Pieces-Tarantula 21


A week had passed with her and Stephen tolerating each other at best...or she tolerated him while he fought the urge to hold her. Yomeja was plain as milk, nothing about her was extravagant or over the top. The way she walked like she was on a catwalk, simple yet fierce, the way she'd give small smiles or chat with Clint in sign language, how she'd help Tony and Bruce or show Pietro new tricks.

Yet one thing she did that he loved...was sing. It'll be the most heartbreaking tune and so slow but he loved how at peace she was cooking and swaying to her own unheard tune. He loved how she'd fly around down the halls or stop in mid air, falling to catch herself right before she got hurt.

He understood why his stomach did flops.

Stephen loved how despite what he did she was nice to him, when he didn't deserve it but the main thing he enjoyed above all else...

Was seeing her head thrown back in laughter.

Stephen hated that he missed out on so much, yes he knew she hid from them for years but as least she created a bond with them...she was simply cordial with him. No inside jokes, or longing glances not even a taste of her lips yet as he watched them interact with her, he felt like he was being tortured held back  from the best pleasure.

"Your staring again," Bruce whispered to Stephen chuckling as the man fixed his love sick face and sat up trying to catch up on what he missed Yomeja explain.

"So if you go in from north east you'll get out safely hitting only the main points where information is hence...less battle," she explained looking at her notes on the wall with the blue print.

"You keep finding routes to where there's no battle," Tony mused aloud as he sat up shocked pulling Yomeja to him staring at her stomach.

"Tony!," Wanda chided as he held his ear to her stomach as she flapped her wings trying to break his hold.

"I hear a baby!," Tony yelled,"who did it? I was supposed to be first," he told them jabbing his thumb into his chest as Yomeja popped his ear he hissed.

"You hear coffee, I'm not pregnant and I'm too old to have kids," she told him stroking his head.

"Yomeja how old are you?," Stephen asked as she sat in the center of the table.

"Human years 185, goddess years 8,096," she told him making Thor's jaw drop.

"Your older than me by a few thousand," Thor boomed in shock.

"Yeah but I'm not pregnant right now so, no kiddies but you have missiony," she told them rhyming as she began getting their items ready for them to leave.

"You should talk to her," Natasha blurted out passing by Stephen.

" I'm afraid she'll kill me," Stephen replied.

"She'll kill you if you don't talk," Clint told him as the others patted his back trying to give comfort.

"So what do I say?," Stephen asked following them down the hall.

"Tell her you like tarantulas," Peter advised.


"I love tarantulas," Stephen blurted out to a confused Yomeja. Two weeks went by before they returned,each night they'd huddle together and read to her. Yomeja warned them to not call,so they'd be safe, but they refused the Avengers knew she had terrible night mares but reading helps her sleep all night. As they read to her Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark she drifted off, her large black pentagram blanket a huge contrast to their room but they loved seeing her. Her body completely relaxed, her thick long hair sticking out from her bonnet as she snored lightly are gave a little fart that Wanda squealed at as if it was adorable. Stephen watched too and every day he planned what to say to her.

Although he planned so well and started out with Peter's idea, he regretted it and wished he had planned his speech better during those two weeks away.

"That's...nice I guess, do you need help finding something?," she asked him confused.

"Yes...no, God this is hard," he mused aloud stopping as she patted his shoulder.

"Godess, god is a woman," she told him as she walked away he hung his head.

"Damn," Wanda stated from across the room putting her book down.

"In all honesty I think she just hates me," Stephen said throwing himself onto the couch as his other mates sat around him for comfort.

"She doesn't," Tony told him holding Stephen's hand in his.

"She doesn't want to approach you the wrong way," Peter blurted out them covered his mouth.

"Wait you've talked to her about this?," Vision asked as Peter shyly nodded his head yes.

"She's been sleeping in her room since Stephen sleeps with us...I hate it so..I decided to talk to her and she explained she didn't know how to talk to you," Peter explained.

"But I keep trying to talk to her she...doesn't care," Stephen told them sadness seeming to pour from his soulmark.

"Well...Yomeja doesn't know how to responded, you hated her not knowing who she was only that you were soulmates..and now you have a second chance," Peter explained.

"Yomeja is trying to think of a way to reject me without hurting you guys," Stephen told Peter,"she doesn't want to give me a second chance," yet Peter  shook his head.

"No, she's looking for ways to impress you...so you won't have a second chance to reject her," Peter told him shaking them to their core.

"She...thinks I'll reject her..again?," Stephen asked in surprise.

"Well you did it once I'll be terrified too," Clint stated.

"Is that why she won't sleep with us?," Tony asked as Peter nodded his head yes.

"Yomeja is very upset she's just...being brave," Peter explained wishing she didn't have to go through the pain.

