomach feels like a deflated balloon and I feel like I missed a week of sleep. I feel very far from beautiful," Peter jokes halfheartedly.

"That's why you have me to remind you," Wade grinned and placed a quick peck on his lips, "You're beautiful."

Peter just smiled and twisted his fingers in the blanket that was now laying around his waist.

"And you know what?" Wade asked causing Peter to look up, "I think the twins have your eyes.

Peter's eyes grew wide as his mouth hung slightly agap in excitement and shock.

"Where are they?" Peter asked so quick, he didn't even hear himself say it.

"In the other room," Wade smiled back so wide his cheeks hurt, "I'll go get them."

Wade popped up from his fold up chair that was beside Peter's recliner. By the time he got to the doorway, Tony and Steve were already walking in with the twins. Steve held the girl as Tony held the boy.

"They're just so cute!" Pietro gushed, rolling in behind the two husbands. Clint was right behind his lover, loving how much passion he held when talking about the newborns.

"You hear that, Clint?" Tony laughed, "I guess you and Pietro are next."

Clint's eyes grew as he stared at Tony like he just fell from the sky. Tony just laughed softly, carful not to shake the baby resting on his chest.

"Did you name them yet?" Peter asked Wade, reaching out for his babies when his parents got close enough.

"I was thinking of some, but I didn't want to name them without you," Wade replied, causing Peter to smile.

As the newborn twins were set in his arms, Peter couldn't help but think how lucky he was. He went through hell and was rewarded with not one, but two beautiful children. The babies immediately drifted into a content silence when Peter held them.

Peter didn't know which one to look at first so he just kept looking back and forth to the baby girl in his left arm and the baby boy in his right.

"They're beautiful," Peter sniffed, his voice cracking. He didn't even realize he was crying until he noticed his vision was blurrier than before.

"Aren't they?" Wade whispered softly, kneeling next to Peter. Peter just bit his lip and nodded.

"These are our kids, Wade," Peter whispered back in disbelief.

"They are," Wade laughed in a single breath.

"What were the names you came up with?"

"Either C-"

Wade's voice was cut off by a loud crashing sound. Crackling booms were heard as dark clouds materialized, floating out the floor boards and licking up the walls.

"Dad," Peter's voice was filled with panic as he subconsciously tightened his hold on the sleeping babies wrapped in old towels.

"Where's Bruce?" Tony asked, hiding the worry in his voice.

Pietro's fear stricken eyes were glued to the black silhouette that began materializing in the front door frame. He had hoped he'd never see this darkness again in his entire life. He didn't realize his arms were desperately searching for Clint until the hunter took hold of his hand, intertwining them tightly.

"Oh, no," Bruce breathed from where entered from the kitchen.

"I've come for my New Lifes," the dark silhouette of a man growled. "I see I've lucked out with two."

"You can't take them," Tony said, stepping in front of the younger couple and their newborns; his grandchildren.

Darkness chuckled deeply which sounded like a sick cracking. It ignored Tony, standing still and using the black fog surrounding their feet to take hold of his New Lifes.

The fog formed together as a corpse hand, clawing up to reach Peter. Peter let out a scared scream that only satisfied Darkness. However, Peter's scream chilled Tony to the bone and he worried that their plan didn't work. Darkness was taking the twins and killing Peter.

"What have you done?" Darkness growled, snapping his head towards Tony. His ghoulish claws couldn't obtain the souls of what was to be his New Lifes.

"I told you," Tony narrowed his eyes confidently, "You can't take them."

Steve grabbed his husband back by the arm pulling the stubborn brunette to him quickly to him when he sees the darkness around them began to swirl. Darkness let's out a shuddersome growl and it's six foot silhouette grows until it's towering at least eight feet tall.

"Anthony," it bellowed loudly, "You broke your promise to me. I saved your pathetic mortal son that wasn't strong enough to survive birth, and for what?"