"A date," Vision blurted out.

"He's right,Yomeja loves dates and flowers, maybe plan an outting for you two," Steve said throwing out an idea.

"But what would she like?," Stephen asked.

"Museums, she loves those places for some reason, or slave plantations she enjoys going there to honor slaves who died never knowing freedom or tried to," Bruce explained.

"Bad idea,she wouldn't want white people on a plantation,including us,"Thor told them.

"Right I forgot she says its disrespectful for us to be there since were white,"Vision stated as they looked at him,"my skin is red but my creators are white so she declares me as white," he explained causing them to chuckle except Strange.

"So...she likes..odd things, where does she usually go?," he asked.

"Any place that's open at night, she hates sunlight,"Pietro told him.

"Why?," Stephen asked glad to finally learn something about her, even though he wished it was from her lips, he still was happy to know.

"Yomeja is gothic, and she is a Goddess of the Moon, they got a personal beef ," Natasha told him.

"Your right she is gothic!," he yelled standing confusing them all," I had called her a gothic freak maybe it I show I'm ok with it she'll open up," he thought aloud rushing from the room confusing the others.

"A date was a better idea, she's going to laugh at him or find it offensive," Natasha told him as they snuggled together hoping for the best.


Yomeja looked at Stephen with a blank face. He wore black ripped jeans, a band tee and converse shoes, even a silver ring hung from his left ear.

"Hey...girl," he stated trying to sound relaxed and cool his eyes watched her as she sat on her black couch, in a fitting black sweater dress with black garter tights on her hair tossed about her head as she held a black snake in her hands.

"Friday...stop allowing people on my floor," Yomeja said sighing as she stood slowly trying not to upset the snake. Stephen's shoulders slumped as he went to leave feeling as if he was dismissed.

"D...Doctor..," Yomeja stated as he turned to face her,"come along with me." It was all he needed to hear as he followed behind the girl down her dark hallway as she gave a small chant the shaking door opened as he gasped. The room was dark with soft neon lights and plants and glass containers.

"I've...been wanting to talk to you," he began but a sharp shh silenced him.

"These snakes are venomous, this is Lil Mama, a black  mamba," she told him angling the snake to him in a way of greeting which caused him to smile," so just talk low some are sleep,"she explained placing the snake in her case gently.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had...so many pets," Stephen spoke low looking around the room.

"I love animals and I set them free in their respective area I found most that were wounded or pregnant," she explained," I don't let anyone see them they'll think I'm weird,"she explained laughing lightly.

"I don't think your weird," Stephen stated as her purple eyes met his green eyes.

"You think... I'm a freak," she replied her shoulders sagging,"if you're going to reject me do it already."

Stephen was taken aback by her words,Peter was right,she thought he'd repeat his mistake. His body moved on its own as he pulled her into his chest, squeezing her gently as electricity seemed to make his body hum. They sank to their knees from the pressure of their fear and uncertainty as his head rested on top of hers, he closed his eyes in comfort of finally experiencing what he gave away...peace.

"I never meant what I said to you," he told her after they sat in silence so long. The words were simple but full of regret, he walked away from an amazing woman and he knew he didn't deserve redemption but how sweet it felt to have this moment, even if she wouldn't let him stay this time.

"You didn't even look at me," she muttered.

"If I did...I wouldn't have been able to stay away," he replied.

"You left after Thanos," she added.

"I did your first surgery and I didn't feel deserving of forgiveness then," he told her softly,"I don't now."

Stephen grabbed her right hand, kissing her palm as he then kissed the back of her hand, the scar was mar to others, but on her it proved why she was called Goddess, she was willing  to sacrifice herself for them...for him. He saw the final and only way to kill Thanos but she altered it saving Tony and many others considering...

Thanos tore Tony in half and attacked them all. Yet she changed fate for them...maybe she'd do it again for him.

"I'm trying to get you to be open so I started by...showing you I don't think your a freak," Stephen explained earning him soft laughter.

"Just say that next time, don't try to steal my style," she teased popping his collar,"leave the goth to me."

Stephen stayed as she told the stories of her many snakes. It wasn't a big deal to her, but it was the most he ever heard her talk. Her eyes were bright her smile true as she slowly and unknowingly...

Made him fall in love with the potential of them.


Vote, comment, share and happy reading I will be updating QUEEN (T'challa Udaku) and bringing out

Strange Hearts (Logan/Ororo/OC soulmate) all my books crossover and characters meet each other. If you read my book Pink Skies or Beautiful Dreamer those 2 characters are in this book and Yomeja,Adianna,Makemba etc. Are in each others book I'm also going to release My Boy(John Wick). So please be patient with ya' boy.