Tony's mouth was dry, speechless, for once in his life. His back was pressed up against Steve's chest as he craned his neck upwards to still see where the large silhouette stopped.

"Your mistake is punishable by death," Darkness snarled and, immediately, the dark fog around them seemed thicker. They were choking on it.

Everyone except Peter and the babies were coughing and hacking, trying to get the thick gas out of their throats so they could breathe. Peter looked around in horror as Bruce leaned against a table to keep himself standing and his parents used each other. He saw something drop to the ground with a heavy thud in his peripheral.

"Wade!" Peter screamed, watching his boyfriend who dropped onto his knees. Wade just kept coughing, his vision going black.

Hearing Peter's scream once again snapped something inside of Tony as he tried to speak between coughs.

"St-stop. K-Kill me-e. No-the-hem."

The fog slowly lifted as air rushed rapidly into everyone's lungs.

"You're right, Anthony. I shouldn't leave empty handed," it growled.

A black cloud rose from the floorboards beneath Wade and began inching up his legs. The dark matter burned against his skin as it crawled higher and higher.

"No, please," Peter begged weakly upon hearing Wade's grunts of pain.

"You and your newborns were made Untouchables, so what choice do I have?" Darkness teased.

The black cloud fully surrounded Wade now, and suddenly, he dropped like a dead weight. As if the unnamed twins knew this, they began to cry in Peter's arms.

Peter looked down at his babies to make sure they were okay, and when he looked back towards Wade, he was gone. He disappeared into the dark abyss that was on the floor, stolen away from his life.

"Hey, you can't do that! It wasn't his fault!" Tony shouted angrily.

"And you can't take my New Lifes away from me, but you did. So, in turn, I guess your right. It wasn't his fault, it was yours."

Tony braced himself as he saw the dark fog crawling towards him.

"You took something from me, it's only fair I take something from you," it growled.

Tony was expecting the pain any minute now, to be struck dead, but it didn't come. Instead, he heard Peter cry put for his Pops and that's what caused to Tony to whip around to see Steve behind him.

The blonde was paralyzed, eyes wide as he stared directly at his husband. Black mist begins to crawl up Steve, seeping into his now pale skin.

Weakened, Steve stumbled back until he fell straight on his back. Tony's eyes widened in fear and he was sure his own heart wasn't beating anymore as he ran to Steve and kneeled by his side.

Steve's skin began to crack like ice and black liquid started to ooze out. Steve wants to cry out from all the pain, but can't move.

"Stop!" Tony cried, begging Darkness, "Why can't you just kill me!? This wasn't what he deserved!"

"But it's what you deserved," Darkness spoke calmly, his voice still shaking the room.

Tony shook his head stubbornly, quickly wiping his wet cheeks before looking back down at his dying husband. He heard Peter crying, but couldn't bring himself to step away from his husband to check on him.

"I love you, okay? Please, don't leave me," Tony sniffed, tentatively reaching out and carding his fingers through the blonde's still soft hair.

Suddenly, Steve's entire body went into a spasm as he began to shake, eyes rolling back in his head.

"What are you doing to him!?" Tony screamed, upset that Steve is in pain.

"I'm consuming his soul from the inside," Darkness snarled sadistically. "He's so pure. Makes me wonder how he came to love a man so tainted as you, Anthony."

More tears rolled down Tony's cheeks as he looks down at Steve's awful state. Black oozing from his cracked skin, eyes white, and body shaking as if having a seizure.

"I'm not scared of you," Tony says when he finally looked back up at the tall, dark silhouette.

"Oh, but Steven was. Scared he would lose his only son," Peter's head snapped up, sniffing.

"He was scared of losing you, Anthony. He was scared that," Darkness quieted as if reading Steve's thoughts right then, "Scared that you'd stop loving him."

Tony's mouth hung open a bit, causing Darkness to thunder a deep chuckle.

"How pathetic."

And with that, darkness left them.


You hate me.

Ily XD bye!
